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Posts posted by Napoleon

  1. I think some people may be overreacting. From the rumors it sounds to me like Zaslav wants WBD's streaming service (the future one that will merge HBO Max and Discovery+) to be just the home video destination of their products, meaning: TV shows will only be produced for HBO, Cartoon Network, etc., and movies will only be produced for theatrical release, and only later be available on their streaming service. Which is how the entertainment industry used to work before Netflix started investing billions in a flood of content and everyone followed along. At least that's why I'm hoping for. Maybe the Max originals stuff he is going to stop producing for HBO Max, WB will continue to make for rival streaming services.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Rebeccas said:

    Would be absolutely hilarious if they handed the DCEU back to Snyder only for it to tank yet again. 

    I hope this is isn't considered trolling, it's my honest opinion, but I think they never should have taken it from him in the first place. Snyder clearly enjoys being controversial, and that's the main reason why I love his movies, but I agree that, for commercial purposes, he shouldn't be allowed to do stuff like Superman killing Zod at the end of Man Of Steel.


    On the other hand, Snyder also makes movies that are easily marketed as epic events, and that's why, despite Man Of Steel being divisive, WB managed to build a cinematic universe out of it, with the next 3 movies in the franchise also breaking opening weekend records (Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman). That perfect track record of 4 movies having blockbuster openings back to back ended exactly when they took the franchise from him, and DC only achieved that event-level release again with 2 elseworlds films, Joker and The Batman, which were more in line with Snyder's dark tone than with the new colorful direction of the DCEU.


    Ideally, Snyder should have been kept calling the shots of the DCEU, but with constraints, and there are two examples of why that would work. The first of them is Wonder Woman, a movie that he wrote the story for and was a hands-on producer, and that showed how well he would do acting as the Kevin Feige of DC in colaboration with other directors. The other example is the Snyder Cut, which was universally loved by audiences (it has a 94% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes) and his best reviewed film since Dawn Of the Dead. Snyder has claimed that that cut of Justice League he shot was already a compromised version of what he initially intended to do. It was a movie that had already been toned down by the studio after the divisive reception of BVS. And look at that, it worked.


    WB should have just molded the DCEU, keeping its strengths, but instead they went for a complete change of direction that simply isn't working. James Gunn made a fantastic Suicide Squad film and couldn't even have a big thursday night preview before HBO Max. The excellent first trailer for Shazam: Fury Of the Gods released at Comic Con had no one talking about it. For me it's pretty clear the DCEU needs that event feel the Snyderverse had, just with constraints. And it's okay if you guys disagree with me, please don't report me for my opinion. I feel sympathy for the fans who are enjoying the "Hamadaverse" and are now seeing Zaslav destroy it like was done to the "Snyderverse" before. Things shouldn't have ended like this. I think movies like Shazam, Batgirl, Blue Beetle, etc., could have easily been part of the Snyderverse (Shazam was already part of the plan in the early stages of the DCEU).

  3. 4 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

    What’s actually hilarious is that Zaslav probably saw the ridiculous sum Warner gave Snyder to make his version of the movie and nearly busted an aneurysm.

    It actually cost less than most seasons of a high profile TV show, and was the most watched HBO Max original on the first weekend. It was probably one of their most effective investments when you look at viewers per millions spent. Its numbers look small compared to the theatrical movies Warner released the same day, which overperformed on HBO Max and had similar numbers than Stranger Things season 4 according to Samba TV, but when you look at the numbers of all HBO Max originals the Snyder Cut was definitely their biggest one so far (and by far). It pulled similar numbers than the Marvel and Star Wars shows on Disney+, which cost way over $100 million a season. It was viewed by 3x the number of households Peacemaker averaged weekly.

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  4. I'm with Henry Cavill on this. Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman broke opening weekend records, his version of the character has mass appeal no matter how much people try to paint those movies as a financial failure. There's no reason for him to accept any contract offered to him, he should be paid what any actor who can secure an over $100m opening would. If he really loves the character he is right to try to secure a new solo film, and not sign on to just small cameos. And after what happened with the Justice League reshoots, he also deserves to demand a creative imput. Those actors signed on to work with a director who was colaborative and let them have a say in the creation of their characters, and ended up finishing the film with someone who not only didn't care for their opinion, but was also shitting on what they had built together with Snyder. Ben Affleck left, Ray Fisher refused to co-star in The Flash, and Gal Gadot secured creative control for her Wonder Woman films. Henry is not being unreasonable here. They signed on to a promise that was broken, and WB let them be subjected to disrespect and humiliation despite being the stars of one of their biggest franchises. I understand fans being frustrated over this, I'm desperate for him to return too, but he should be fighting for what he's worth financially, and for what the character deserves creatively.

