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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. why would godzilla v kong have done 100M OW pre covid? is that the calculation we use now? Whatever something grossed in pandemic times, multiply it by 2 to get the "real" figure? what nonsense...
  2. Ah. Didn't realise that. Thanks. Yeah that's a lot worse
  3. Why is everyone so negative about $6.3m previews? That's 20% higher than Spectre... ($5.2m previews) which opened to 70m... ?
  4. You don't need to have seen any of them imo. The film works on its own.
  5. yeah my cineworld had 35 mins of adverts for the film, really taking the piss tbh.
  6. Is that true? Both Shang-Chi and Black Widow grossed 170-200M. They should have been significantly higher than that pre-covid. Fast & Furious 9 still had a reasonable drop from previous installments. Cruella grossed less than Dumbo and imo had a lot more going for it. Conjuring & Purge both dropped by 30-40% from previous films. Family films in particular seem to be really struggling: Boss Baby 2 dropped by 70% from the first film. Peter Rabbit dropped by 65% from the first film. Jungle Cruise completely flopped (imo it was on track to do well before pandemic) In fact, the only films that seem to have performed on par with what they would have done pre-pandemic, are Quiet Place 2, Godzilla v Kong, and Space Jam 2... two of which are Warner Bros releases. Not to mention the international box office has absolutely not recovered, all the films mentioned above did very badly overseas.
  7. Halloween was a strong hit but calling it the biggest horror movie of all time is really pushing it... wasn't even the biggest horror movie that year
  8. OK My bad, I thought you were talking about the second one, I misread your post / your point
  9. I don't see any evidence that people disliked The Suicide Squad though? What metrics are there to back this up? imdb, RT audience reviews, cinemascore all show that audience generally enjoyed it.
  10. Why did The Suicide Squad fail so badly? Only $55m 😮 Venom 2 making more in its OW than Suicide Squad did in its whole run? Despite suicide squad being sequel to a 300m movie. WTF happened there?
  11. This is really good for cinemas. Person I went to see it with hadn't been to the cinema since pre-pandemic either.
  12. Man I feel baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I just told my parents how impressed i was by the ending, that they actually killed Bond. And my dad just quietly says, "Oh... I'm going to see it next week, you've just ruined it". Like DAD YOU LITERALLY HAVEN'T WATCHED A FILM IN THREE YEARS, HOW WAS I MEANT TO KNOW THAT?? I thought this was FANTASTIC and extremely enjoyable. It's the first Bond film I've genuinely enjoyed and been excited about. So much more fun than Spectre or Snorefall but also more moving when it needs to be. Though I didn't feel invested in the death of Freddie or whatever his name was. Didn't even realise he was in previous movies. Rami Malek was really bad and the villain's background/reasoning was poor, I know that's par for the course for these films but the fact he doesn't even get involved in the film until like the last hour just kind of sucks. I did take issue with the ageing of the characters too... Madeline is like 30, and under 10 in the first scene? So it's been about 20 years. While Malek's character (wow, dont even know his name and I finished watching the film only an hour ago) is under 40, so like... how old was he at the start? Teenager? Certainly didn't look or sound like one. Malek aside, all the actors are very engaging and I thought this was a really good performance from Daniel Craig. Ana De Armas was funny. The 007 Woman was good even though the constant jabbing at the 'sexist' bond fans was annoying. All the action scenes are great, the opening one in particular, but also the lab heist and the Cuba scenes & the end. The song sucks. I saw it with my mate, he is a Bond superfan, I am not really a fan of the franchise/movies; we both thought it was great. Hopefully that bodes well for the general audience.
  13. wtf how is this out? time flies. i literally haven't seen any adverts at all, only found out it was released since i looked to see what was on this week at cinema I go away from this forum for a few months and I lose all film knowledge
  14. Was thinking about why I didn't laugh much at the jokes even though I think they are well done... And it occurred to me that may just be because of the audience. I saw it on a huge screen in the evening but There were only 3 people in the cinema. Laughter really requires other people to work. I think if you saw this with a busy audience then there would be laughs left right and centre.
  15. I felt there were parts of the middle section and the last act which were boring and did nothing at all for me. 😕
  16. Wow that's very high, you're right! I just looked at RT front page and the top critics are what have 3 stars. I don't know what they saw in the film then. Wish I had enjoyed it that much!
  17. Probably the same reason that every other Marvel film gets similar very high RT scores. They are widely crowd-pleasing movies that have almost nothing you can "hate" about it. It's fine. Like I said i enjoyed it enough. I just wish it had been more than that, as I really loved GOTG. It feels a lot like a Marvel film, just with swearing and some comic gore. As far as I can tell, critics are hardly swooning over it; most of the reviews I can see on RT are 3 stars, not 4-5 stars.
  18. I enjoyed it but it is kind of the same as every other superhero film. Had hoped it would be a bit different and funnier. Though there are definitely some good gags, particular some good visual laughs. Most of the character interactions are good. King shark is a particular joy. (though I was kicking myself when in the end credits I discovered whose voice it was, and for not realising...) just felt a bit flat. And it really drags in parts, definitely would be better if it was shorter. Villain was even weaker than like the elf from Thor 2. Though some of the other "dark" characters were v good. Birds of prey is still the best DC film of recent years.
  19. Sitting in the cinema now waiting for it to start. Haven't seen any ads/trailers or reviews so have no expectations. Hoping it's better than the dogshit previous one..
  20. yep heavy rain in the summer is always good for box office 😁
  21. I watched this last night, really enjoyed it. The other ppl in the cinema also seemed to enjoy it, lots of laughs mixed in with the nasty crunchy action.
  22. Bumblebee had no big names but was still a modest success and it showed people there was still life left in this franchise. Giving the franchise a clean slate can be a good thing.
  23. After 20 years and what, 15 hours of this franchise, that tank-on-the-road sequence in number 6 is still the only thing I can remember from any of these movies.
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