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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Just watched it. Definitely the weakest MCU in a long time. Worst one since Iron Man 2 maybe? It's right up there in pointlessness. It doesn't work on a narrative level and there's no action / setpieces to enjoy. You need at least one of these as a minimum. There is 0 justification for Wanda suddenly becoming a villain. There should have been at least some build-up to her turning bad. Are we seriously meant to believe that 'dreaming about having children' would drive her to mass murder? Also why are we meant to be invested in Strange and Christine when, as far as I can remember, Strange has literally never made any reference to her since the 2016 film?
  2. its a complete shame that Disney has abandoned cinemas for Pixar films. From Toy Story 2 up to Toy Story 4 (which is like 18 films or so) I saw every Pixar film in the cinema; whereas I'm probably never gonna watch any pixar film on streaming cause watching movies at home is garbage (soul / onward / turning red, etc). if these movies were at the bare minimum a simultaneous release, i'd watch them all...
  3. This was a proper Batman film, POSSIBLY the best batman film. I felt so invested in everything that was happening. Was really intense. Gotham felt completely alive in a way that I've not seen on screen before. A feeling of dread throughout the film and Batman being weaker, made it more compelling than the other movies imo. This reminded me quite a lot of the Arkham games and in a good way. All the performances are great, particularly Paul Dano screaming into his phone, was v good. Zoe Kravitz (who I dont think I've seen in anything else) was superb at balancing the sensuality & ferocity of Catwoman. RPatz was amusing doing twilight 2.0. There are a few small issues that took me out of the film, like: - After waking up from a coma, how on earth is Alfred able to give a motivational speech? - Selina got over her ex pretty fucking quickly??? The technical aspects of the film like everyone has already said are near flawless, but that isn't enough to carry a film; I really really really enjoyed seeing this depiction of Batman in terms of his character and how he acts. I found the mafia stuff slightly confusing at times but overall this was the most enjoyable superhero film since Endgame. Also I thought the runtime would put me off; I wouldn't now say it needed to be 3 hours but it didn't bother me at all.
  4. looking at his disaster back catalogue, i think as a general rule, the campier / dafter the film, the more enjoyable it is. so: Godzilla - bad Independence Day - good The Day After Tomorrow - bad White House Down - good 2012 - bad Moonfall - good
  5. I enjoyed this. I know nothing about the games, other than that people were pissed off about the casting of the two main characters. It definitely takes a while to stop thinking that it's Spider-man, but by the end Spider-man had completely left my mind. Both Tom & Mark do their usual shtick but it's charismatic. Same can't be said for the female lead "Chloe". I have no idea what accent she was trying to do. British? Australian? Her nationality changed from line to line, it was amusing. Also, I think Tom Holland must have demanded in his contract that he must spend minimum 50% of the film with his shirt off. It's light and fun. Some of the action is ridiculous in a bad way (e.g. the skydiving scene in the trailer, where his feet appear to be gravity boots, completely un believable). Some of the action is ridiculous in an entertaining way, where it completely leans in to its videogame background. A lot of the film is very by-the-numbers mediocre, but I honestly enjoyed it while it was playing. The last twenty minutes or so was so enjoyable that I'm now going to try the games out. Way more fun than the new Tomb Raider; it doesn't take itself too seriously. I will probably have forgotten everything that happened in it by the end of the week, but right now it gets a thumbs up from me. Also - was surprised by the showing being packed out. Thought this would be DOA. Won't be topping WARCRAFT that's for surebut might actually be a hit?
  6. i genuinely do not understand the hate that I've seen for this. Is this really over skin colour? It's not even set in the same universe as the films, right?
  7. this is like, "a roland emmerich movie, but good". Last half hour is batshit nuts. I really enjoyed it.
  8. What is actually the point of this show? Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it. But TBH I was enjoying the first few episodes a lot more, seeing Boba in new territory and having to make decisions. Literally don't understand why this show even exists when they clearly are only interested in the Mandalorian. Like why go to the effort of producing this show instead of just making Mando S3?
  9. You are right ! I couldn't think of any films which had weaker legs but I'm being an idiot, of course both SW sequels did. My bad
  10. Why does this prove Multiverse of Madness be huge? For one thing we know almost nothing about it. And Doctor Strange is a way less popular character/franchise than Spiderman.
  11. The Force Awakens should have been extremely frontloaded but still managed to reach almost 4x multiplier to $930M. That was the same weekend. No personally I doubt it will beat Endgame but its correct to say that it's a possibility. Endgame is only a 3.4x multiplier, which would be record(?) low for a 50m OW in December. With the holiday season & no competition, it's very possible.
  12. This definitely cements Tom Holland AS spider-man imo. Having all three together solidified that for me. Andrew is ofc the better actor but Holland just suits the role so much better than either of the other two. I watched half of it on opening night and then again in full on Friday; evening showing which was sold out in the largest auditorium... no one cheering or gasping... no one even laughed at the Scientist Myself gag. wtf. Second time around the film definitely drags a bit. It doesn't need to be 2.5 hours long, even with the large cast. I liked doctor strange a lot more than normal. (prior to this I'd say he is the worst main character in the MCU) The grave scene at the end makes no sense. I get that in any time travel type film there needs to be suspension of disbelief, but I still think it needs internal logic. How can Happy "know May Parker through Spider-Man" if he doesn't know who Spider-Man is? This really bothered me. Every scene feels like it's a green screen, regardless of context. Attack of the Clones level. Every location feels artificial. All the action scenes are poor, there's no sense of physicality, no heft to the swinging or movements. The ending battle is impossible to know which spiderman is which. (And a lot of scenes throughout the film were really dark. I wondered if there was something up with the projector but i think it was the film. hard to see what was happening in some parts.) Tobey aside, the acting all around is good but I feel like doc ock and green goblin still didn't get enough screen time. Much like the other 2 MCU spideys, I think it's just mediocre. It's fine, it passes the time. C
  13. cinema is not dead yet ❤️ I didnt actually think the film was that good but it's wonderful to see proper big numbers for the first time in 2 years.
  14. well that sucked.. was enjoying the first hour and half or so, then I had a panic attack. so left the cinema and went home. disappointing ill be back to see it at the weekend hopefully i watch the whole thing. audience seemed to be enjoying it, there were quite a few cheers and claps (and having now read the rest of the plot on wikipedia, sounds like we hadn't even got to the good part...)
  15. i'm stunned at how busy it is, especially considering it's a week day and not even a school holiday. Looks busier than Bond at least where I am in Milton Keynes right now.
  16. Spider-verse in the cinema (at least in 2D) was like having a seizure. The fake 3D effect was legit painful, it made my eyes physically hurt. Something which I dont remember happening in pretty much any other film. So yeah I don't like that film at all. Maybe its better on a small TV screen but when I saw it, I hated the experience.
  17. 1. Spider-Man 2 2. Spider-Man 3. Spider-Man 3 4. Amazing Spider-Man 5. Spider-Man: Far from Home 6. Spider-Man: Homecoming 7. Amazing Spider-Man 2 8. Into the spider-verse. ASM2 and spiderverse are the only ones that I haven't enjoyed at least on some level. Though I have a feeling that if I rewatched ASM2 I might like it for its stupidity. Havent seen it since it released. Imo none of the spider-man films are that great, we are still waiting for a truly great spider-man movie. (And it probably wont be this next one)
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