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Posts posted by tokila

  1. 5 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

    Yes sir, $889 million when it leaves the box office. I believe the law of large numbers will soon come in to play and the drops will be sharper than a typical mid-December opener. That won't stop it's eventual domestic domination, but I do believe that will leave it short of some of the loftier current estimations. 

    Of course I hope I'm wrong, I would love for TFA to be the first $1 billion domestic film!

    I agree. It wont hit a "wall" but it will look like one statistically. Basically I see this currently teir we are on. At some point we are going to see a sharp downward correction, it will fall, but it will still be doing great numbers compared to other movies. Just not compared to what it was doing. 


    The key is when it hits that point. If it can make it through the new years weekend riding high and then have a sharp downturn that 1st week of January we have a shot at 1 bil. If it happens the week after CMAS we will be between 800 and 900 mil. If it happens next week it will be less noticeable, but will lead to larger lost sales.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

    Thank you!

    I formulated a haphazard theory about TFA's final domestic total. I was looking back on various big openers and compared their 1st Mondays. If my theory holds water, the total for TFA should be about $889 million. It's size and month of release where tricky to extrapolate though since this movie is sort of an outlier lol

    889 when? End of run?


    If today comes in it 39million I have it at 898mil on 7 FEB. making 5.8 mil the weekend of 5-7 FEB, and beween 850k-950k on weekdays. I have not extended the model out past the 7th, but if it is doing that then I would assume another 30 million. So 930mil total. 


    For me for this to make one billion domestic it needs to do over 165 mil this weekend, and then have 10% softer drops week over week than i currently project. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, RyneOh1040 said:

    may break another record - best TUE gross ever. Heading to high 30s tonight. Shd beat $35M TUE opening day of 2012 Spidey.

    woot. Sounds like its trending up from 36-38.... I mean to be 36 or 37 is mid 30s, not high. So is the range now 37-39?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, mepal1 said:

    Please read the posts carefully, before commenting, as you completely mis-understood my post, which i was replying to someone else who had misunderstood the previous posters comments. Yes of course WOM is important, BUT its not the only reason why people are going to see the film. :rolleyes:

    I was referring to the idea that WOM was irrelevant. Which is simply false. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, DarthWalker said:

    All movies increase on Tuesday

    no they dont. 




    click into all of the top movies and select daily box office. Look at 1st tuesday. All I checked (about 25) except Titanic drop from their 1st Monday to 1st Tuesday. Then factor in that TFA is operating at the highest level ever and you quickly realize it would have been world shattering for it to even drop by 1 or 2%. Going up like Titanic would spell a domestic tragetory way over 1.5 billion.  

    • Like 8
  6. Just now, mepal1 said:

    No, i don't think they meant that, its just that there has been so much hype for the film, and a pent up demand after 10 years to go and see a reinvigorated SW franchise (which includes the main original cast)..........then people will be going to see the film regardless, to check it out for themselves, well that is the reason i will be going to see the film.


    btw:- what bothers me is if you all are going to the cinemas to see SW7, then that means you havn't got around to buying me a xmas present? :)

    Disagree. I know people who were planning on passing on going but now plan to see it because everyone is telling them how awesome it is. Its actually quite a few people I know. So yes the WOM is making a difference. 

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, redfirebird2008 said:


    You must not have paid attention during JW's opening. There was a ton of speculation and discussion about it. Besides, you don't calculate the Saturday number based on previews plus Friday. You do it based on the pure Friday number only. 

    I do strip out previews when trying to project 2nd weekend. Because, you know the movie wont be able to add thursday numbers to 2nd weekend totals. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Maxmoser3 said:

    Star Wars should have a north of 40 million Tuesday. Then a 36 million Wednesday, then a 37.1 million  Thursday.


    my bet is


    37mil tues, 34mil wed, 24mil CMAS eve, 50+cmas. 


    I will say that Wed could be a tad better than this guess simply because many people are off CMAS eve and it will be like a normal friday to them. 

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