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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Oh, I know the "Reason" just always what leads to someone finding it and bumping it.
  2. The biggest problem with this thread: I never know why it gets bumped. Though I do get plenty of joy when it does.
  3. I'm shocked and beside myself a movie was made to make money.
  4. As someone who has never actually read a silver age Superman comic, that's categorically not true.
  5. It felt to me that the movie was trying to have it both ways. That humans can be very bad, but it's also Ares pushing them to be bad. I think the movie would have been stronger without Ares altogether.
  6. Well, that and I kind of felt that it neuters Trevor's point on some people are just bad. The Ares final battle felt almost attached and completely separate from Trevor and the rest of his squad that if you told me it was added in post so there could be a big villain fight, I wouldn't be surprised. Also at times Diana's naiveté annoyed the crap out of me.
  7. I think I'd have liked this movie more if Ares wasn't the villain.
  8. I like the movie. Thought it was fun. Reminded me of the books, so can't complain.
  9. What happens when you lock the doors between first and second class. I liked the trailer, absent the pop song.
  10. Depends on the Godzilla movie. And just about every Godzilla movie was about the humans as the focus, and the monsters weren't really so much the "star" of the films.
  11. I always liked people's complains about Edwards hiding Godzilla. It shows a total lack of knowledge of the film series, that just makes the irony of them all the more sweeter.
  12. An exercise in seeing how much a movie can rest on the shoulders of Dwyane Johnson's shoulders. Turns out a lot. With a terrible plot, jumps in plot progression and odd character growth, the Rock's charisma and acting carry the brunt of this movie. And unlike another more fun than it should be movie staring Johnson, there isn't a personality black hole in its center. Everyone does their job, and well. In that C range, I can see how bad this movie is, but I don't regret watching it.
  13. A prequel to Uncharted huh? Well, at least the games already established that as a stupid kid he'd already started hanging out with scumbags and stealing treasures from third world museums. Could be a worse idea, could just try to adapt one of the games and get a horridly chopped up mess of a movie that makes no one happy.
  14. I wouldn't call an hour of nothing but scene setting being well made...
  15. Hm...But the first half of Alien is nothing but exposition.
  16. Alien was boring. I have fallen asleep every time I've tried to watch it.
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