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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. The other thing to remember is the reason BvS did so well on Bluray is because they literally said "This isn't the movie that was in theaters". Asking to give it a second chance. The theatrical cut was only released on barebones DVD, which is packaged in small print with the Bluray.
  2. Like DC introducing Superwoman, Chinese Superman, Latina Green Lantern, Black kid flash, Muslim Green Lantern, Gay Batman and Gay Superman.
  3. Fucking hell, If I only I was good enough for one more week!
  4. Rope I give praise for just the experiment technique, and Jimmy Stewart. Blade Runner is great setting, the video game was better in my mind. Rear Window is easily my top favorite, but Trouble with Harry is my best off beat top 10.
  5. Harder than I thought. Still not happy, but can't spend all day tweaking, so probably missed placed stuff, sadly.
  6. I don't know this story. And I'm a bit afraid to know it.
  7. arguing about someone using minutia when using OS as the only metric to grade a film's popularity.
  8. Seems there is a middle between loved it and disgusted.
  9. If it makes you feel any better, plenty of people can tell you I think IT is a shit book that'll make a shit movie that will bomb.
  10. Sony isn't going to get it. I'd probably bet on Fox with an outside chance on Universal.
  11. I'm curious to your methodology here. Why include Goosebumps, but not I Am Legend? My main problem with your list is including the last 2 decades while trying to make a point of the last decade. It's inconstant.
  12. Quick scan of his list, I don't think any of those movies are pre-2000, so you're probably right.
  13. then perhaps only list horror movies released in the last decade? It makes no sense to post a 2 decade list and than have your point of comparison being the last decade. What was the point of posting a 2 decade list? 2 decade list means nothing to your point. Also, how do you define Horror? Ghostbusters? Pan's Labyrinth? American Psycho? Constantine? Goosebumps??? Yet you don't include I am Legend? Sixth Sense?
  14. I missed the POC with Hannibal. And so many of those movies aren't horror movies.
  15. Someone doesn't read Superman Comics. The only time Superman experienced significant defeat (DIED) was against an opponent who didn't have Kryptonite.
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