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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Yes it does - it has plenty of elements of attempted satire, which don't work. It tries to say something about the state of Hollywood films but fails as the movie itself is just a big silly Hollywood film that tries to be bigger and louder than everyone else. That stuff really doesn't work.
  2. Wow, these numbers just keep going up. 80M+ OD is insane. Would be crazy if this does 200M or even beats Avengers.
  3. Dinosaur, Lilo & Stitch, and Brother Bear all seem to have been completely forgotten, and they're perhaps my 3 favourite Disney films.
  4. It released 27 years ago. You don't get to complain about spoilers.
  5. Lucas, Kennedy, Marshall and Spielberg created The Land Before Time? Why wasn't I aware of this?
  6. I'm not sure about top animated films of all time, but certainly WDAS's movies from 2000-2004 are criminally ignored and underrated.
  7. Yeah, and I guess they'll make the raptors 2 feet tall too, right? This is a movie, not a science lecture.
  8. I'm assuming that Minions trailer has played in front of every JW showing. It's weird that the same can't be said for Ted 2, even though that releases in just two weeks whereas in the US, Minions is in four weeks.
  9. I wanted to like this post but you mixed your words up. It's, "please stand up", not, "stand up please."
  10. I agree but I don't see the relevancy. He has directed a successful mega-blockbuster, other studios will want him.
  11. Despicable Me 2 did 370M, why would the third one have "no chance" whatsoever at 350M? It is possible, whether you like it or not.
  12. If you mean this year, then there can be a third one in the form of MINIONS. If you mean how many 350+ are possible - adjusted, 2007 had 4 movies over 350M, plus a fifth at 344M.
  13. I was expecting the I-Rex to come back to life after it would be killed, since cuttlefish have two hearts.
  14. I was going to pm you anyway I can manage on my own but that would be helpful as a guide.
  15. Yeah I'm not really sure how anyone who claims to be a fan of Star Wars doesn't notice that Han Solo has a character arc.
  16. He was really dull in this role. If he's going to be leading more major films then I want his characters to be written to allow him to be more light-hearted and self aware. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in him.
  17. Every Cineworld, so 82 cinemas all across the country. Vue's website is a pain in the ass, I may add Odeons in the future but sticking with Cineworlds for now. Given that the cinemas are nicely spread out over the country, the data should be pretty solid. Though I have nothing to compare it to atm as JW is the first one I'm doing. There are probably 6-9 more films this summer that are worth doing it for, so by the end of the year I should have a healthy amount of data. It'll be interesting for Mockingjay/Spectre/SW later in the year.
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