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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Here I was hoping this'd be another tragic board game adaptation.
  2. If this is as awesome as... I'm not joking, I just started binging on this, and it is now my favorite Batman, above everything else.
  3. A truly wonderful actor. I don't think I've ever not loved him in anything. I finally got around to watching Batman, and you can just see the joy Meredith had in playing the penguin, willing to play full ham.
  4. Lucas's strengths and weaknesses are laid bare with the prequels. He is a man of good ideas and great technical aptitude, but is poor at conveying the ideas with anything besides that technical aptitude. You can see it in his lack of direction of actors, and his self admittance that dialogue isn't important. He loves the tech and is very good with it. But the human aspect he has a harder time dealing with, and it becomes distracting when clearly talented actors give poor performances.
  5. Of course. How foolish I've been. You're right. I shall obsess over every film I like and find rational in them that clearly does not exist to justify my enjoyment of them. Or I can just enjoy them and damned be other people who don't. I like the OT, I like the PT, I like the new films, I like the Clone Wars and Rebels. I like the comics and books. I'm enjoying them all just fine without having the need for other people to validate my enjoyment And you may start that thread, but I have nothing really to add, I'm neither scholar, nor critic, just a viewer. Maybe you should try just watching and enjoying the movies. It may enrich your experience
  6. Never has a movie with so many head shots made it look more beautiful and realistic. Plus the music goes in sync with the fight at one point and it's beautiful. And Leguizamo. I love John Wick.
  7. Someone has certainly put more thought into TPM than Lucas ever did.
  8. I have seen only a very small minority call 3PO among the worst of Star Wars. I think maybe you are putting your feelings of characters onto other people.
  9. It's a movie I don't regret watching, and certainly got a few good jokes out of. It's certainly in that, 'It's bad, but I'm enjoying it, so I don't care', category.
  10. I have, and I'm proud with my values not being toyed with by TMZ and Peta.
  11. Total male pig...but her underwater at the end.
  12. I can see that, Nightmare before Christmas was really innovated for Stop Motion at the time. Sad it probably won't Win. This has been kind of Jungle Books category from day one.
  13. Am I wrong, or is this the first time an Animated film has gotten a best VFX nom?
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