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Posts posted by Napoleon

  1. The projection for Knock at the Cabin is very disappointing considering how well Old did in 2021 for that period when similar movies were opening under $10 million. Something went wrong here. Maybe the marketing or maybe because of the gay couple. I hope it at least becomes one of those movies that get good legs despite the low cinemascore. I understand it will be divisive but it's still a very entertaining film in my opinion.

  2. 58 minutes ago, jimisawesome said:


    Maybe I am looking at all the wrong places but where are all these Snyder fans?  I easily see 10x maybe 50x as many anti snyder fan posts for every pro or even neutral post granted I am not going to comic book forums.  Someone responded to your post with an Anti Snyder Fan account whose big example was a post by a troll in pro Snyder Sub that does not appear to have that many members where every one of the comments was calling the guy out.


    But, again its somehow sane to have a whole twitter account revolved around looking for this stuff.  Its normal that 9k+ people follow this.

    Most fans have moved on, and his haters are the ones who now sound obsessed. They are the only ones in this forum bringing Snyder back into the conversation surrounding the new DCU. The release of the Snyder Cut and its positive reception from critics and audiences should be seen as a perfect closure for everyone, I see no reason for bitterness from any side - fans got to see the film, and haters still had Snyder gone from DC.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Verrows said:

    So as expected this will be used as the bridge between two film universes. I still wish that somehow this and Aquaman 2 would switch places. It feels more right for this to be the last DCEU film. It's so confusing that apparently Superman Legacy will begin the new DCU, but that Aquaman 2 also somehow "leads in to the new universe". They're obviously trying to come up with language that makes the Aquaman sequel seem relevant but unless it is somehow repacked into a new DCU film then I don't see how it's relevant after The Flash resets everything.


    That and this would kill it at Christmas time. It would be like a smaller No Way Home.

    I think The Flash will set a new timeline, and in that timeline some heroes will be played by new actors (Superman) and others by the same (Aquaman). They could have reworked Aquaman 2 to be set in this new timeline, and the franchise could continue from there.

    • Like 1
  4. Looking at how Spider-man Homecoming and The Batman did at the box office despite universal acclaim I hope WBD executives don't panic if this yet another Superman reboot don't do Man Of Steel's numbers either. The DC franchise won't survive more course corrections. If they believed in Gunn's vision I hope they stick with it unless it actually bombs and loses them money.

    • Like 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    I loved the first, but a bit afraid this one might make the mistake of taking itself too serously.

    And what is the budget for this one? First was brought in for 100 Million if they spent a lot more on the sequel they might have a problem.

    It looks much more expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if it has a similar budget to Black Adam.

  6. That's not actually a bad idea. There's an audience for the Snyderverse, and there's also an audience for a complete reboot of the DCEU (which is also what James Gunn wants, anyway). WBD is desperate for money, and they are selling or licensing a lot of valuable property in order to get quick cash. If Netflix would be interested, it would actually make sense for a deal to have the Snyderverse be continued there. Everyone would be happy, except for those who would rather have the Earth destroyed than to see the Snyder fans have another win.

  7. I think the reason it was quickly forgotten is because it didn't actually generate outrage like Batman v Superman or The Last Jedi. I think that's why we don't see much passionate debate about it, from either haters or fans. I feel like people who didn't like it weren't really surprised, considering the Wachowski's history after the first Matrix film. Another recent movie that we all expected to be controversial when we saw it at release but really didn't was Halloween Ends - from what I see, most people didn't care that they didn't like it. 

  8. I've got some weird kind of anxiety where I'd post something online and then be scared to read the replies later. So I hope no one replies to this post. But I would like to say how much I learned to appreciate @Eric in Boots as a mod this year. I always thought he had a personal bias against me but a few months ago he was actually very kind to me in private, even though I know I was being a pain in the ass. I could send this via private message but I wanted to say this in public because also a while ago I saw him taking some criticism that I don't think was fair and I wanted to say something since. I think you're a great mod. Happy New Year everyone. :ty:

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

    Your problem is to see Snyder fans as DC fans. They aren’t. I like superheroes films. I like well made films into this genre. I love DC to death. I couldn’t be more excited. If some will complain, it’s their loss. Very much like those complaining about ‘woke’ Marvel.

    The other movies DC made without Snyder also have their fans. A lot of "real DC fans" were supportive of Geoff Johns and Walter Hamada, and loved movies like Shazam, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman 1984 and Black Adam. I don't think it's only the Snyder fans giving a negative response to the idea of James Gunn coming in and rebooting everything. Unless people were just pretending to love those post-Snyder era movies...

  10. 15 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

    I seriously cannot stand this much versions of whatever ‘auteurs’ want to make for DC characters. It’s not like The Batman is The Godfather. It’s a good superhero film, right there with the best Batman films of all time, sure. But if he is isolated from the universe that they are building, you all can enjoy it but I’m likely giving up on that, even if I loved the first film.


    What I want is what Gunn is envisioning for the DC Universe. I will follow that instead.

    Looking at how The Dark Knight, Suicide Squad and Joker did with 3 different versions of the Joker in the span of 11 years, not to mention the one on the Gotham TV series, I think audiences are able to accept different universes at the same time. The box office decline from The Dark Knight Rises, to Batman v Superman and to The Batman is a counterpoint to that, but I still think it's worth the risk considering all of them were big and profitable. If I were running WB I would let Reeves do his own Batman universe separated from Gunn's. The Batman universe in the comics has enough iconic characters and storylines for it to have its own cinematic universe separated from the rest.

    • Like 1
  11. Ray Fisher is starring in a critically acclaimed Broadway play with Samuel L. Jackson and John David Washington and is filming the next Zack Snyder hit on Netflix, his career is doing fine. He will continue to get support from his community. Long gone are the days when straight white men ruled every industry and people were scared to piss them off. And it's not like his career would be doing any better had everyone stayed silent about what happened during the Justice League reshoots - they had already cut almost all of his character's story arc from the theatrical cut anyway, of course the people who took over the DCEU franchise at the time would not bring Cyborg back 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  12. 2 hours ago, AJG said:

    Bored. Let’s rank the DCEU


    1. ZSJL ——— Top Tier
    2. WW
    4. BOP
    5. SHAZAM
    6. MOS ——— ‘Meh’ Tier
    7. TSS
    8. AQUAMAN
    9. JL 
    10. BVS ———- Junk Tier
    11. WW84
    12. BLACK ADAM
    13. SS

    1. Batman v Superman

    2. Zack Snyder's Justice League

    3. Wonder Woman

    4. Man Of Steel

    5. The Suicide Squad

    6. Wonder Woman 1984

    7. Black Adam

    8. Birds of Prey

    9. Shazam

    10. Aquaman

    11. Justice League

    12. Suicide Squad

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