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Everything posted by TomCruiseTop

  1. Highest per movie average of any franchise too the second the sequel makes a dollar.
  2. That's more like it. I wouldn't have bat an eye at anyone saying TGS had the greatest second weekend.
  3. Avatar had a -1.8% drop. Simple as. Objectively superior to the drop of TGM. I'm very happy it's doing this well - in fact I was in the club that said it would do better than MCU 28. You're starting to sound more like Dud Wang now. Maybe you've been reading too many of his posts.
  4. Seeing people do mental gymnastics in the weekend thread to try and downplay Avatar's success makes me laugh. I wonder what new mental tricks we'll see for trying to underplay A2 doing billies.
  5. No one talks about Top Gun any more. Who asked for Top Gun 2? WoM reminding everyone of its power.
  6. I went to see it due to the memes. If you go in watching it as a terrible film it's actually fun.
  7. I'm obviously biased, but that really is a brilliant teaser. Probably my second favorite of all time behind the one for Nightcrawler.
  8. Is there anything sadder than seeing someone over the age of 30 working at a movie theatre?
  9. Do you really not know how negotiations work? He says he will never do it again it means that he can get more when it comes to them making an offer.
  10. From the polls scattered around seems the court of public opinion is also in agreement with the Jury. I think AH should have picked a different set of Lawyers.
  11. Agree with everything you said except it being a flop. I think it would make substantial money IF Bloom/Knightley returned and they focused on them. They could even make them have a daughter/son and make Sparrow the supporting character IF they really wanted to save it. Also the notion that Hollywood is above employing people with less than stellar backgrounds is patently false. The propaganda machine knows no end. Tom Cruise actively and openly bankrolls an organisation that is recorded to keep people as slaves - you really think they won't welcome Depp back with open arms? Don't be naïve.
  12. Average gross of Matrix movies is what? 450M? Pirates is probably double that.
  13. Yeah, if they get Bloom and Knightly to return it's a no brainer.
  14. They just had the biggest marketing campaign they could wish for. Of course it's going to make money and you can bet Depp is going to be back for it.
  15. Justice served whether you agree with the verdict or not. Massive case for defamation in the US. Broader cultural impact too on female on male domestic violence. This is just the start for both of them.
  16. I think we're currently in one the numbers are just being fudged. When the real drop comes it's gonna be bad.
  17. We're already seeing a consumer collapse - look at Amazon's latest results as one major indicator. We'll see higher peaks, lower troughs. The stage is set.
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