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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Ok, its time to get started. I see this getting edited repeatedly over the next week, but have to have something posted before it can get edited, so here we go. A: Domestic top 15: 1) Mary F-ing Poppins - 342M 2) Grinch - 220M 3) Ralph 2 - 212M 4) Fantastic Beasts - 210M 5) Aquaman - 198M 6) Glass - 164M 7) Lego 2 - 134M 😎 Bumblebee - 120M 9) Bohemian - 114M 10) Creed 2 - 90M 11) Nutcracker - 77M 12) Spiderman - 71M 13) Widows - 66M 14) The Mule - 61M 15) Vice - 57M Backup 16*) Green Book - 57M *Only used if a film above exits the game B: Top 7 Domestic OW: 1) Fantastic Beasts - 68M 2) Grinch - 62M 3) Glass - 58M 4) Aquaman - 56M 5) Mary F-ing Poppins - 47M 6) Lego 2 - 44M 7) Train Your Dragon 3 - 42M Backup 8*) Ralph 2 - 40M *Only used if a film above exits the game 😄 Worldwide top 12: 1) Fantastic Beasts - 785M 2) Mary Poppins - 655M 3) Bumblebee - 615M 4) Ralph 2 - 532M 5) Aquaman - 525M 6) Glass - 305M 7) Lego 2 - 260M 😎 How to Train Your Dragon 3 - 225M 9) Nutcracker - 215M 10) Alita: Battle Angel - 210M 11) Spidey-Verse - 190M 12) Mortal Engines - 175M Backup 13*) Creed 2 - 170M *Only used if a film above exits the game 😧 Multipliers 1) Mary F-ing Poppins 2) Ralph 2 3) Grinch 4) Spider Man 5) Green Book backup 6*) The Mule *Only used if a film above exits the game E: RANDOM FREE QUESTIONS RFQ1: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones domestically by the end of the game: A: 50M Green Book B: 100M Creed 2 😄 150M Glass 😧 200M Aquaman E: 300M Mary F-ing Poppins RFQ2: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones Worldwide by the end of the game: A: $1.5B Fantastic Beasts B: $1B Fantastic Beasts 😄 800M Fantastic Beasts 😧 600M Bumblebee E: 400M Glass RFQ3: Predict the top grossing film of each month: A: November - Grinch B: December - Mary F-ing Poppins 😄 January - Glass 😧 February - Lego 2 E: Highest Grossing Best Picture Nominee (Doesn't need to have been released in the Winter Game Window) - Black Panther
  2. Thank you for doing this! Nice! My plan of global domination via total bingo coverage proceeds well. One minor correction: I think I have a 5th place finish, not a 6th place finish in the combined. edit - Also, I think you forgot to give Infernus credit for this win in the combined total. edit2 - Also, also, your impressive consistency in 8th place finishes borders on the superhuman. Also, also, also you’re one of just 3 people with 6 top 10 finishes (and no one has more)!
  3. Pineapple Express is a weird movie. Its like half a pretty good stoner comedy and then suddenly is half a surprisingly dark and gory shoot-out action flick. Then it goes back to stoner comedy for the last 5 min. Isn’t it pretty much the movie that launched Danny McBride’s career? That might be the best thing it has going for it. Red, the slightly scary, affable, oddly clingy, and completely unkillable drug dealer, was a genuinely good character. My head cannon says he was a minor supervillain who’s heart just wasn’t into it.
  4. Wait, didn’t he know they were there? I thought part of the awkwardness was that, at the start, its clear to everyone Peter is essentially stalking them. That movie has some terrific parts. Paul Rudd kills it, Kristen Wiig as the star-struck yoga instructor(“Its not a competition. Its not. But if it was, you’d be winning.”) the puppet musical at the end, and the musical lament “Peter you suck, Peter you suck, Peter you don’t do anything of value...” Its not a great movie, but its a really good one.
  5. Was kind of a blah year. Everyone had to put SOMETHING 15th, and this was as good a choice as any.
  6. This managed to get just a little bit of buzz going at the beginning of the summer, but now its all gone. It still has time to get things going again, but right now it feels like it just shriveled.
  7. Amazing work by chasmmi and JJ8. Truly spectacular scoring, and I hope with physical therapy and a finger transplant, chasmmi will be functional in time for the winter game! Also, much respect to Infernus and WrathofHan. You both played extremely well and either of you deserved a win. Bad luck to WrathOfHan, but 2nd isn't bad. Infernus, congradulations. Well done.
  8. I know in my head that the scoring is always going to be close at the end, but as well as I know that, my gut is always, always surprised at just HOW close the scoring always ends up being. Its really quite astonishing. Edit - When people joke during the preseason about how important 10k points will be at the end (despite final scores in the 4-5M range), its always amazing how it turns out they're not joking.
  9. Nice work on the reveals! I do, however, have a bold prediction to make. Mike and Alfred have had some great runs in the top 3. There are some strong competitors yet to come, but, as well as WrathOfHan and Infernus played, neither of them has any chance at all of even coming close to Mike Hunt and The Dark Alfred's run of reveals in the top 3. I'm 100% sure of this.
  10. So, aproposof nothing, was thinking about the movie Storks. I liked it and thought it deaerved better at the box office, but they key was the wolf pack. I’d argue they’re some of the most underrated supporting characters ever.
  11. Looking good for Furiosa. The rampage may continue.
  12. Wow. It doesn't even have a wikipedia entry. That's going deep.
  13. I see what you're saying and understand your frustration, but the problem then becomes one of complexity. The results have to be accessible to the people playing. If you can't see how you're doing without paying for a subscription, then that's a problem. And pointing people to "lots of good sites" isn't really helpful unless they all report exactly the same data the same way. If there's any variance at all in what they report, then suddenly scoring becomes a free-for-all. Which site is correct? Some people might do better with the results from one site and others might do better with results from another site, leading to even worse problems. In a nutshell, that's why we standardized on BOM. There has to be a single standard, and BOM is well known, accessible, and easy to use. Changing it to one that's better for your score, during the post-season scoring, IMO isn't the right way to go about it because it risks coming across as self-serving. That having been said, its not my game, I'm happy to stand by any rule-decision chasmmi and JJ8 decide is the way they want to go.
  14. You guys are running it so its up to you, but the rule has always been to use BOM as the source for nimbers. Not because its perfect so much as its consistent, broadly known and easily accessible.
  15. If Nutcracker actually does 80m, that's gotta be a screaming disaster. I think it'll open more in the low-mid 30s and do like 120m, which won't be great but will at least be ok. Edit - Anyone know what the budget is? I assume its like 120-ish.
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