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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Wow, that's a lot of choices. Edit - I kind of hate this. Look what you've made me do! Full - SLOP 2 - 10 Full - Hobbs and Shaw - 8 Full - MiB: INTL - 6 Full - It 2 - 5 Full - Wick 3 - 4 Full - Once Upon a Time - 4 Full - Annabelle - 3 Full - Rocketman - 3 Full - Shaft - 2 Full - Poms - 2 Full - Ugly Dolls - 1 Full - Brightburn - 1 Full - Sun also a Star - 0.5 Full - Ma - 0.5 Everything on the list is serious except Brightburn, which will probably crash and burn but looks way too awesome to pass up.
  2. 20M: Annabelle - Mexico 40M: Avengers: Endgame – Russia 60M: Avengers: Endgame – Australia 80M: Avengers: Endgame – Brazil 100M: Avengers: Endgame – UK The 100M was by far the toughest. South Korea vs UK was really close.
  3. I'm afraid I have to agree. I liked the movie overall, but honestly I liked it more before the point where she just casually crashed through the Kree battleship at the end. Bear in mind that the huge climatic battle of GotG was the Guardians, Yondu's troop of Ravagers, and the Nova Corps' home defense forces collectively pitted against *one* of those ships. Both sides were so devastated at the end of the fight its hard to say if either side really won that aspect of it. CM, literally 5 minutes after discovering the full extent of her powers, went after *three* of those same ships. She wiped out their entire barrage of missiles, then blew up one of the battleships so quickly the other 2 didn't have time to react. That's a pretty gigantic amount of power, but on top of that, she wasn't even really exerting herself. Their weapons did little more than get her attention, and while blowing up the ship she more seemed to be having fun than being anywhere near reaching the limits of her abilities. Which, to me, retroactively made the stakes suddenly feel small. In that moment it became clear that no one we had seen at any point during the movie was capable of even slowing her down. When was the last time an MCU movie had the hero win the final, climactic battle in relatively trivial fashion? The only one I can think of is Iron Man 2, easily one of the worst MCU movies. It'd be like if Spiderman ended with him beating up some high school bullies. Sure, he gets to look cool doing it, but at no point is he at risk of losing which kinda takes all the drama away. Don't get me wrong, I did like the movie overall. I appreciated all the performances everyone else says were good (Larson, SLJ, Mendohlson, and especially Larson and SLJ's chemistry), I just left the movie feeling a little disappointed. I trust the Russos are going to do a great job with End Game and will work CM well into the story. However, I'm concerned about the series going forward. I mean, seriously, what team with Captain Marvel really needs Hawkeye and Black Widow? That point was already an issue, only mitigated by Hulk having an enormous amount of baggage, and Thor not really being around much (because he's from another planet and has responsibilities across the Nine Realms). CM is *from* Earth, she doesn't lose her temper and have to be restrained from destroying cities, and she just spent the entire CM movie overcoming her psychological issues (lack of memory, Kree-brainwashing, sexist nay-saying) so that's probably not going to be too much of a stumbling block, either. The movie did a nice job of establishing her, and it certainly did NOT make her a Mary Sue. But it did leave her gigantically powerful and notably lacking in flaws or vulnerabilities going forward which is kind of unfortunate. I mean... they just did her origin story. Do they do the further character development in the next one?
  4. Predicting the future is freaking ludicrously hard ahead of time and really, really easy to do after-the-fact. Not putting your money where your mouth is *ahead of time* matters a lot.
  5. Kitty and Mendohlson this film has in spades. After giving it some thought, I've actually revised my (non-spoiler) thought that Mendohlson *isn't* the best part of the movie. He's absolutely terrific, but the *real* star of the show are the FX people who did the de-aging on SMJ. The CGI elsewhere in the movie is fine, but the work done making Fury 20+ years younger was mind-blowing for me.
