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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. To his credit, he did evolve past a lot of his misogyny, and racism, and anti-Semitism. Unfortunately most of his early work, which is his most well known, is steeped in very xenophobic ideals, and even some of the horrific twists are that the characters aren't "pure" which stemmed from his own fear that he wasn't "pure". He is very much a product of his time, and so it's something to take with a grain of context from when he was alive.
  2. His very basis of his horror is racism. Fear of the other. Xenophobia, even if you remove the overt racism, plenty of his stories undercurrent and horror are discovering the impurity of your ancestry.
  3. I'd imagine because Lovecraft is difficult to film, since it's base is in the unknowable, the unimaginable, and the racist.
  4. 1.) Suicide Squad is not a sequel to Batman V Superman. It's like calling Winter Soldier a sequel to Thor the Dark World. Course doing 750 in it's opening week is very impressive, but multipliers aren't done of opening week. (I'm being pedantic.) Also, nice job not including all the Superman films in your chart, just to boost your point. Superman and Superman II made more than BvS adjusted. BVS sits at 8 out of 14 adjusted. But behold, it beat Quest for Peace and Superman III, that's something. End of the day, it's how the OP wishes to declare it a loser, and you can argue that he's wrong all you want, but his definition is BVS didn't make as much as it should have based on clear interest in the film, which is shown by buzz and opening weekend, and how interest clearly dropped off after release by the one of the worst multipliers ever seen by a big budget movie. And comparing it to Twilight is pretty bad, when movies that only appeal to teen girls and Baumer has more GA interest after it's OW than BvS...well... You can call it a Winner, but then again, that's your opinion. Mine is that it BvS did poorly relative to what it's potential was, and left a lot of sour tastes in a lot of people's mouths. It hurt the franchise more than it helped, and that's more a loser than it is a winner.
  5. ...This is a movie I will avoid seeing like the plague. When I eventually see it, I will bawl like a child.
  6. Finally watching clone wars. Woop. And waiting to watch the last few episodes with a friend.
  7. I think you missed his point.
  8. The purpose of the trailers is to convince the public to go see a movie. You are perfectly fine saying the trailers don't appeal to you, but trailers are not the movie, and it's very foolish to equate the two, especially since those who make the trailer aren't those who make the movie.
  9. He hasn't. That's right. cause I can tell from the trailer that they are mediocre AMPAS stuff. OK, La La Land looks inspired but the rest is just garden variety of dull family dramas, "important" indies, and feelgood fluff.
  10. Let's just remember, these are the insights of a person who has only seen 2 to 3 minutes of spliced footage of any of these movies. Him making any kind of call on their quality is dubious at best. We can just let him be.
  11. NVM, far smarter people than I have interceded.
  12. As long as they don't just try to tell a story from one the games. Plenty of space for stories of Nate running around being a dumbass over his head murdering bunches of people.
  13. I have a slight feeling we'll see Guardians of the Whills again. We don't need everything only in one movie.
  14. Or that I see something different than you. Plus nothing wrong with my thinking that, not like I'm going to be upset or care if it doesn't turn out that way. It's all in good fun after all.
  15. Same way the games didn't look like a complete ripoff of Tombraider.
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