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Posts posted by lupinw45

  1. 8 hours ago, RandomJC said:


    DC has very rarely done those kind of reboots. (even New 52 wasn't that kind of reboot). But it's certainly a soft reboot, with minor changes to characters seen across the board. Including the re-inclusion of Wally which drastically changes both the Flash and Titans series. The change in Green Arrow, Aquaman. While it's pretty easy to see this as a continuation, it's definitely different than what came before. 


    Also, Personal opinion, but the new Super Woman title was terrible. but that was the only bad Rebirth book I read


    Things are always different, though. But as a whole it's still the same old same old.

  2. 1 hour ago, DamienRoc said:


    Wonder Woman, too. New origin seems to be doing away with the "daughter of Zeus" thing that came out in Azarello's run.


    (Didn't New52 Batman die, tho? I haven't read all of Snyder's run, but I seem to remember that being a thing, which is why Gordon ended up wearing the Bat Mecha Suit.)


    Is it establishing a new status quo in an effort to provide a jumping on point for readers? If so, it's a reboot. 


    It's the same Diana, though. Origins get changed all the time, doesn't really mean it's a reboot. And Geoff Johns commented that Rebirth as a WHOLE wasn't a reboot.


    New 52 Batman didn't die. He was rejuvenated, IIRC. His origin is still the same.

  3. 2 hours ago, DamienRoc said:


    If you're going on strict continuity terms, it sort of is. The status quo for characters is not the same as it was just prior to Rebirth. I.e. they are not (all) the same as their New 52 incarnations. But neither are they their pre-new 52 versions, either.

    The only one I can think of is Superman, since they killed off DCnU Superman. What I meant is that it's not a company wide reboot on the scale of COIE.

  4. 7 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    DC Comics Humiliates Marvel With August 2016 Marketshare, As Diamond Sets A Record Month Of Sales


    Marvel had almost a third more comics on sale in August than DC Comics. 93 comics to DC’s 75.

    Yet DC Comics destroyed Marvel Comics on marketshare through August across the board, and placed 9 titles in the top 10.

    Harley Quinn #1 took the no 1 spot, beating out All-Star Batman #1 and Suicide Squad #1 with more issues of Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad, Batman, Justice League and Supergirltaking up the rest of the top ten.

    It took Amazing Spider-Man #16, kicking off their Dead No More event to get Marvel into the Top Ten. Everything else Marvel published was beaten by four comics starring Harley Quinn – and one by Supergirl.

    Which yes, sounds insane. This is both the power of DC Rebirth, but also the lack of reverberation in the market from the poorly performing Civil War II crossover, Star Wars sales slipping and the Inhumans storylines having very little traction.

    FULL ARTICLE: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/09/16/dc-comics-humiliates-marvel-with-august-2016-marketshare-as-diamond-sets-a-record-month-of-sales/


    iJack will love this news! Great for DC, Rebirth is kicking butt.

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  5. In terms of comics, DC is definitely more praised by critics and has won more awards than any other publisher.



    7. Publisher bragging rights go to DC Comics, which has published the most Eisner-winning comics and creators, with a staggering 250. Seventy-one of those are from Vertigo, and 33 from the discontinued WildStorm (which includes 23 from the America’s Best Comics line). Even excluding the Kirbys, DC is more than 100 trophies ahead of the next publisher on the list.



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