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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Barely an increase from IM3. I hope there's not a limit on how many people I can ignore
  2. Estimate was no less accurate than usual, proportionally.
  3. I hope this post is a joke. I thought Marvel had stuck him on board a plane and crashed it into the bottom of the arctic sea. Who fished him back out?
  4. You joke about a stage show but I genuinely once watched a 2 hour play about how sad Keanu Reeves is.
  5. Unlikely given that Friday was significantly down from the first movie, and was more frontloaded. With or without the boxing it would never have matched the first film's OW.
  6. Yeah I do the same, take the 5 day, take the 3-5 days, get the average. Not perfect but there's no real way to do it.
  7. I didn't know Cage was in Snowden, that makes me a little more interested in the film but it'll only be a small role by the looks of it. Nicolas Cage doesn't need a comeback. He's been an A-lister, he's won an Oscar, what more does he need to do? He can continue to do his own thing and continue to be a fantastic actor in everything he does. (That being said, I'd love to see him in more interesting roles than his current action rubbish, and be in bigger films)
  8. The Clone Wars gets too much hate thanks to the movie. Honestly TCW redeems the prequels. Yes, really, it's that good.
  9. It's depressing not logging in every day and seeing 20 notifications, I miss those likes. But likes are extremely limited now.
  10. Jandrew you've never seen the original Star Wars films??? Also the TCW film is pretty bad but the series itself is fantastic once you get past season 2.
  11. Philosopher's Stone is kind of rubbish but it has a certain charm to it that I quite like. Seeing on film the characters and world that my parents had read to me in the books, was kind of magical. It's been 8 years, I think it's safe to say spoilers. Bad luck!
  12. Yes. The whole POINT is that Harry doesn't try and fight, he sacrifices himself to save his friends. Did Jesus have an epic showdown with the Romans before he sacrificed himself?
  13. I don't really remember most of the films but here are what I think I would give them if I could remember them: PS: B CoS: D PoA: B+ GoF: D OoP: D+ HBP: B DH1: B+ DH2: D-
  14. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, by John Williams - also known as, according to James, "the only thing John Williams is known for" I'm not gonna say Lion King doesn't deserve a place on the list but I suspect it found its way on to many people's lists thanks to its songs.
  15. why is it every time Noctis steps into a thread we get 300 pages of harry potter?
  16. One of the most impressive things about HP is probably the huge number of big name cast members they managed to hire. (Or at least big name in the UK )
  17. probably watched one of the garbage christopher columbus films.
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