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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. It's 48% excluding previews. Not too bad but I really thought this could hold stronger, given the fantastic reception it's received by audiences. I'm regretting that <40% drop in BSG.
  2. Yeah, I think I've screwed up most of the week. I'm still feeling confident for the 25K bonus question though.
  3. e I believe the movie is much better then the critics lead us to believe. in the words of flight of the conchords. Why why why why why why why why why why why why
  4. Empire, what do you think of The Road Warrior and how does it compare?
  5. I don't know what recent controversy you're talking about. But I gave the show a chance and I didn't like it. It's really that simple. The rare TV that I watch is pure escapism entertainment. I will watch all sorts of films, I'll watch films I hate - but TV for me is just about sitting back, enjoying it, and getting way too emotionally involved. I didn't even get into the fact that I don't like gore (and it seemed brutal and gory), another complete turn off. And then there is the horrific acting by such majesterial talents as people like Emilia Bark...
  6. Vampire Diaries is AMAZING, don't dis it, babe. I don't pay a lot of attention to people talking about Game of Thrones so it kind of came as surprise. I thought I would give it a go - "how nasty can it be?" - but honestly, it doesn't matter what show it is, I don't want to watch rape. Just makes me really uncomfortable and unhappy. I watched Better Call Saul and loved it, so I am willing to give BB a chance, if I can ever be bothered. I'm really going to miss Nina. Yeah, Elena was a bit too whiny but after 6 years with this character, you just realise how much you've grown fond of them. I thought the ending was really wonderfully done. TVD has a bad habit of silly cliffhangers and non-plot-twists, but it was dealt with properly. I bawled my eyes out. I'm glad she didn't just walk off with a human life, because the show and the character hadn't earned that. Sleeping beauty fits with the rest of the show. I'm more optimistic for season 7 just from the last 15 seconds of that episode. Without Elena to focus on, they can do some interesting things with cultural tensions and Mystic Falls itself. Nope, I'm not watching Game of Thrones. The other ones I'm open to, but you can cross GoT off the list.
  7. Why do I get the feeling watching the trailer that this is going to have like 7% on Rotten Tomatoes.
  8. You might be waiting a while. I haven't seen Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, House of Cards, True Detective, The Wire, How I Met Your Mother, Homeland, Orange is the New Black, Mad Men, Supernatural, Hannibal, Firefly, Dexter, 24, Community, Parks and Rec, or really any other supposedly great, well loved show of the past few years. Or ever, actually. I don't watch TV except for one show, Vampire Diaries.
  9. I thought that was a reference to you at first too but then I recognised those numbers from World of Warcraft in an obscure Lost reference... I've never seen lost tbh.
  10. I disagree with you on like every single movie ever. A rare moment of peace...
  11. I love it but I understand why some people hate it.
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