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Everything posted by TigerPaw

  1. Agreed 100% agreed, like did they run out of budget during post production or what? Like you said.. The CGI does not feel like a 2022 movie; Zombie Strange was terrible gosh. 😂😂
  2. I genuinely did not enjoy it at all.. Script was lazy and CGI / makeup was off. Pacing was also terrible. What a waste of the cameos to let them all die in 5mins. I was really hoping to enjoy it because i usually align to the RT scores, but this time I don't get how it is close to 80%??
  3. Sorry I grew up watching Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Donnie Yen movies - Shang Chi's choreography was mediocre for me and the 3rd CGI act was horrendous; the different mandarin accent also put me off as a Chinese speaker. I actually preferred Eternals over SC.
  4. Just came out of the theater... how did this get almost 80% on RT.. I never seen my wife check her phone so many times in a single movie sitting. It made Eternals and Shang Chi look like masterpiece. 😂😂
  5. piracy happens to all movies, TS version getting out there pretty fast. as long as it is not HD - it will not impact box office
  6. Yeah heard news of the leak. Very unfortunate. I just managed to catch it in theaters 3 days ago.. and now it has leaked. This movie was great and deserved every cent.
  7. So many of my friends in Shanghai is begging to get out to watch The Batman..and to a some extent Fantastic Beast. That is why we always say that box office is 天时地利人和, haha. Both are good movies in my opinion, with great distributor but met with unfortunate timing.
  8. WB will have the two highest imported film in China for the 1st half of 2022. The Batman and Fantastic Beast, both would have more than doubled if not for the lockdown and cinemas closure. But WB is definitely one of the best distributors and seem to already figured out a way to crack the Chinese market. People will say.. the two films both made 25m USD each and that is not much, but that is because of COVID and cinemas closure.
  9. @Gavin Fengis in a better position to answer this. He might have seen the film. Haha.
  10. Good for holdovers because alot of local films are escaping from May 1.. they want full capacity before opening. The Batman is earning more this weekend than last weekend..
  11. Just curious - Does the 70m include marketing cost? Cause the way the Deadline's article is written, it is as though a lot has been spent on marketing..
  12. I think faith based movies usually have very strong audience scores across various platforms.
  13. Just caught the film here in Singapore, much better than the previous film and I thought it was really well made. My wife, who is a huge potter fan, loved it as well.
  14. 60% of the cinemas are closed. What do you expect? Plus the run of some of the local films last year was great to follow; such as Raging Fire and Battle of Lake Changjin part 1. Box office is not just about Hollywood films..
  15. Sonic's success is really due to listening to the audiences, i mean Paramount was bashed online because of the original Sonic design in the first teaser of the original film - they went back (literally) to the drawing board, and BAM.. now we are talking about a sequel that is potentially opening to a 70 /80m OW.
  16. We are talking about stabilised score right. btw you totally didn’t get my sarcasm - The Batman was obviously well received so the high 80s means bad WoM thing is totally inaccurate.
  17. I think it will beat The Batman, I am estimating at least 25m, let’s see…
  18. Pretty solid in Singapore and Taiwan thus far; but theaters are barely giving it 1/3 the screenings of Morbius.. Some audience reviews said it is better than the first film and is waiting for the sequel.
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