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Everything posted by yreimm0308n90

  1. RT @ScottMendelson: 100%! Vast difference between "underrated" and merely "under-seen" or "should have been a bigger hit." https://t.co/Gp…

  2. RT @UberFacts: Smart. https://t.co/kOqXPNBaYq https://t.co/H0kR7sYmUB

  3. RT @louisvirtel: Happy 30th birthday to "Clue," the most American movie. It's about a house full of white murderers who think outsiders are…

  4. RT @ViraI: Hail Satan! https://t.co/fhSfHt8DZy

  5. RT @BilgeEbiri: Fuck all y'all, AVATAR is great.

  6. RT @scottEweinberg: If your article includes the phrase "ruined my childhood," you better be talking about an actual war. Not Star Wars.

  7. RT @BradBirdA113: When a company started by an artist succeeds, a businessman always takes it over, insuring it will never again risk being…

  8. @NeillBlomkamp Matrix

  9. RT @somebadideas: Wrote about Ryan Coogler's @Creedmovie, & how we vitally, urgently need movies from filmmakers like him & more. https://t…

  10. RT @MartianMovie: Happy birthday to our commander, Ridley Scott. https://t.co/HSfvRumG6B

  11. RT @ManMadeMoon: If Warcraft does get a car ad, I vote for Fiat... Just to see 5 orcs trying to fit in one!

  12. @SnazzyQ I'm using TypeMail (android). Don't know what's its name on iOS. Very good app.

  13. RT @phillipstribune: Fassbender says Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood" his favorite of the #Macbeth film adaptations. #RightlySo

  14. RT @SnazzyQ: Former Apple designers say Apple is designing poorly. Fascinating read. Don’t agree w/everything, but a lot, yes. https://t.co…

  15. The self-cooking food is the best.

  16. RT @RealGDT: Wise words. And the Tykwer film was amazing and, like most of his films, unjustly overlooked. https://t.co/jVHMKQ3uZ5

  17. RT @Chris_Stuckmann: So it turns out I'm not embargoed on social media so I'm just gonna say it: CREED is my favorite film in the Rocky ser…

  18. RT @warcraftmovie: Exclusive new character posters of Lothar and Durotan. #WarcraftMovie https://t.co/U9wmrxtXip

  19. RT @MovieMantz: On the next "PROFILES": Bond...JAMES BOND! LIVE next Tues 11/10 at 3pm! What's YOUR favorite Bond movie? #JamesBond https:/…

  20. Well well well https://t.co/LX34QlnjFI

  21. RT @NeillBlomkamp: alien is kinda holding/ pending prometheus 2. So I shall be working on other things... as much as I love the xeno- and L…

  22. RT @JimCameron: Help me support the inspiring work of @OneDrop and you can win a trip to Montreal to have lunch with me. Details at https:/…

  23. RT @RealGDT: Here, today, we must honor Batmanuel. https://t.co/8AFOJ8p5w9

  24. RT @george_chen: The UK prime minister wants the government to ignore its own report on the dangers of sugar https://t.co/4kQlobuLHB https:…

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