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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Yes, obviously in the sequels the writers adapted to Depp's character, but I wouldn't say the performance is any different. Just because it's not 'original' (I use the term loosely), that doesn't mean it's worse.
  2. Depp is terrible in Pirates of the Caribbean, but if you think he's good in the first one, why don't you think he's good in the other 3? He does exactly the same thing in all four.
  3. In the interest in fairness, I don't think you should add the international predictions. I don't want to sound mean but with extra info, both objective box office results and tracking, there is the possibility you could alter your predictions from what you thought at the end of April. I'm not saying I think you will, but it's possible and not really fair on others. If you are allowed to do it then everyone else should be able to do it, and you know that would be silly. I respect you hugely for doing this game and dedicating so much time to it, but just in the interest of respect for the game and the players, I think you should be fair. You said yourself in the OP: Ultimately though it's your game, you are the one counting scores. It's your decision.
  4. For reference, John Carter had a 9.8 Friday. If both films played out similarly, then the 3-day would be around 34 for Tomorrowland, naturally less because of the Monday holiday. That's not to say that they will follow precisely the same pattern, obviously - Saturday will likely see a bigger increase than JC. Fantastic movie Nah, all the studios would know that my film will be the greatest film ever so they need me. Prince of Persia had a legitimate (if small) fanbase, and it didn't have the Disney brand which appeals to families. (Yes, I know it was made by Disney, but I mean Tomorrowland is literally a film about Disneyland, so there is a key difference) hope? did you like the movie then? that was an absurd move. Lots of SW there, Disney treating Carter as if it's some sort of legendary brand - and the AotC-style gladiator scene. I assume you mean the weekend. How on earth would that happen? If you dont mean the weekend and just Friday, then thanks captain obvious. Wrong. Gravity, Ocean's trilogy, Perfect Storm are all big hits. Not to mention that many of his lower-budget dramas were much more successful than they would likely be with lesser-known actors. He is insufferable in every single thing he does. Hasn't made a good film in like 20 years. Say what you like about the films but STID, WWZ and Prometheus were all box office successes to varying extents. He is a writer who has written blockbuster films, that's why he is a thing. ?? since when have reviews been indicative of word of mouth?
  5. Anyone who doesn't like this movie should not be trusted in life.
  6. Amazing movie, highly, highly underrated. The real hidden gem of 2013. When I watched it in the cinema, I didn't know what it was about and was just stunned - I thought it wouldn't hold up as well watching it at home a year later, but it really really is. I watched it again and it cemented my view that it's the best film of 2013.
  7. Really, I can't think that a joke about rape in a family-friendly film is a bit out of place and offensive? Nothing in any of the Transformers movies was funny.
  8. Threequilitis was very poorly explained in that article but it is a real thing. Most franchises do not grow domestic from #2 to #3, a lot of threequels take big hits from the predecessor. If you release a film and it becomes a hit, almost all of the growth it has will be in the sequel. Release another sequel and the same level of excitement and novelty isn't there.
  9. I know lol. Fortunately I am not a film director! But yea I would want creative control, otherwise I just wouldn't see the point.
  10. If I were a director, I wouldn't care how many people saw the film, I'd just want to make the film I want to make.
  11. When was the last time a film opened above 20M but didn't make it into the top 3?
  12. John Carter did $500,000 previews from a wider release, BUT that was midnight only remember. Not a great comparison.
  13. It's pretty good. $500K (+50%) above Ouija, which did 19.9M weekend.
  14. No. Theoretically you could poll/survey people but it'd be extremely difficult and unreliable.
  15. No less interesting than Avengers 1 though.
  16. Why? Is it a case of MM2 being good but MM1 being great, or is it that MM2 is just bad?
  17. Are you sure that's an unpopular opinion...
  18. Presumably they mean from the trailer. Oh and the fact that Zack Snyder is directing
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