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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Where theres a will theres a way my friend. I don't get it in the UK either.
  2. @Sand-omJC Thats nothing to be proud of! Titanics got something for everyone you should watch it. You wouldnt want to miss out on the biggest franchise of all time, so I guess you should check out Avatar too. @75Live Avatar and 3D are GOOD. @Brainbug A2>3b & 0.5A>TLJ @LaughingEvans I'll be having the last laugh it seems. @rukaio101 Avatar has a theme park and a Chinese mountain named after it. You shouldn't compare marvel which has 15+ films and is based on a famous comic book franchise. Avatar for now is just 1 movie, when its 5 people will be begging for more pandora. Also not being able to name characters from an original film is part of the "cultural impact" meme. Name me a character from seven samurai or solaris, it's not easy. It's bombardment of the brain that makes stuff stick.
  3. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/12/27/james-cameron-story-science-fiction-amc/#.WkTBa-IVCFw.twitter
  4. Was eating sone macdonalds and overheard some teens arguing about wether theyre watching jumanji or tlj. I couldnt stand by so i told them jumanji was hilarious and tlj was pretty boring. by by by I wonder which they went to see
  5. It's fine not to be normal, but most found it great. I mean you don't have the best single box office run of all time with fantasic WOM without most people loving it. The portrayal of rich people is fine, rich assholes do and did exist. There was also a few rich non assholes like the ship designer, captain and nice fat lady. I'm sorry that the dailogue ruined the film for you, most mega critical people could atleast enjoy the incredible sfx and action in the last 90 minutes. Speaking of hyper critical, why are so harsh on the dailogue here but not so with other blockbusters? Didn't you say that you loved all blockbusters yesterday, I mean I could understand you being mad about Titanics dialogue if you were jonny shakespher... but you love loads of movies with far worse dialogue. Oh well, personally I think it's wonderful that cookie cookers such as TLJ are still struggling to beat it's DOM 20 years later. It was music to my ears when TFA blew in China because there was no nostagalia.. I was worried it might make more than Titanic worldwide lol.
  6. The man knows how to make a sequel and his said that the avatar sequels will make us shit ourselves with our mouth wide open. The films going to have a great story and push the boundries visually yet again. I don't think it's right to compare this to regular sequels for a few reasons. 10 year gap It will be better than first, sequel and box office king at the helm Avatars box office run was abnormal, it's wom the best it can be. Don't underestimate peoples memories. How will Avatar 2s run look with a big opening weekend? The mouse is now behind Avatar.
  7. @The Last AndyLL In 2020 Trump wins the second term, majority of posters on here could do with the escapism. Jims pushing for the dolby hdr and has new techno for underwater motion capture. I would send links but i'm too slow at posting on my phone. Like you said I think inflation in dec 2020 and market growth covers XR and then some.
  8. The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, True Lies, Titanic and Avatar. Cameron makes an excellent idol, he's achieved great feats in out and outside of film making. What he's done in life is truly inspiration and it took incredible talent and handwork to get where he is today. Why did Jim chose to make Titanic do you know?
  9. All I believe hw is saying is that the actual could come in under 21m.
  10. Will there be a day where Jumanji crosses TLJ? J-DAY is looming.
  11. That's no secret, Star Wars was the final threat to worry about. If TLJ had made close to TFA I would maybe have to be worried about sws9. The Last Jedi is actually still interesting to me without Avatar though, just because I've now invested 2 weeks following it.
  12. erm.. I didn't mean to rub you the wrong way so sorry for that I guess.
  13. I just think it would be better if people said "domestic champion" instead of "box office champion", less confusion I think. It's fine though just carry on as we were. Like I said if TLJ continues with TFA's legs from this point, it will make $687m.
  14. you do realise World Wide includes Domestic right?
  15. Please don't use confusing language you'll lead new users astray. Avatar is the box office champion of the world, TFA is a regional champion.
  16. By the end of the second Wednesday, TLJ $445m TFA $629m and on the Wednesday, TLJ $22m TFA $28m TFA ended up with $937m ((22/28) * (937-629)) + 445 = 687 So if TLJ follows the same drops as TFA it will make $687m Don't think 700m is possible now. Also the legs haven't been as good as TFA so far so don't see why they would follow TFA now. $610m my prediction.
  17. To see well loved movies with the best legs of all time check Avatar and Titanic, real crowd favourites.
  18. Well I mean this is a box office site.. and Jim is the box office king, making the highest grossing film of all time in the known universe, not once, but twice though? If you're implying that Cameron fans are in some way delusional I'm wondering why you would think that. He is the box office king, all 7 of his movies are great, and it an incredible person outside of film making. It's far more noble to support Jim than to support the mouse or some studio, whose primary objective is money.
  19. Jim has been to enviromental talks in China, I'm certain he will get Avatar extended in China. Would throw some links but I'm on my phone.
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