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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. People.. TLJ can be a succesful movie and still underperform, it's not one or the other.
  2. I wasn't denying that! I just said I also made fun of star wars before it was cool (hipster joke).
  3. Give me a break Baumer I was doing it before it was cool! Lol Anyway I know we differ in opinion here and always have, I wish for Avatar and Titanic to stay the #1 and #2 highest grossers. To me the more top spots Jim holds and the longer the better his legacy. He is afterall my favourite director and is an incredible man, you know far more about Jim than most on BOT so you know what I'm talking about. I guess in a way its like a football rivalary, my team is better than yours sorta deal. In my opinion you're like golddust Baumer, wishing all films do well and never picking favourites. Respect for that by the way but it's just not me. People on here are always dissappointed when X loses to Y or excited when thier film is going to make more than the film they don't like. For me World Wide is everthing and Star Wars was the biggest threat to Avatar which is why I've enjoyed it's runs, for now they won't be capable until a gap and another reboot.
  4. I was wondering where on earth Tele was on the christmas weekend threads, should have saw this coming.
  5. Wow what a fantastic weekend, great stuff from Jumanji, Insidious, Showman, Pitch P3, Ferdinand, Darkest, Molly's Game, Coco, All the Money, Shape of Water, The Post and Phantom Thread. Outstanding.
  6. Hmm I would be very fair mod, I never personal insult people despite recieving them often. The sort of willpower needed for a mod. My first action as mod will be to add an Avatar sticky where all members must post thier Avatar predictions. Then in 2020 everone off the worldwide value by $1b gets a warning and those off by $2b are banned from making predictions on this site.
  7. Tele was a fair and just mod, a real stand up guy. Sad to see him pass.
  8. Yikes, if a non director, non script writer normal dude could fix it.. what the hell went wrong? These are professionals aren't they.
  9. Before TLJ came to cinema we asked if it's DOM would be closer to R1 or TFA, with R1 coming out victorious we can look to episode 9. So will episode 9 be closer to TFA or TLJ?
  10. You know what season its from my man? Gotta check that out.
  11. Jim will use his special technique no other blockbuster director seems to be able to pull off, it's called making a good movie.
  12. 10x seems a little high when its opening to over 150m. DOM around 850m, OS 2500m.
  13. Hope Avatar 2 uses the mouses power. Avatar legs with mouses iron fist, thats a potent mix.
  14. Lucky their next flagship will make billions there.
  15. @MCKillswitch123 Jim is always at the forefront of cinema, 11 years is a long time as you said. Imagin the sfx now, they'll be like nothing we've ever seen, just like Avatar in 2009. I don't know if you know this but Avatar was pitched not as a stand alone film but as one of many. Jim spent over 4 years making these scripts with the help of 5+ handpicked screenwriters. He sat them down and went through the whole saga with them before telling them which film they were writing, this way they paying attention to overall meta narrative. After they had finished the scripts he spent a couple years redoing them himself, giving them that Jim magic. He's been quoted saying the stories are richer than he anticipated and that we'll shit ourselves with our mouths wide open. In the meantime while writing the scripts he had his design and tech team working overtime to improve the technology and create the new enviroments and creatures. The preperation gone into these sagas is nothing like TLJ or Ultron, it's on completely another level. Also this is one of most impressive directors of all time working on this having already made a previous Avatar film. He knows exactly was he is doing and is one meticulous head mother fucker in charge. My predictions on the box office are based on my absolute certainity that A2 will be an incredible film, which is an advantage I have over most on this site. I'm sure some of the older posters on this site will tell you to never doubt James Cameron, they know all too well the mans capabilties.
  16. I'm sorry man, TFA left a real sour taste in my mouth. It is opinions of course, sws fans are fine by me.
  17. Tfa without having seen any star wars films, i can only imagine how bland it would be.
  18. Those movies were worse than the previous films and released within a few years of the previous. Aswell as not raising the bar. I can see A3 dropping 20% but not A2.
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