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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Still hate Branagh as Poirot. But the rest of the cast, plus Branagh as director.
  2. Well, yes. But that's all we have to go on. Either that or the internet rumors about cursed productions, and that it was intentionally removed by the studio due to disturbing imagery.
  3. The question of our age. It was lost in transport. At least that's the official line from the production company. We will never know what was on that final reel.
  4. The highest selling book released in the 20th Century was The Alchemist (150M Copies), by Paulo Coelho, 1988. The highest selling English work was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (107M Copies), by JK Rowling in 1997. More contemporarily in 1939, And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie sold 100 Million Copies, or The Hobbit in 1937 sold 100M. Orwell's most widely sold novel is 1984, released in 1949, which only sold 25M Copies. Released two years prior, The Diary of Anne Frank has sold over 30M Copies. List of Best Selling Books I don't have statistics for how anything sold at the time, but that doesn't matter. What sold the best, over roughly the same amount of time is pretty clear.
  5. Then you can tell me where Orwell is on this chart. Best Selling Authors Can you tell me what Orwell's best selling book was, how many copies it sold?
  6. Your criteria is fluctuant and poorly conceived. How do you compare EL James to Orwell in your TPM to Avatar? Critical success or financial? If critical, there are more authors who are more critically successful more consistently, and with higher marks. If you mean Financially, well there isn't even a question. On both those measures there are authors who are above and beyond Orwell. Rowling would far better fit.
  7. Which would make Christie Queen of the Everest. Highest sales, with highest critical praise.
  8. I am in no way liking this casual equation of Agatha Christie to a 'made in' stamp. >.< especially since her novels are widely and critically acclaimed.
  9. I'll gladly join in and donate 10 dollars if Avatar 2 goes over Avatar WW or DOM.
  10. Didn't work out well with your Dory or Civil War bets. I kid. I kid. I actually agree with this one, it seems pretty impossible to me.
  11. Morgan, if you don't count limited release of Shin Godzilla.
  12. I agree 100%, but it's a governing organization that is trying to rationalize a decision it's made. At that point it becomes spin, and the UN is spinning it to be the Avengers fault, even if reality the events aren't, and we as observers of the events in full can know that. We can't assume the people in the world or UN are as knowledgeable of these events as we are.
  13. If Wanda had kept control of her powers longer she could have moved it higher and none would have died. Her lack of experience and control caused a lot of people to die. That doesn't mean Crossbones isn't responsible as well. And Cap does own his responsibility for having frozen in that moment. He shuts down Ross when he tries to bring up the incident. And let's be honest, even if Cap came out and said it was his fault, everyone would still blame her. Cap is the type of guy to say it's his fault no matter the circumstances and most anyone who knows his public persona wouldn't really believe him as responsible as an individual. Edit: as a brief aside this entire conversation is actually interesting. I am not trying to win or shut anyone down, so apologies if I come off that way.
  14. I think it's the fine line between blame and responsibility. Like Scarlet Witch, she is responsible, she did the best she could, but a lot of people died because of her actions. She should own the responsibility because refusing to would be refusing to learn from it. Now blaming herself is a different matter, and that's on her character. I know personally I'd blame myself, even if less people died because of my actions, people still died. And even if everything else isn't the Avenger's fault, that doesn't mean others don't find them responsible. Most everyone involved in these incidents are dead, leaving the Avengers the only ones standing to receive blame or anger, or anything really. We can argue that they aren't responsible, but let's be honest, the truth has little baring on the matter, and it's all about how an organization like the UN can look like they're doing something.
  15. Perhaps his family is German that moved to Sokovia? So your saying the Avengers should take no responsibility for destruction ando injury they caused if it's in the pursuit of good, or defending a city, or a shadowy organization was willing to do worse?
  16. Cap bantered. And that fight is akin to a bunch of kids play fighting, none taking it seriously. (Outside a few exceptions.) There is a obvious tonal shift when one of the "kids" gets seriously hurt.
  17. You know, because a movie isn't as good as another doesn't make that movie bad. Also, I think only Black Panther took the battle seriously. None of the other characters were serious in that fight. That's obvious by the quipping. Notice the third act fight had no quipping, it was the serious fight.
  18. I think it's the point where I reiterate I do think Lordmandeep is in the wrong, and his actions are criminal. But I also say that he'd probably never have paid theater ticket price for the movies either.
  19. ...My point is that you can't just go X Downloads=X Dollars. even calling it rough is incredibly naïve and it's nearly impossible to quantify how much was lost, because you can't tell the individual motive of the person who downloaded what.
  20. I'd guess he wouldn't have. But guessing by his personality he'd have waited for digital streaming through Netflix where it isn't directly paid for by him.
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