  6. Its funny. We had a bunch of family/Christian-themed trailers: A Dog's Journey Wonder Park Dumbo Shazam Run the Race Breakthrough Then the *Dreamworks* logo came up and it started playing HTTYD3. We got about a minute into it, the screen suddenly went black for a minute, and then the Disney logo came up and the movie actually started. Was kinda weird and the second time that's happened. When we went to the Wonder Woman premier they accidentally started the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie instead before realizing their mistake and running the correct movie. I have to say, the audience really got into the Stan Lee-centric Marvel opening.
  7. Yep. Bcf26, Infernus and I all went 14/15 in the last summer game, though none of us were even close to the 1.9m score.
  8. Congrats to Simionski! A fantastically played game and one of the beat DOM results, ever. Really, really well some!
  9. I agree with the assessment of it being mid-tier MCU. Nowhere near as good as the really strong ones (IM, GotG) but much better than the weak ones (Hulk, IM2, Thor: DW). Very comparable to the CA:FA, Spider-Man tier. We can quibble on where exactly the quality lines should be drawn, but I’d be surprised if the consensus puts it anywhere else.
  10. SotM totals (1 through 11, including the make-up): Sheikh - 660k BobDole - 610k WrathOfHan - 549k Wrath - 527k Zeesoh - 480k Glassfairy - 435k Simionski - 434k Fancyarcher - 426k Panamovie - 426k Kaymanggi - 380k Chasmmi - 347k aabattery - 265k JJ-8 - 213k bcf26 - 109k (tragically, this was 302k prior to SotM 11 and the Make-up) MikeHunt - -352k Most of the Sotm didn't really move the totals in a big way. For example, #5 (the fantasy draft one), the entire range (of the people who played) was 112k to 66k, so the best to worst spread was only 46k. I mean, if you consistently did well on the SotMs it added up to a respectable total, but with one exception you couldn't just crush a few and then be set despite cruising. The one that really had a big impact was #3 (the Oscar prediction one). 240k at the top to -50k at the bottom for a 290k spread was a big swing. The 4 people who really did well on #3 were Sheikh, BobDole, WrathOfHan (who finished #1,2, and 3 in the SotMs) and aabattery who basically stopped doing the SotMs after that but still turned in a semi-respectable score.
  11. I agree, that part of the movie felt like Lee was personally lecturing me rather than showing me a movie, so the speak. And I say this as someone who genuinely considered Klansman the best film of the nominated list (though I picked Green Book to actually win in my betting pool. Got 16 out of however many, which was enough to win).
  12. Going 2 for the last 2 and then the near miss with Hidden Figures is pretty impressive.
  13. On the one hand, that does seem weird. On the other hand, movies can have a LOT of producers. Green Book had 5 producers, a co-producer, and 5 more executive producers. Octavia Spencer is great and all, but there probably just wasn't room to let Green Book have all 11 producers of various sorts sit in the audience. Bohemian Rhapsody had 10 if you include Singer.
  14. I don't get your point. Look, you'd have to be blind not to think racism isn't still an issue in the US. Heck, I *live* in Charlottesville, I didn't see the fighting in August (we wisely left town for the day) but I did see the hundreds of assholes marching and chanting with their torches the night before. I know Tim Heaphy, the guy who wrote the report on why things turned out so badly and where the mistakes happened in the chain of command. People forget that about 6 weeks prior to the fighting there was an actual KKK march in Charlottesville and it was freaking comical. Like 30 KKK guys showed up, all in their 60s and 70s. The police had to protect THEM from the crowd of like 2,000 counter-protesters (who ended up getting tear-gassed because they refused to disperse for HOURS after the KKK guys left). On the other hand, you'd also have to be blind to not think race relations have improved since the early 1970s. Not only does the KKK not have any power, they're literally a joke. When the police commit acts of racial brutality, tens of thousands of people protest and its on nationwide news instead of being swept under the rug and instantly forgotten. The world is a very different place.
  15. I agree with pretty much all of this. I think if Hidden Figures was a 2018 movie (honestly, a relatively weak year for best pic nominees) it probably would have won. It just had the bad fortune to be in 2016 and against Moonlight, Manchester by the Sea, and even La La Land any of which, imo, would have been the front-runner against this year's crop.
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