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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. How on earth was 3D that high? Just a matter of spillover to 3D from sold out 2D showings?
  2. The best thing about this weekend has been knowing that not every huge blockbuster has to be a samey superhero movie.
  3. Elessar - yes, Rth can make mistakes. No analyst is perfect. But the fact that he is kind enough to give us access to numbers long before Deadline or THR or anyone else, is worthy of respect. When I first joined the forum I didn't understand the praise he got, but I have since realised that 9 times out of 10, he is pretty much spot on. As baumer said, this is a forum for people who are interested in box office, and having exclusive access to early box office numbers is really neat.
  4. The film was scaring both adults and children in my showing. My mum who was sitting next to me was seriously scared and uncomfortable, which is a great reaction for a 12A/PG13 popcorn blockbuster, imo. I'm glad it is scaring people: CGI can do anything these days and people seem to be less moved/affected by CGI. It shows how well the effects are used, when it's causing this reaction in some people.
  5. Biggest box office surprise ever? Um, I don't think so. It's not even the biggest box office surprise this year.
  6. . That scene made me jump. Yeah, caused several children to cry and leave the movie.
  7. Several kids had to be taken out of my screening last night by their parents. I think some parents forget just how scary the original Jurassic Park movies are.
  8. But it's then embarrassing if they announce the all time record on Sunday, then the actuals come out and they were wrong. Better safe than sorry.
  9. If the movie hasn't broken the record then I don't want Universal to fudge the numbers.
  10. I just looked through all the lists and I believe I was highest with 374M. I may have misread someone's though. I don't think it makes a difference since I had Avengers above JW anyway.
  11. You're not alone. I was thinking around 175-180M for the OW on Thursday, but I dropped it all the way down to 130 as the Americans on the board were all predicting 100-125, and I figured they are more likely to be right given that I don't live in the US. But oh well, it's just numbers don't worry too much about it.
  12. 2015 is going to have 4 movies that join the top 5 all time worldwide, has this ever happened before?
  13. You can't edit your signature unless you have a premium account.
  14. I don't see how that's different for reserved or unreserved seating.
  15. But every online trailer and advert has "Book your tickets at Fandango!" is Fandango/Movietickets a niche service? Because it never seems like that to me.
  16. I don't understand why anyone would not book their tickets online, especially for a big movie opening weekend. These people complaining about the lines are braindead.
  17. All of the scenes with the raptor heads were clearly animatronic. There were several slower scenes with Indominus that were animatronic. And then there's the brachiosaurus scene. There were probably some that I missed, I can't remember the whole movie you know.
  18. I feel like you are being deliberately ignorant. There was lots of animatronic use in the movie, and if you couldn't see that then I guess that's a testament to just how good they were.
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