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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Keaton was the better Batman, Bale was the better Bruce Wayne. The "Keaton is better" rhetoric is revisionist bullshit.
  2. Still can't believe Waltz won that. He's good in the film, but he's not best in show and his performance in Basterds was better and more original. And to win over a legend like Tommy Lee Jones? Crazy.
  3. It just made the Producers Guild nominees, so there's hope yet.
  4. New Year's Eve is typically a down day. New Year's Day is the one that sees an uptick, much like Christmas.
  5. I'm not convinced its legs will hold up that much longer. The GA response hasn't been that rapturous.
  6. Inside Llewyn Davis: 9:35 pm showing 50% full Movie: B- One of the more overrated films of this year. I'm usually gaga for the Coens, but this was a futile exercise in depressing nihilism. Okay, sure, it's about the reality of life where not every artist with talent is going to "make it." But do we really need a two-hour film to tell us that? The protagonist is one-part sympathetic schmuck, two parts unsympathetic jerk. Great performance from Oscar Isaac and funny supporting turns from Carey Mulligan and John Goodman, but those and the exquisite cinematography surrounding them can't make up for the fact that the script, while witty in parts, isn't nearly funny enough to distract from the lack of plot, emotion, or worthwhile thematic content. It's a character study of a guy that is nearly impossible to root for. It's two hours of bad shit happening to a guy that makes bad decisions.
  7. I think you just felt that way because you know he wants an Oscar. This was his loosest and most comedic performance ever. He wasn't trying for the Oscar, he was just playing the bugnuts role the way it should be played.
  8. It's quite funny to me that there's been reports of walkouts during Wolf. Just goes to show how prude America is in some respects. So there's a lot of nudity and drugs...the only people that give a fuck are uptight social conservatives who won't even exist in a couple decades.
  9. My goodness, just saw Wolf of Wall Street today, and if Leo is not nominated for Best Actor...I'll be speechless. It is hands down the best performance he's ever given, and that's saying something considering his career before this film. The movie is also Scorsese's best since Goodfellas, barring The Departed.
  10. The biggest problem is it's quite hard to become emotionally invested in any of the characters except Polito, who has the least screen time of the big five. Also, the romance at the center of the film (Bale and Adams) is a little undercooked in my opinion. It's still a very good film due to whip-smart dialogue and great individual scenes, but as a whole it simply didn't click enough for me to fall in love with it.
  11. I don't see how CF beats IM3. I hope it does, but I see the Christmas competition being too fierce for it to hang around enough.
  12. Not sure if anything will beat Gravity for me this year.
  13. Waiting nearly ten years is almost always a mistake. The enormous cultural cache that the original once had has been eroded somewhat. There's also something to be said for PG-13 comedy not being the draw it once was. R-rated comedy reigns supreme these days.
  14. I just assume it happens because everyone waits until the week of Christmas to go to the movies, hence the lower than expected openings for Smaug and Anchorman, both of which will benefit greatly from casual moviegoers looking for something appealing when they trek to the theater next week.
  15. Don't people realize by now that being disappointed by pre-Christmas numbers for new openers is a futile enteprise? Every year this happens and then those disappointing openings are made irrelevant by the force that is Christmas Day and the days after.
  16. The Dark Knight - A+ Spider-man 2 - A Batman Begins - A- Superman - A- X-men 2 - A- Batman - A- Kick-Ass - A- Watchmen - A- The Avengers - A- The Dark Knight Rises - B+ Honorable Mentions: Iron Man, Spider-man, Batman Returns, Superman II, X-men: First Class
  17. Yup. Forgot to mention that one. One of the more iconic shots in the trailer was left on the cutting room floor.
  18. Argo isn't really a melodrama with a bunch of crying performances. And any moodiness might be due to the fact that it's based on events that kinda sorta need to be taken seriously.
  19. Very good film, but still slightly disappointing in some respects. Can't put my finger on it yet. Probably requires a second viewing to digest everything, but I know this...there's nothing more frustrating than watching a film and discovering that some of your favorite moments from the trailer have been cut out of the movie. That shot of Cooper throwing a fit to himself in a hallway? Not there. That wonderful delivery from Renner where he shouts "We're all gonna find the light!" to a crowd? Nope. Bale's hilarious "I've just got bigger balls than you" to Cooper? That conversation never happens.
  20. People should remember that a 25m opening can translate to over 120mil via Christmas.
  21. I don't really get people's frustration with endings like that. They should be used to them by now.
  22. I pretty much maintain the only reason baseball is popular is because of tradition and people growing up with it. There's nothing exciting for interesting about it.
  23. Hustle just won Picture with NY film critics. I think it's definitely getting nominated for the Oscar.
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