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  1. I guess they will probably release other two teases about Dunn and Mr Glass, before the actual teaser trailer. So exciting!
  2. Wow... this looks fantastic! Bayona's directing is far superior than Trevorrow and you can see it. A lot of animatronics used. The presence of... ..WOW.
  3. It's actually 50/50, considering Anya Taylor Joy is returning as well and she's a main character. But yeah, I have the feeling like this will feel more like an Unbreakable sequel than a Split sequel. Anyway, leaked stuff here, little spoilers:
  4. So, judging by this photo he kept almost the same look as in "Unbreakable". Also:
  5. Merchandise, like school diaries etc. On them there are artworks and renders of the Fallen Kingdom dinosaurs. Both diaries seem to confirm two rumours about this sequel.
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