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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. That's kind of what I meant. He's an outcast in that small town, and here it's cause of his height. But from what little I know of McDonagh, he likes to write towards actors. That dinner scene is my second favorite part of the movie, and I'm glad he walked away in the end. And other strong actors that I feel don't get enough, Sam Rockwell. It's kind of amazing that I grew to like him in the end.
  2. This is true. I'm curious if the role was written for Dinklage in three billboards. Outside of a few comments, nothing about the role has anything to do with his height. And I loved him in this, just sad there was so little of him.
  3. Its hard to put feelings down on this movie. It's great, darkly humorous, and real. I'm not usually one to care if what I'm seeing in film is necessarily realistic, but everything in this movie felt more like an unfolding of real events, and still felt like a complete story. McDormand is perfect. Rockwell is perfect. Harrelson is Harrelson. And Dinklage is an important humanizing part of the film. The ending is spot on. While I'd love the tight little bow of it all being wrapped up, but here we get character growth and that sense of...future, I guess. It's late my thoughts aren't the best. But this movie is great.
  4. Nile makes a far better movie than Orient Express. I think it flows better, and have some good tension throughout, instead just a straight Q&A throughout the book, unraveling the mystery.
  5. I would say it's heads and above Dory for Pixar, and won't make nearly as much. Which is a shame. It's beautiful, the music is great, the story is simple, but powerful. I saw the plot turns and side steps coming (outside a small one half way through). But everything was well orchestrated were once you really started to get the feeling things aren't what they seem, the story lets you know the truth. The emotional beats, at least one had me in tears. The one in the end had me openly bawling, it was beautiful, and happened to hit the right emotional strings on my heart, about family and remembrance. I'll just swing back to the look, the colors are brilliant, the look on those creatures (I can't remember what they're called) but it was fantastic. the fluorescence in those colors on those creatures where breath taking and created a real sense of not being "real". A beautiful film, easy A.
  6. our only hope is that it's basically just Christopher Plummer.
  7. Which is why when Disney saw this was about to break, told Lasseter, you get the fuck out, but we'll cover your ass enough by not firing you outright.
  8. I really only meant Unkrich could have been worse, just because Coco is his movie, purely a timing issue, more than anything. Lasseter is certainly the most devastating in the long term, and this could have the potential to hurt Pixar and WDA brand.
  9. It's a plus that Lasseter isn't a creative on Coco, so it isn't that hard to separate him from the project. and personally, I do hope the movie isn't hit too hard by this, it's a beautiful film.
  10. Lee Unkrich would have hurt them a lot too. (but that'd be more just from timing.)
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