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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. I think I've found something more annoying than DCEU v MCU. SW v Avatar is perhaps even more pointless.
  2. @DAR 15 hours later: you aren't the only one who thinks KOTCS is better than TOD. Aliens over hot potatoes.
  3. Was a much faster sithan second time through. Usually it's the opposite for second viewings.
  4. Trailers are always the best part. So filled with hope to potentially good movies.
  5. Looks like I'm taking my mother to an 11 o'clock showing tonight. glad it's Friday for that.
  6. I don't believe he'd be right either. It's an unfair judgment, because calling them bad because interstellar is better is a false equivalency. 40 years of advancement means effects get better, that doesn't make movies made 40 years ago suddenly have poorly done special effects, which is what bad effects means.
  7. But you can't compare it to modern movies. The vfx aren't bad, you can't call them bad because 40 years of advancement as occurred, that's a false equivalency.
  8. I felt Donnie Yen had that. And basically the only character to have any sense of...character.
  9. It feels weird to rank it so low, because it isn't bad. but theres much better in SW. ROJ TFA ANH EMPIRE RO ROTS AOTC TPM . . . Clone Wars Movie.
  10. TFA's a weird beast for me. I enjoy the hell out of it, it's rewatchable and I keep going back to it. But another part of me recognizes that it isn't really a greatly made film, it has flaws that are papered over with fun. It's pretty much how I feel about ROTJ. I'd say RO is a better made film, but I'd put it lower on my SW ranking. Course in the end, I don't care how good a film is, as long as I can enjoy it.
  11. I'm definitely still running on a high watching it with friends. It's a movie that takes a bit of time to get going, but it's more like a large engine needing time to get all thelse pieces together rather than a film with no direction. Characters are over the place in my care field, and it felt obvious certain characters were going to bite it by the end. The fact the movie actually killed all of them is still surprising to me, as well as the audience cheering at the end, after what was the death of all our cast. Which means however good/bad Leia was, it was a pretty important beat to leave on a high rather than a low. Yen was awesome, I liked Jones and her co-star, though felt a bit awkward with their sudden love ending. K was pretty much made the KotOR nerd in me ecstatic. The other characters were there, but the pilot got a real short shrift. Oh, and Two Rebels references. The call forwards and backs were ok, even if 3PO was a tad much. And I'm going to have to look for the character Warrick Davis played.
  12. Wait...what? It did? Holy crap. Think I'll take back the implied snark of that image. Keanu might actually know what he's doing.
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