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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. My biggest problem with Rope, is that Hitchcock's commitment to the gimmick hinders it in places, some of the staging is a bit too forced. If I ever wanted a remake of one of his films, it would be Rope, if just because advancement in technology.
  2. Alright. *shrug* well Shining is a very good film, and about the only thing from Stephen King I've liked outside his short stories.
  3. It's on my list. I'm just not a super fan of old westerns. Though I did see Anatomy of a Murder a year or so ago, and that was a pretty good scummy Jimmy Stewart. It should be noted, my general love of Stewart almost got Fievel Goes West included on my list.
  4. I didn't have Vertigo on my list. Nor did I have Psycho. And truth be told, If I re-did my list, I probably would include both of them, but I was too afraid of essentially submitting Hitchcock's filmography, even probably Marnie, which turns in one of Connery's best performances I've seen in film, outside his "I don't care" attitude in Highlander. I just remember watching Vertigo when I was younger, and being in udder shock at Jimmy Stewert. I had only seen the actor in his 40's movies, like Wonderful Life, Harvey, Mr. Smith. And here he was so drastically different. It was only later that I watched Rear Window and Rope. and I admit for having a soft spot for Man who Shot Liberty Vallance. I said earlier Wonderful life is a great showcase of Stewart's acting, in his complete breakdown leading up to his attempted suicide. Vertigo is a another perfect showcase of a man who is completely going insane. If I had any complaint on Vertigo it would be that ending, and I mean that last minute up in the bell tower. Something doesn't click with me, which will always make it lesser than Rear Window.
  5. Usual Suspects. Something something, twist ending. I don't have much thoughts beyond taking way to long to actually figure out the ending of the movie, which is embarrassing. And it's probably going to take me a while to be comfortable watching the movie again thanks to singer/spacey. But that day will come, and I'll have more thoughts than when I was 15 watching it.
  6. Seven Samurai is great. It kickstarted my interest in Japanese film making and Japan itself. And while it's totally cliche but Kurosawa and Hitchcock are perhaps the two biggest influences on me as a story teller. And Seven Samurai is so good, that even it's rip-off is a near masterpiece of their genre.
  7. Oh, hey. I was gonna make a joke about wanting to be smothered because of how boring Cuckoo Nest is. But that isn't true. It's an enthralling film that Nicholson sells the hell out of the role. Though I did forget to add this to my list.
  8. 2001: Space Odyssey. The second closest I've ever come to feeling high during a movie, that loves to move between good, bad, and weird, trips. It's just further proof that Kubrik was insane, and that we wouldn't really have it any other way. Also, screw you panda for that that Ruffalo tease.
  9. I have the chance to watch Mortdecai. Should I?
  10. Personally, while the first part is very poignant and well crafted, it's the least interesting part for me. The second half does a better job at fully realizing what the first half tries to do.
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