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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Has someone already made the joke about an hour of jump scares? Or are we still pretending these games have deep meaningful lore.
  2. I don't hate dark/gritty. I hate when people view it as "realistic". I like it where it's appropriate, it's appropriate as the default for Batman. I don't think it's appropriate for the default of Superman. Not that you can't have light/fluffy Batman, or dark brooding Superman and good stories can't be told with either, but neither is a good default state for their character and what they stand for. Variety is great, but you can't just shove a square peg into that round hole. (Like I view people like Snyder try to do) I'd be fine with a darker DCEU if I felt that they actually treated the characters better. (To throw that out and about) As a character Rorschach is very interesting and complex that is certainly a character that deserves to exist, and if it wasn't for the fact that he carries the message of the book on his shoulders I'd like him a lot more. He's made to be intensely unlikeable and in some ways we aren't meant to root for him, but by having him as your mouth piece is counter productive (for me.) I have the same problems with South Park/Cartman. I can talk in circles about nothing for a long time, so you shouldn't have gotten me started.
  3. I saw a lot of people who love Watchmen act like this was a unique story that was never told before. And maybe for them it was, but it left me feeling cold. I know good stuff came out of it, certainly characters like Batman have certainly benefited from going down a darker more brooding path. But every character seemed to go down to the cold gritty realism of the late 80s/90s even if it didn't make any sense. And now I see it happening again, and I see people praising the needless darkening of everything as a sign of depth and complexity. I'm also putting a lot of this unduly on Watchmen's shoulders, I'll admit that, but since the book as only ok for me, and so many people use it as a template for their heroes being "real" and he must deconstruct them because that's "real" annoys the shit out of me. I long ago hated when authors would say things like "Well, real life doesn't give you clean endings". I'm reading a story, not a biography, this isn't real life. Sorry, this is a rant that's spun off into my philosophy of story telling. Cleaning this up. I don't hate realism, I hate when realism is used as an excuse. I also hate when dark/gritty is viewed as default in realism. Still think Watchmen is nothing special, but I know I'm an outsider in this belief, certainly as a comic reader. (I also hate Rorschach.)
  4. Part of it is that a lot of people treat it as revolutionary. (And it certainly is, for comics) I grew up reading sci-fi stories from the 50s that had the exact same themes and messages, and when I finally read Watchmen it felt like a dull retread of these previous ideas. I also felt it's core message was hurt by the use of Rorschach as that mouthpiece for the message. To me it hurt the message of the story. I'm also not really a believer in the core ideals of the comic, so that pushes me away. Add in the out right negative effect it had on the comics industry as a whole that has lead to this gritty "realism" of the nineties and of DC in recent years. Add in smaller nit-picks like the pirate story which felt like unneeded fat that only provided interesting world building. I've read that it shows parallels and even meta commentary as the story, but it felt like a neat idea of world building took too far. Add in Nixon being president long after legally able to be always bothered me in the story.
  5. One of my favorite movies of all time. It's great. I always got the sense that Elwood had some sort of mental disorder, that always appealed to me.
  6. Is abstaining a legitimate option? It seems unfair to just vote for JJ-8 or Fancyarcher. And everyone did good for us this week.
  7. Free movie tickets, and it was the trainwreck of the year. I had to see it. And it was mediocre for most of it, then got really good for 5/10 minutes, then turned into complete shit after the time jump.
  8. The saddest thing is that I'll still go see this in theaters, opening weekend too. I hate myself.
  9. Not like GO has been out for a month, and we talked about it a whole lot when it came out. but I'll say this. Get Out was great. It has very sexy awesome legs. And I miss those leg pictures from last year.
  10. Maybe my personal best on prediction, though Lego and Rogue One fucked me pretty good.
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