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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. What he means is from a critical standpoint, he doesn't think it's particularly good (compared to pure personal enjoyment). He's not saying that his opinion is factually correct.
  2. I was about to go off on a rant about suggesting Armageddon is one of the best films ever... and then I remembered, this is a favourites list.
  3. Should we be expecting a team up film of Nemo, Lightning McQueen, Woody and Buzz, Sully and Mike, WALL-E and the rat from Ratatouille?
  4. Pixar has done 4 sequels so far and has 4 more sequels in the works. Anyone who says they don't do sequels is just kidding themselves.
  5. I still need to see WALL-E... it's almost the only Pixar film I haven't watched.
  6. Would be nice for IMAX to actually expand in the UK first. :/
  7. I haven't decided 100% on the deadline yet (thinking end of the month) but it will be after Cinderella releases, so if you see it opening weekend you can defo include it. Any film you see before this closes, you can submit.
  8. I agree. I don't get why everyone raves about it so much; I think it's very solid and interesting, but ultimately not all that special.
  9. Ugh, I hated it. If we had done some interesting classical history I would've been fascinated, but it was just world war 1 for 5 years for me in school. /snore
  10. Okay honestly, I don't really know what we are arguing here. I'm not saying my perspective and experience is all that matters. I think I may have misunderstood what you guys were saying (or expressed my thoughts poorly). I agree 100% with your above comment so I'll leave it at that.
  11. I agree that history can be boring. Today's films are flashier, maybe a little easier to watch. Certainly to most people today if they have to pick between watching an old black and white movie and a present day one, they'd choose the present one. I agree that films have generally improved over time; imo, as more and more films have been made, the understanding of what makes a good film has gotten better. But neither of those things mean you should just write off the entire history of cinema. You don't need to understand it to judge today's movies, but it seems pretty ignorant to just throw it away. The fact that movies have "got better and better" doesn't mean all old movies are worse than today's. Ask most people what their favourite movie ever is, and it's probably going to be older than you are.
  12. So is battleship potemkin not on your list at all, baumer? What rating do you give it?
  13. Not really but I guess you can interpret it like that. He was telling an unlikely yet plausible story. Since it's just fiction, and anyone can survive anything, the argument that it might make the viewer believe in a god is ridiculous. So - yes, that is something that occurs within the film's dialogue, but that doesn't mean the movie itself is trying to suggest anything like that What does it mean then? That's its meaning where I'm from, how I understand it and how people use it. :shrug: And most of us here live in the western world (though I appreciate Noctis doesn't), so I think it's fair to use our own understanding of it.
  14. No but it does mean trusting in supernatural stuff, none of which was in the film as far as I'm concerned. If we're talking about the idea of having faith that you will survive, then, well, we're talking about different things, and I don't see how Noctis being atheist would be relevant to that.
  15. I don't mind if you like Home Alone. I don't think its any good but I know many people do like it. But best comedy series ever might be pushing it.
  16. How kind of you... I didn't see the film as relating to faith whatsoever. Pi's imagination and inability to come to terms with what happened has nothing to do with a god. Is there a key part of the film that I'm forgetting?
  17. Uh does it? It was only like two years ago, my memory can't be that bad :'(
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