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Everything posted by carolwoodpr

  1. I love love love my doctor. Her office did my other foot after I broke it at Disneyworld three years ago. Yep, it has been swollen since day one June 23. I am going to the stones concert. I can’t make it worse!
  2. @AndyLL has been pampering me since it happened. I can’t drive or do much because of the boot. Biggest difference is I get milkshakes after surgery and he makes them great!
  3. I was walking at work when suddenly I felt incredible pain and could no longer walk. Official diagnosis from my surgeon is a bad sprain. Oh and the sprain in my foot ‘activated’ a bunion that she labeled as severe and huge. So the surgery is to fix the bunion with the breakage of 3-4 bones. I am still horribly swollen from the sprain so between that and the bunion I am in severe pain.
  4. Thanks! Can’t wait for surgery to help me feel better. 6 days. 3 days to work. 2 days off then the magical day. 😀
  5. Saw my surgeon today and signed paperwork. Found out it is 4-6 weeks off my foot. I only took 4 weeks off. Talked to my boss and he said to take care of myself and come back when I can. I love my boss. Two extra weeks will suck but I want to heal properly. They are breaking several bones so I guess I understand the 6 weeks. But doesn’t it take 8 weeks to heal a broken bone? Surgery is Wednesday. Today I ordered my moby crutches. It is pretty cool. May have to use it for The Rolling Stones concert on Saturday night. Depends how easy it is to take off and put on though. Google Moby crutches to see what they are. It’s pretty cool .
  6. Surgery is scheduled for August 14. Four weeks non weight bearing. I am taking the first two weeks off, and am thinking I need to take the third and fourth week off too. Have not decided for sure yet though. I did file for short term disability tonight. After 4 weeks off I will be in a boot again for a few weeks, but don’t have exact dates on that yet. For the surgery they are going to cut and remove bone from two areas, two incisions. Ouchie. A few plates in this foot too.
  7. See my surgeon in the morning. Had to change the appointment from the 13 to the first due to severe pain and swelling. I am so ready for surgery to make it all better. Surgery soon means healthy by vacation!
  8. I use my iPad exclusively and I do have a computer that I dust off every few months. iPad makes it really easy to forego a computer.
  9. Hi Tele, welcome back! Hope to see you next year.
  10. OMG pain in my foot is bad. Should it get worse after a cortisone shot? I though it was supposed to get better. Icing like crazy now, and enjoying a beer. In other news, we have purchased all of our show tickets for NYC in October. We are seeing Beetlejuice, Wicked, and Mean Girls. When we are there we will try to get a cheap matinee. I can’t wait to cruise to Bermuda and see NYC again!
  11. Ok saw the podiatrist today. Gave me a cortisone shot and off my feet for two weeks. Then one week on, then I see her to decide on surgery.
  12. Going through insurance hell today. Spent 1.5 hours at work trying to do my insurance and was almost done when it crashed. That worked out because Andy wanted to look at my options. Neither of us like that the two HSA plans allow Any out of network doctors. This is problematic for hospital visits and surgeries. 2 out of the last three years I have had hospital visits and surgeries with a possible surgery on my foot this year. Because of this we are leaning toward Kaiser insurance instead of bcbs. Do do any of you have kaiser? It has been about 10+ years since I have had it, and am unsure what I want to do.
  13. Well, got the final diagnosis on my foot. Keep in mind this started almost 5 weeks ago. I was walking, then I couldn’t walk. After xrays, an mri and 4 weeks ina boot and shoe boot the diagnosis was made. No break, no ligament problem. I have a bunion, and the pain level in my foot is never below a 4, and after physical therapy exercises and doctors manipulating my foot the pain gets as high as an 8. Gritting my teeth pain. I have an appointment to see a podiatrist on Wednesday where I get to hear my options. After almost five weeks of pain I am past ready for this to be fixed. Andy has been a jewel driving me everywhere and going to doctors appointments with me. When it’s not him, our son drives me. They bring me ice, and Andy brings me beer. In sickness and in health, Andy has always been my rock. I have to say though, I can’t wait to golf again!
  14. Found out yesterday I have no torn ligament in my foot. I do have arthritis in it. One of my treatments is to soak for me to soak my foot in ice water for 5 minutes, then hot water. I burned my damn foot!
  15. Having Mexican food for dinner tonight. I am starving. Did I tell you I tore ligaments in my foot? I have been in a boot for three weeks now. Saw two movies in that three weeks, and preparing to watch Stranger Things tonight. Can’t wait.
  16. Saw Toy Story last night. Cried. Still like TS 3 better. in other news I hurt my ankle and foot Saturday at work when my ankle gave out on me. Could not put any weight on it the rest of the day. Iced it for hours. Today it is still painful but I can walk slowly. I am going to the work prescribed urgent care 30 minutes from my house to check it out.
  17. I am in the middle of a six day work week, but the payoff is two consecutive days off so all is well. Next Disney Cruise is just 114 days away. Next week we pay and book excursions. Still have to book our shows in NYC. We are considering Come From Away and Dear Evan Hanson and Beetlejuice. Definitely doing Wicked and Lion King. Oh and we would love to see Mean Girls. What do you think? Which of our show list have you seen, and did I’d you love it? Or was it not worth the money?
  18. Woke up today with painful hips and back. It is not as bad as yesterday. Bonus is today is my day off. Andy and Alex have decided to take a walk. I declined. Not sure if I declined because of my hips or my four drink lunch. Hips feel better but head is fluttering. God I hate feeling drunk. And yes, I am a lightweight.
  19. Woke up at 8 with severe hip pain. Got up and took Motrin. It has not helped. It hurts to sit, stand, lie down and walk. I work in a few hours. It is going to be a rough day.
  20. Congrats! I know how it feels to be unemployed and am celebrating 2 months at the job I love!
  21. I am back, did you miss me? We had a fantastic cruise but are all happy to be home. We cruise again in October. I have a very swollen foot and go back to work tomorrow so will be buying a foot sauna today, knowing that while it may not help the swelling it should help the pain in my feet due to standing eight hours a day at work.
  22. We leave Friday. One day left to work. All overtime. Saw a trailer for a movie last night that looked like a fun movie. Is Ma a comedy? Nope. Foot is still red and painful. And our dinner partners on the cruise, one of whom I have become great friends with has had his second heart attack in a month. He is still planning on cruising, and has cruise insurance.
  23. It’s been 3 days now since I burned my foot and it is still painful and red. Note to self, sunscreen. In other news I just have one more day of work before vacation. Everything I work tomorrow is overtime and I am scheduled for 8 hours.
  24. I only have to work two more days before vacation starts on Thursday. Disney Fantasy here we come! Unfortunately I sunburned my feet pretty badly golfing yesterday so will have peeling feet on the cruise but it could be worse. At least I can walk.
  25. Alex got straight A’s again. He has to be on honor roll but the school hasn’t sent or done anything. How he does this with his busy schedule of singing and acting I really don’t know. All I know is I am very impressed with my son!
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