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  1. Battle of the Five Armies grossed virtually the same as Smaug WW. WB made a big profit and everyone knew it was going to drop domestically anyway. Not a big disappointment. This is going to struggle to reach 1B lol.
  2. This has flop written all over it. The public is not here for these fairy tale sequels.
  3. I stand corrected! Unfortunately for @JamesCameronScholar, this means he's effectively calling Kenyans, Peruvians, Indians, Ugandas, et. al. morally repugnant for choosing to have children, which is not a good look in 2019.
  4. Pissney's prolefeed wins once again. At least they will get their karma next year with a slate full of flops while Warner Bros (the only real movie studio left) puts out quality like Tenet and Dune.
  5. Christmas has become a gold mine for musicals. In the past few years we've had Les Miserables, Into the Woods, The Greatest Showman, Mary Poppins Returns, and La La Land all make $100m+. This will follow suit. Yes people are complaining that it looks weird. So what, they'll get used to it and it will work in its favour; it makes the film stand out so much. It looks like an event.
  6. It honestly looks spectacular. Like true Hollywood movie magic. Yes some of the face effects look a bit goofy (especially poor JHud) but they still have 5 months to fine-tune the effects.
  7. The only people who are really aware or care about the long-term effects of climate change are educated people in first world countries. Those people are already basically not having kids with really low birthrates. Your wish is going to come true! In 100 years there will be very few descendants of people who really really care about climate change right now.
  8. He should be playing a European terrorist instead. There are plenty of cases in real life to draw inspiration from in the past 2-3 years!
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if this grosses more than the first Avatar. It's JAMES CAMERON.
  10. Well, Disney is coming off A Wrinkle in Time, which was the worst-performing major-studio fantasy film at the international box office in like the last 20 years, so I doubt this was a decision made for finances. Plus, if your argument is that people want to watch people of their same ethnicity, most of that expanded global audience comes from Asia and Latin America, not Africa. I think this was a casting decision made on who was best for the role. She probably knocked her audition out of the park, and she's beautiful and talented.
  11. $70m/$220m DOM $180m intl I think people will start getting tired of these "reimaginings". After that they will probably start making live-action versions of Pixar movies, God forbid...
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