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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Proof to never bet on a movie while riding a high. I had a lot of fun, and wishing everyone best of luck. Except Arlborn. Ok, you too Arlborn
  2. It's hard not to watch Suicide Squad without being reminded of GOTG. The opening montage of classic rock songs is a pretty good give away. If the re-writes and editing stuff is true, it was certainly made more GOTG in the editing room at the very least.
  3. When it comes to Captain Marvel versus Wonder Woman is a timeline. I have no doubt that Feige was trying to push a female led superhero movie for a long time, probably Black Widow at first, since it'd be the easiest to do for them. (And wouldn't be surprised if Winter Soldier was also meant as a testing ground for the character.) Perlmutter obviously was going to say no because she'd want more money, and she of course is a woman. Feige did get Captain Marvel, CW and Black Panther under Perlmutter, whether with Disney stepping on Perlmutter's neck, they were green lit under his "leadership". It may even be that Black Widow movie was sacrificed for Captain Marvel. Which honestly would be the smarter move (More Female Heroes.) I've heard rumors that Feige still wants to do a Black Widow movie, so hopefully we'll see one after Avengers 4. But, Wonder Woman has been a will they/won't they since the 90s. It's hard to say when exactly DC hammered down a definite we will make this, compared to whenever Feige convinced someone to force Perlmutter to let him make the movie. It's a muddy timeline. Cyborg is probably less a response to Black Panther and more "We need a Black superhero" and they took the Black superhero from JL. Suicide Squad is a definite response to GOTG though.
  4. Spaghetti gets a special mention for doing a wonderful job with the story, I haven't given him praise before, and I'm sorry. I totally love everything that's here, and look forward to reading the entire thing as it unfolds. I have my favorite in the coming weeks, so I'll be rooting for them. Silently of course, don't wish to give them bad luck by proxy.
  5. There is a GOTG2 joke in their somewhere. I just don't know what it is.
  6. This is harder to pin down, WW has always been an in limbo movie since the 90s. May 2013 Marvel announced they were working on a script for Carol Danvers. From the sources I see DC started really pushing a WW solo film later that year, after Gadot was cast in BvS in March 2013. It's hard to say if Captain Marvel is a direct reaction to WW, the timelines a little muddy there. But yeah, BvS is the reason Civil War got made.
  7. Hobbs fixed his broken arm by flexing his muscles.
  8. I'll borrow that basic concept. Fast and Furious - Dom's F9ne
  9. Better yet, kill Dom and magic Han back alive.
  10. I'm just stuck on a Deep Space 9 pun...and it's a porn parody title I have no idea what pun they could make for 9.
  11. It won't happen, just like Vin won't let that spin-off happen.
  12. fuck Spin-Off. Start 9 with Dom being killed by the big-bad and just have Hobbs/Deckard be the stars.
  13. Said this before, and it'll never happen, but these movies need to move away from Dom. Some of the worst parts of 8 are his parts.
  14. You have more faith in a man who thinks dark is getting raped, and no man can just be good, he has to be troubled.
  15. First, please don't put thoughts into my head. I don't know Batman will have a redemption. I firmly believe he isn't going to revert. Not with these people in charge. Nothing about "JL will be lighter" pandering BS can convince me otherwise. Second, Harley was in the heat of battle, that he saves her instead of going after the Joker. Third, I find it inconsistent with the character your trying to tell me is there, versus the one I saw. Batman in BvS is an unrepentant killer, not a reluctant one, from how I viewed the film. Fourth, obviously we disagree, but please stop belittling my opinion on this matter to mere "nitpicking" it's rude and unhelpful to any discourse.
  16. Not even the Punisher tries to kill people because they may go bad. Batman is just a sociopathic killer looking for justification in his dreams to kill Superman.
  17. Him gunning down cars in a chase scene isn't reluctance to kill. For Deadshot, he'd just wait for the daughter to be dropped off and not there. He's still a known assassin who killed people. Harley is a psychotic killer, who he actively saves from dying. Again, just look at their crimes. Killers get captured, thieves and kidnappers get neck snaps and run down by machine gun fire. And Batman is so reluctant to kill, he is trying to kill a man because "He may go bad" that isn't reluctance, that isn't even caution.
  18. Which is an argument to Snyder not understand the character. People aren't complaining about the internal consistency of the movie when they complain about Batman killing (Like me complaining). I'm complaining because it isn't Batman. But if you want to keep it in-universe, it's also inconsistent. He kills all those thugs, why did he not kill Deadshot at the very least? Or Harley? Or the Joker by now? BvS shows a Batman who is just worn out he's wiling to kill. in Suicide Squad, a movie that takes place at roughly the same time, Batman doesn't kill a known assassin, and two crazy killers. But he's willing to kill thugs for thieving and kidnapping.
  19. I have to kind of put it in a different place than Burton or Nolan. Like the Adam West Batman. I like them, but I can't compare them to Burton or Nolan. Too different.
  20. Ok. Thor is getting compared to JL a lot is because the two are being released right next to each other, your bias is showing. And people shit on ASM 1/2 all the time, trust me as a Spidey fan I fucking see it, alot. I also never seen GOTG compared to MoS. Though I did see a shit ton of Deadpool made more than BvS. But that isn't MCU. I honestly never seen Keaton Batman all the way through and I know that movie has mixed feelings with Batfans. But even what you describe isn't the same as gatling guns mounted headlight mowing down cars. And it's also surprising how people will forgive these things if the movie is good. Your also forgetting most fans feel this way about Batman because of the Animated Series, so perhaps bitching about Burton isn't the way to go. As for Doctor Strange, how is being snarky not being serious? Add in the fact that I've read plenty of Doctor Strange, he has plenty of snark in him. He's an arrogant conceted prick. The movie did a perfectly good job adapting his character. Intact your lame excuse to try to divert from Superman would have worked much better by going to Drax, a character completely unrecognizable from screen to page. And I notice no refutation to shooting Olsen in the head. Look, maybe you shouldn't treat "the internet" as a single person. And maybe you shouldn't laser focus on the critiques or mocking that hurts the thing you like. Cause you can find plenty of people mocking anything, it isn't like DC is some special thing here.
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