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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. I don't think Marvel is going to be really that upset if Guardians didn't open to above 133M, most MCU movies have never opened near that amount. and to suddenly put that as a measure is pretty stupid. GOTG2 will do fine, even if it doesn't blow the roof off OW it won't flop, and only stupid fanboys are going to care about it compared to SS, a movie that opened 50M more than previous MCU movie, Doctor Strange.
  2. Even just looking at MCU movies as a whole, their OS growth is impressive. Market share is a bit of an odd duck in my opinion just because of the explosion of the OS market, it's really impossible for AOU to increase it's share over Avengers. JW, F&F7 and TFA did massive OS numbers in '15. Furious 7 was a beast doubling it's OS take from 6, and of course TFA and JW is pretty impossible to compare to their previous entries.
  3. Batgirl and New Mutants getting a movie is like Doctor Strange and Guardians getting a movie. And Kamala Khan is going to get a movie, because no one gives two fucks about the Inhumans, but everyone loves Kamala. Fiege isn't stupid.
  4. Guess what I mean is that thanks to the worse exchange rate AOU actually had an even better hold WW than it appears. AOU had a 7% drop from Avengers, with a worse exchange rate. I don't have the Exchange Rate #s on hand, but it'd guess the drop would be pretty close to flat. I'm being a touch loose with #s, sorry. But MCU has seen a marked increase over seas, despite an Exchange Rate that is clearly unfavorable.
  5. They had a close up of his fingers clawing at arm rest, which is an unconscious thing he does, which was established. You could see little puffs of cotton already poking out.
  6. AOU was such a marked decrease it made only 1.4B WW after Avengers made a massive 1.5B WW.
  7. I have never seen anyone complain seriously about TDK trilogy being too dark. (Which isn't apart of the DCEU, but whatever). When people complain the DCEU is too grim/dark it's not because they don't like grim/dark or don't think it's good. It's because characters like SUPERMAN aren't grim/dark. Logan is a grim/dark character. Daredevil is a grim/dark character. Superman is a man who flies around in bright blue and red who is an embodiment of hope, not an emo "woe is me, why do I have to save people" type character. And I'm really hating this idea that people keep trying to push out the idea that MCU invented action movies with quips in them. But when people complain it isn't funny, that isn't a problem with the humor, it's a problem with the QUALITY. Back onto TDK trilogy, Daredevil and Logan, they weren't humorless. They were dark, they were grim, they could be depressing as all hell, but they weren't humorless. And of course you don't buy there isn't a bias against DC. No way is it possible for people to not like a movie that much. Especially people who claim to actually be fans of the comics or characters. Can't at all be people don't like Snyder just deciding to shoot Jimmy Olsen in the head because he didn't know what else to do with him. Or turning Pa Kent into the exact opposite kind of character he is. Or pissed that Batman is completely fine just mowing down badguys with guns. Totally not a bias AGAINST DC that people don't like these things.
  8. Ugh...im Not even going to do a calculation...my scores sucked.
  9. I hate you. So very much. That's the jealously talking. Awesome get.
  10. Favorite thing about the movie. The PR guy pitching the movie legit said the words "more realistic than 7"
  11. I may have also made the mistake of making my Fate of the Furious #s after having watched the movie.
  12. I knew I forgot to get something from the tuck stop.
  13. That was fun. They need to find a way to get rid of Diesel though. Charismatic black hole that he is.
  14. People be over reacting to the stream troubles. Calm down.
  15. So, I can get that they may not have brought out the new cast, but nothing from Ewan is very...weird.
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