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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Nice to be back in the cinema. This was better than the abysmal King of the Monsters but still has many of its problems i.e. zero interesting characters or reasons to feel invested, and bad CGI fest fighting scenes. There's no sense of weight or size like in Godzilla 2014. Hollow Earth scenes would be cool and have some awe if it weren't for the bad CGI. The kids & Brian Tyree Henry side-plot served no purpose and I dont understand why its in the film. I was very conscious throughout the film that I had no clue what any of the characters' names were. How are we meant to be even slightly interested in what's going on? At least you can actually see what is happening most of the time, unlike KOTM.
  2. I'm really impressed with this opening. Really glad to see a film succeed in the disastrous times we're in.
  3. It should still hook you though. Was so bored for the whole thing I just started a rewatch of Breaking Bad aka Greatest TV Series Ever, and the first episode sets thing in motion while being extremely gripping
  4. That was a... misfire, to say the least. Really poor storytelling, felt like Iron Man 2 with the references and trying to set things up. Nothing in it was interesting in the slightest. Really disappointing for MCU on TV format. Don't think I will watch further episodes.
  5. LOL what. Now that would be a movie worth watching. @charlie Jatinder - I didn't realise it was 2 years after. Timescale wasn't clear but it seemed to be pretty soon after his death since everyone is mourning.
  6. Really enjoyed the first 3 hours. Cared about the characters, scenes of action & interaction were strong. Going into more depth with Flash and particularly Cyborg really elevated it. Cyborg goes from being the least interesting part of the original, to the best part of this version. The character stories are strong. The religious element with Superman is really great, that's something that clearly Zack Snyder had on the agenda for "his" justice league, and with it being a recurring theme through the movie, I thought it really worked. On the bad side: The action scenes are easily the worst part. No weight or physicality or even general physics to them. Just feel like a videogame cut scene. Extremely boring and difficult to pay attention to what's happening. Steppenwolf is shite. Like.... Thanos, this ain't. Embarrassing CGI and he is just so generic. The last 10 minutes are nothing more than fan fiction and got no idea why it's in the movie. Music was good. Some of the performances were poor. Ben Affleck never seemed like Batman, just Ben Affleck in a Batman costume. Jared Leto is beyond awful. Ezra Miller is annoying. It's a real shame that the last hour is so bad. I watched the film in two parts - I watched for around 3 hours, and took a break just before they left Gotham (or whatever city they were in). The first part that i watched, I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Unfortunately the third act is just as bad as the original theatrical cut, and it ruins the good 3 hours before it. 😕 Side note: Why does Lois Lane have a pregnancy test in her apartment? Should we expect mini-Supe?
  7. Cinemas are gonna be more or less empty until Christmas at the earliest.
  8. He is one name in a large cast, and he's not a household name. Don't think the film would be badly affected. Like all 2020 films Death on the Nile is doomed to flop anyway. Defo no reason to change the film or cut him out or whatever.
  9. that's literally a cartoon drawing of President Xi. What the hell are you on about lmao I didn't know that, that's interesting. I was specifically talking about mass shootings though and research like this - https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/mass-shootings-increasing-harvard-research/# Seems to show that mass shootings have occurred much more rapidly since the 21st century. IMO, people who are racist, or have other xenophobic beliefs, have felt increasingly under attack in the last 10+ years, and felt isolated, which causes them to act with this violence.
  10. I didn't even say America was good, but the suggestion that China is "no worse than the US" just shows a complete lack of awareness. Yes I may be wrong that identity politics create division, that's my opinion but whatever.
  11. How is that "blatantly racist"? China is the only remaining communist power in the world. It's the largest, richest, most powerful nation, and yet it still has elements of dictatorship and tyranny; it has concentration camps; it has a State that controls its media and its corporations. China is extremely powerful and has a massive impact on the US (along with the rest of the world). Those aren't "rAcISt LiEs" that's just the reality.
  12. Plz excuse my ignorance but when has Trump attacked Asian communities or individuals? Apart from criticising "chiyna". I think social media and millennial/GenZ's pushing of identity politics is what has created division. The idea that everyone is different based on their nationality, skin colour, sexuality, etc. and it's "Us v Them", this is what encourages people to hate each other. Mass shootings have only really escalated in the last decade or so I think? In the 70s, 80s, 90s etc you guys in America did not have anywhere near the level of shootings and hate crimes that happen today. And this awful trend did not start during the Trump presidency, but during Obama presidency. It's very easy to just blame Trump for everything bad in America but I don't think it is true, or useful, to say. The problems run much deeper and are far more complex than that.
  13. hoping this will get a theatrical release when cinemas open in june. fuck PVOD, long live cinemas.
  15. Currently, the reissue, which will go out on most of the IMAX network and in 3D (formats that are embraced in China) is leading pre-sales for the FSS weekend with nearly RMB 8.8M ($1.35M) as of 5PM Thursday local time. https://deadline.com/2021/03/avatar-china-reissue-pre-sales-avengers-endgame-global-record-1234711405/
  16. If a movie is more than 18 months away, it gets put in on the lot. HYPE FOR TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMING FOR YOU THANOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. this nontroversy about removing boobs from a cartoon rabbit is so funny. how are people actually upset at this? for real
  18. love taylor swift as a musician but she should learn to take a joke... someone shows her a tv episode that jabs at her and she takes to twitter to complain lol also calling netflix 'not woke enough' for insulting her while ignoring all the problematic softcore porn shows on netflix?? like taylor swift's ego is the embodiment of women?
  19. Avengers Endgame sold 300+ million tickets in box office. Disney+ currently has 95 million subscribers. They haven't even cracked one third of the potential Marvel audience, let alone the wider audience for other movies/shows. Don't really see why they would hit a ceiling soon. Netflix has had the same rate of growth for 7 years and it will continue in the same upward direction. Don't see why Disney+ can't do a similar growth.
  20. Netflix hasn't been interested in sequels in like... ever? That's just part of their business model. Aside from their #1 show, they cancel every single TV show after 2 seasons, max 3, even if it's popular. Their business model doesn't benefit from continuing successful IPs, it instead relies upon making new, new, new, and more new content. Not sure what your point is with mulan/ww84. Like I saiid they were not straight-to-streaming, they were premium VOD, there is a huge difference. The overwhelming majority of audience clearly are not willing to pay $30 for a movie at home.
  21. Good news or bad news isn't going to change anything. If a studio wants to release a major film in 2021, the film WILL be released on streaming. Whether it's released March or December, it will be on streaming. IMO there is no decision of "Going to theaters vs. going streaming/hybrid". It's "Release it streaming this year, or delay it another year for potential full theatrical release" And do you think disney wants to release Black Widow this year, or delay it another year? It will soon be 2 whole years, 24 months, of no MCU films. (Which feels crazy!) I would imagine Disney wants to keep the MCU audience actively engaged. So I think they will release it sooner rather than later. Black Widow can be utilised as the first "premium" blockbuster film to be released to Disney+, could be really effective in getting people subscribed to the service. I would bet there are a lot of MCU fans/audience who haven't got Disney+ but would subscribe for an Avengers related movie. (I am one of them.. I'm letting my Disney+ subscription expire next week, but I would re-sub for Black Widow)
  22. Those movies were paid for VOD. Netflix has been quite happy spending $100m+ on production budgets and they continue to do so. They clearly believe they get a good return on their investment. I don't think cinemas are going anywhere though. Netflix & co. were massively mainstream and "in every household" BEFORE covid and box office sales in 2019 were just as strong as they were 10 years ago before streaming. Covid is the only reason cinemas have struggled, I really don't believe the competition from streamers has had any real impact.
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