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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Easier to track just how much the sequel has increased it's not a "showdown" per se.
  2. 4 weeks in to release at 43M, it's not reaching 50M imo.
  3. Edge of Tomorrow is much funnier than Groundhog Day and it isn't even a comedy.
  4. I definitely think Eddie could be winning 2 years in a row. Though I'm not expecting to personally like the performance.
  5. This is so cool! Dwayne Johnson is awesome. I totally did not cry...
  6. I don't see AoU missing 450M. When IM3 was at this point (3M dailies) it had 70M left in the tank. http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/18618-batman-v-superman-under-375m/
  7. I've got the opportunity to see an advanced screening of San Andreas on Monday, but it's in 3D. If it was 2D I would go, kind of annoying really.
  8. BKB you sound a little butthurt by AoU performing below expectations.
  9. We all know who voted for Anakin lol. ↓ You haven't heard of Ferris Bueller? Keyser Soze? You haven't seen GROUNDHOG DAY? Paid any attention to this forum's obsession with Whiplash at the beginning of this year?
  10. There is nothing controversial about disliking or even hating Forrest Gump. It wasn't hugely acclaimed by critics at release, and time has not been kind to it. There's a very well reasoned and well known group of people who don't like Forrest Gump, and it's nothing new. Also vc, I don't think Terminator is particularly good.
  11. I appreciate you are Hungarian and maybe this film isn't as well known over there.. but still. I don't think I've met anyone who has never even heard of Mean Girls Finally a decent character... I guess the fact that there are characters with just 2 votes on the list shows how few people sent lists in shame. Although I admit I only had like 60 on my list.
  12. So "the raptors" in JP count as a (singular) character but the truck in Duel doesn't? GRRRRR.
  13. babe, everyone knows the controversies of American Sniper. the tribute at the end was quite sickening and uncomfortable. but I don't think this is the place to regurgitate all this stuff that's been talked about to death.
  14. It made more sense in my head, lol. Ignore me, Im not going to try and argue
  15. Dear god, that trailer was horrific. Not that I have any expectations for any Adam Sandler & Kevin James movie, but still.
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