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Posts posted by carolwoodpr

  1. Foot update:  I worked 12 hours on Saturday and my foot held up.  I stood for 7 out of 8 hours yesterday and I was in so much pain I considered a pain pill.  Did not take one though.  Foot is still swollen today.  Doctor told me standing wasn’t good for me yet.  She was right.  I was wearing compression socks and it still swelled after so much standing.  Ankle hurts as much as foot now.  After all it was 15 weeks of no walking.  Been doing my pt.  Will ask about the ankle pain when I go to pt on Thursday.  

    It is nice to say that walking is fun, but now my goal is to be able to wear a shoe.  Swelling prevents that so far.  

    • Like 2
  2. Foot update:  saw my physical therapist this morning. He said the swelling is just from walking.  Pain is moderate unless I am walking, then it is severe.


    We had a fantastic vacation.  I did not let my foot bother me.  Bermuda was amazing.  I hope to go back there some day.  We saw three show in NYC and I loved them all.  I can’t decide which one I liked the best they were all so good.

    • Like 2
  3. Foot Update:  we got off the ship this morning.  I have been on crutches the last three days because my foot is so swollen I could barely walk.  We are going to dinner in a bit and leaving the crutches in the hotel.  I just have to walk a block.  We will take Lyft or Uber from dinner to our show. And then back to the hotel.  We are here until Sunday.  Hopefully the swelling will go down.  I expected mild swelling with my first steps in 12 weeks but this is swelling as bad as it was right after surgery.  I am not letting this ruin my vacation though.  I really enjoyed the cruise to Bermuda, our new favorite island.  Now we are in New York City.  Swollen painful foot will absolutely not ruin my time here!

    • Like 4
  4. Foot Update!  Saw the doctor today.  She gave me a smaller boot and gave me permission to walk!  If I walk a lot I have to use my bigger boot and crutches to help.  I am to listen to pain.  If I have pain I must stop walking and switch boots. I was even given permission to wear my tennis shoes, but with the swelling I probably won’t do that.  My sandals are nice and supportive so I may try those.

    we leave tomorrow and I have a wheelchair at the airports, so all in all today’s visit was good news.  The bad news?  I walked around the house getting ready to pack for about a hour and am now icing because of severe swelling.  Ice bag is going on vacation with us! 

    • Like 7
  5. Foot update:  physical therapy sucks.  It is very painful.  I do the exercises too much because I want to walk again and be able to walk on the 10th.  We leave for vacation on the 11th and if I am still on crutches it will suck.  I am ready to something at work besides sit on my ass all day.  I know this pain is part of healing, and I have not taken meds for it so that is something.   


    Dry skin is gone and my foot looks much better now.  But it looks as painful as it is now.


    I will never taking waking, driving, getting my own beer, or going up stairs for granted again.

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  6. Foot update:  saw the doctor again today and said goodbye to my pretty purple cast.  I have graduated to a boot but still non weight bearing.  I see her again in two weeks, the day before we leave for our cruise to Bermuda and our nyc trip.  I fear I will be wearing a boot while on vacation, but hopefully in two weeks I can walk.


    i am also starting physical therapy tomorrow.  Hopefully moving it will reduce the swelling.  The bottom of my foot is now about 3/4 of inch bigger than normal due to swelling.  Top of my foot is very swollen still.  I did not expect that 6 weeks post op.   For pictures of my foot go to chat.

    • Like 5
  7. 25 minutes ago, 75Live said:

    Apparently the Eagles wide receivers think football is the same as soccer and are not allowed to use their hands to catch a ball

    Same with Sanders on the Broncos.  If he had caught the first ball thrown it would have been a touchdown.  Second ball would have been a first down.  When you are always double covered you have to be ready in single coverage.  Emanuel wasn’t ready today.

    • Like 1
  8. Omg first day back at work, in a cast, but no ice or elevation equals a lot of pain.  I took an actual pain pill, but not as strong as dilauded.  Hoping to knock the pain out, and I am iced and elevated.  


    I did not expect my foots reaction to work!  They were very happy to have me back though.

    • Like 3
  9. Foot update:  today I got my cast off, and my stitches out.  Foot is horribly swollen still and it has been 4 weeks since surgery.  Found out I have at least two, but probably 4 weeks off my foot.


    So, they put me back in another beautiful purple cast.  This time me foot is at 90 degrees so I can put it down when needed.  Bad news is my toes are out.  If I hit them it is really going to hurt.  I don’t like not having protection for my toes!

    • Sad 3
  10. Foot update:  I get my cast off in two days.  Thank God because I still hate it!  My foot frequently hurts, I think because of my stitches which should also come out Thursday.


    Today was shower day.  We plan it because I have to get upstairs and I have a cast cover.  I almost fell in the shower.  It is hard to stand on one foot for twenty minutes.  Anyway I steadied myself with my toes, so have been in pain since then.


    Thanks for reading.  This is the only place I vent about my foot.

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    • Sad 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, 75Live said:

    Kind of depressed.  I had 2 interviews the past 2 days, one from Thursday hasn't said anything yet and the one today that seemed to go great, already said no.  It was only like 4 hours after the interview.  The second one was temporary but seemed like a fit for what I need now even if the money was bad.  Oh well, got to keep looking and need something pretty soon

    I sent thank you letters after my interview and they loved it.  I got the job.

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