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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Well, also forgetting that more than just the US would have downloaded the movie, so the 8.50 ticket price number would not be a valid metric to use. Even then, how many of those people pirated the movie long after it's release in theaters, or left their home towns and they wished to see it before it was released on DVD? You don't know when they were downloaded, and it's impossible to tell the circumstances or reasons, so trying to make any kind of call on how much a movie lost because of it is a kin Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill.
  2. Case and point: Lordmandeep. I don't think any of us are under the false pretense he would have seen BvS or SS in theaters if he hadn't pirated them.
  3. Because you can't prove that those same people would have spent the 8.50 at the theater if they hadn't of pirated it.
  4. Well, if only Donnie Yen wasn't the most universally praised actor in the movie.
  5. John Wick 2 LEGO Batman Logan Kong: Skull Island Edit: Shit, forgot Split.
  6. I'll refrain from getting too geeky, but yes it is legal, least in the US.
  7. I agree, 100%. I just don't agree with making it a moral judgment, I believe it should be one based on the law. I think it's wrong to pirate movies, and accept I'm in the wrong when I do it. I'd agree it's morally wrong, as well. Just when holding it up to someone else's actions, I'll rely on what the law says, over what my beliefs are.
  8. My point is that morality is subjective, and as you said it's immoral to MANY people, not all people. And I don't really believe in wholesale judging people by my own morality. I'm find with judging based on law, but I know my morals and the law aren't always the same, and I don't hold people up to my own morals, that's impossible to do, and isn't fair to another person. You're equating law and morality. You find it morally wrong, but what you find immoral is not the same as the person next to you finds immoral. Doesn't make Lordmandeep any less a criminal by breaking the law, so how about leaving morals out of this and keep it.
  9. Problem. Considering the ever widening of the internet market place, it isn't difficult to purchase something from another country, even if it isn't officially distributed in yours.
  10. I'm not going to judge someone for actions I've done in the past, and will do occasionally depending on availability of the material for me to find. That said, it is a crime, and you shouldn't do it.
  11. Because morality and legality are two different things. Certainly in the US it's been long held that the legal system should not legislate on morality. To put it another way, it isn't illegal to murder someone because it's immoral, it's illegal because it harms a person that the law is meant to protect. To reverse that, do you view everything that is legal to be moral? Looking back fifty or so years, when it was illegal for a white woman to marry a black man, was that also immoral? Or in the 1920s when it was illegal to drink, was drinking only immoral during those 13 or so years?
  12. Morality is subjective based on cultural standards. It's wrong to impart your morals onto someone else.
  13. It feels good that my comment was used for Little Prince, still my second favorite animated film this year. Even if it looks like stock promo material stolen from twitter.
  14. Huh...Miss Cleo died this year too... It's strange that's my take away from that list.
  15. Perhaps my favorite bit. Though her immediate NO! makes me feel a little bad for Mark, even if it probably wasn't meant to be.
  16. Personally, I'm using it as a way of trying not to think too deeply about what this actually means to me. I'm kind of at tears right now, I'm at work. So I'm using speculation as a way to cope and all that, now that the general pain at work her passing causes has passed.
  17. I'd argue that Rogue One was not done with little effort. With all the reshoots and rewrites and all that. Seems the exact opposite of little effort.
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