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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. You know...to this day I have no idea how the Derby is scored.
  2. Probably the best Mega cross over in the last decade or so. (Don't really bother with Brightest Day though)
  3. No, I mean Flash. Barry Allen got the blue ring during Darkest Night, not Superman. Certainly if his design is anything to go off of, but I think Flash will be the worst treated. (Could be cause I like Flash more, and Cyborg is a meh character for me)
  4. I'm talking about how they'll treat him in JL. I have little faith that the Flash will be treated well, at all. It's hard for this grim and gritty "realistic" world to handle a character who is a pure embodiment of hope.
  5. A cop can't just kill a bad guy though. It's actually a last resort and is in general frowned upon as an action taken. And even then, you'd have to shoot him when he is causing that threat, you can't shoot and kill him on the perceived threat he may cause in the future. Because he didn't brand him to be killed. Luther had the man killed to make it seem that's why he was branded.
  6. I'll argue the former since I completely disagree. One, his moral code on not killing has nothing to do with public perception, so that I'm going to toss aside is irrelevant. Why would it be questionable in realism for Batman not to kill the Joker? In reality the Joker would never escape, time and time again. Our society has that moral code right now, that killing someone is wrong, even deranged madmen aren't killed because of this moral stance. Batman is a vigilante to protect the people of Gotham. And part of that is to prove and show that the rule of law is still something, and means something. It's why he works closely with men like Gordon, and Harvey Dent before his accident. If he were to kill people that's a break in the trust of the law. Now let's take this to a look at the world these movies have created. In this world were batman is perfectly okay killing, who has he killed? Thugs of Lex luthor whose crimes were kidnapping (a crime not punishable with the death sentence) and theft (another crime not punishable with death). But he doesn't kill Deadshot, a well known assassin, and the Joker, a psychotic killer. This is a world where Batman who is willing to kill Superman before Superman commits a crime just to be sure, but doesn't kill Deadshot or the Joker. Sure, it's realistic.
  7. Is it? How about how it's impossible to get a bomb into the capitol building? Or how someone can fall away from a gravity sink-well that is attracting objects of far greater mass towards it? Note, none of these are the reasons I dislike MoS or BvS, they're just examples of the world not being realistic just because everything is dark and gritty. I mean, by the fact that there is no one who is optimistic is proof enough it isn't realistic, since the world isn't full of 100% down and dour people. Having a moral code that you won't kill anyone isn't unrealistic. Most people have that personal code.
  8. Better question, why did it take the Democrat (*snicker*) senator from Kentucky so long to notice the jar, and how did Luthor manage to time the bomb to go off at the exact time she realized it was there.
  9. So not wanting him to murder people is the same as not wanting him to touch anyone? There is a wide gulp in between, and if you're only recourse is to purposefully misinterpret what I say to prove your point, you've lost. I won't even argue how MoS and BvS aren't even realistic anyway, only leave the parting wisdom that in the real world, you couldn't leave a jar of human urine in the chambers of congress and have no one notice it for so long. (The smell would give it away as soon as you stepped in.)
  10. I have a feeling you don't know what the word realistic means. I'll read the comics if I want an accurate take on Batman.
  11. When BvS gets a version that doesn't have Batman just killing people, I'll like it.
  12. PR is the hardest, and I made my Trainspotting prediction before I saw theater count, which will bite me in the ass, I'm sure.
  13. Well, my opinions on Stephen King aside, he has a clear history of poor endings, so his faith in the Mist's means little to me. The ending has too many logical flaws that have to be ignored just for its "tragic" outcome. Also find little faith in King's assessments in adaptations of his material when I read his comments on The Shining.
  14. If we both get last, we'll be in this together. Till the end!
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