  5. 4 hours ago, AJG said:


    Just remember, when anyone tells you that superhero movies are meant to be serious, Batman had a live-cow living with him in the Batcave for months... recently



    You’ll find anything in the long history of DC comics but the most successful and iconic stories have been the more serious, epic ones.

  6. 33 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    Little over an hour until DC. Can't wait to clench my cheeks for Henry throughout the panel only for him to never actually show up. It's honkin' time!

    Mr Rogers Clown GIF

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    Admittedly I'd much prefer a hard reboot which sets up a proper DC universe at this point, but a part of me thinks Henry's potential as Superman hasn't fully been realized and wants him to get another shot. We'll see what happens. At least we're guaranteed a Shazam 2 trailer out of this.


    The problem with rebooting the DCEU entirely is that Gal Gadot is irreplaceable as Wonder Woman, no one will accept another actress in the role.

    • Haha 1
  7. I liked Halloween Kills a lot, it's one of those movies that I have no idea why people hated so much (like Dark Phoenix). There was that plot point that felt a bit off, but I don't see how it ruins the entire movie which was pretty entertaining to me 🤷‍♂️


    Curious to see how this is received and how it performs at the box office, though, considering Universal made an expensive bet on the director rebooting The Exorcist. I'm always rooting for movies to be good, of course, but my evil side is hoping for disaster.

  8. 8 hours ago, Eric Odinson said:



    Netflix/AGBO’s Ryan Gosling/Chris Evans/Ana de Armas spy film Gray Man which is getting a promotional one-week theatrical play near 400 locations is coming up significantly short in ticket sales next to Red Notice. That Dwayne Johnson-Gal Gadot-Ryan Reynolds action heist film chalked up between $1.25M-$1.5M in its opening weekend at 750 locations. This was during a fall when the box office was beginning to get back on its feet and more auditoriums were available because we didn’t have as many blockbusters around then as we do now. Gray Man is estimated to be doing just under $200K according to distribution sources. Again, the streamer doesn’t care, nor do they report figures. It’s all about maintaining subscribers and possibly adding new ones after this $200M+ investment hits the service on Friday. Even though this movie is at 52% on Rotten Tomatoes, ya gotta think if it was a wide theatrical release, it would be raining an additional $10M-$20M in box office cash on exhibition. They’d gladly take it.

    That's also much lower than Army Of The Dead, which reportedly had a 780k opening weekend playing in 450 theaters :ph34r:

  9. 12 hours ago, cannastop said:


    Sorry guys, going to the movies is an elitist experience. Pack it up

    Giving my 2 cents on this controversy: I think he is right in the context of the theatrical vs streaming discussion. Treating theaters as a sacred place and opposing movies made for streaming is indeed elitist, because it limits what is made and which filmmakers get funded. Netflix and the competition that followed them have opened the door for many new people and saved several genres of movies that were being neglected by the traditional studios. The investments Netflix made on international productions is revolutionary to the movie industries of many foreign countries. And that was only possible because of the digital distribution. 

    • Like 3
  10. 40 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    The 'cancel culture' learned nothing from Johnny Depp's case.
    2 years ago everyone thought he's a horrible abuser,
    backed with a court descision no less, and look 
    where he is now.
    Calling Ezra Miller 'a pedophile' while basing it on rumours and fragments of information is wrong.
    All the keyboard judges should chill and stop pretending they
    already know everything that is going on, all of us know nothing. 
    Let the court deal with that.

    Johnny Depp wasn't a victim of cancel culture. After the domestic violence allegations were made public, he still went on to star in Crimes of Grindelwald, a $200 million movie named after his character. He became unhirable because of his own behavior: he was a nightmare to work on set, was delivering horrible performances, wasn't selling tickets anymore, and Depp himself was responsible for bringing the allegation of abuse against him back to the news, which is what cost him the role in the third Fantastic Beasts film.


    The same thing is happening with Ezra Miller: it's not the allegations against them that are costing them their career, it's their handling of the situation. After the first arrest in Hawaii hit the news, Ezra got involved in yet another violent incident, and continued to cause negative headlines by mocking authorities on social media and allegedly going into hiding. They apparently aren't cooperating with WB in solving this crisis and shows no respect to the movie they are hurting. This is what will cancel their career.

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