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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. The raindrops scene is meant to be hokey and it's okay that it's hokey. It's a purely comedic scene. SM3 took that and went too far. You want dialogue line for line from the comics?
  2. SM2 delivered the top pic too. Fans need to stop with the revisionist history.
  3. Hiddleston's a good actor and he's great as Loki, but he hasn't done anything else of note really, so it's difficult for me to understand how he's gained such a cult following. Yeah, he's good-looking, but is he that much better looking than any other famous actor?
  4. Umm...IM2 has problems, but a lack of character development for Tony isn't one of them. The majority of that movie is devoted to Stark's character arc at the expense of developing Whiplash's character,
  5. Wow. Lighting is so important for some of these costumes. It looks like Halloween digs there.
  6. I just don't think Thor is an interesting character on his own. It only worked in the first film because he'd never been on screen before and because Thor interacting with the human world is an intriguing fish-out-of-water scenario.
  7. It was an accidental result of the weight gain and posturing. He didn't intentionally herniate his disks.
  8. Last Vegas - 20 Free Birds - 18 Ender's Game - 17 Gravity - 13 Jackass - 12
  9. See Silver Linings Playbook last year. Platform releases aren't an exact science.
  10. The cast is enough to get it over 10mil. And it's lower than I thought for Grandpa too, but not altogether surprising as theaters were over-playing the trailer. As of three to four weeks ago, the trailer was no longer funny to most people.
  11. Anybody else imagining an Alfonso Cuaron-directed Atlantis movie in 3D? Holy shit.
  12. People keep saying video game adaptations never do well and therefore never will, which is reductive. That's only the case because in the past they've either been complete shit, had horrendous marketing, or they came long after the game had already become irrelevant. The original Mortal Kombat is the outlier with a 70mil gross in 1995, decent quality compared to other adaptations, and it was released when the games were still all the buzz. The Resident Evil franchise has been mostly successful, and would probably be even more successful if they focused more on horror instead of shitty outdated wire-fu/bullet-time action sequences or if the games were still relevant. Not to mention if they were any good. The majority of video game adaptations have flopped or failed to break out not because audiences have something against them, it's because the movies sucked.
  13. His first three films were home-runs in my opinion. The cover was understandable.
  14. As bad as M. Night's films have been for a while now, The Village, The Happening, and The Last Airbender were all financial successes. Discounting Man of Steel, Snyder hasn't had a hit since 300. Although you could call Watchmen a modest success.
  15. I swear I've seen the Bad Grandpa trailer with nearly every film I've seen for the past month or two months. They're really overdoing it.
  16. Not sure what ya'll are seeing, but that was a better trailer than the last. Absolute contender. Those who actually know shit about Oscars will concur.
  17. 87% on RT and 1bil at the box office. Whatever, brah. Bane's voice is what made him nearly as iconic as the Joker. It was the best part of the character.
  18. Children of Men comes close, but yeah, Gravity is something else. Definite top 10 of the decade, maybe even top 50 best of all time material.
  19. The President being black has nothing to do with a film about slavery. Why would you even bring that up?
  20. It's not actually scifi. This is more Apollo 13 than Avatar. Buzz around the industry indicates as such.
  21. It's the ending. I think it pissed some people off, thus creating mixed word of mouth, not to mention Gravity this weekend sucking away adults.
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