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Everything posted by Nova

  1. If it finishes in the $780M range after this weekend, it will be hard for it to even get to $900M WW. I think $850M is where it's going to end up because of the releases that are coming out soon.
  2. Why are you bringing Mariah Carey into this? Oh right because she can help BvS Shake it off cause the loving ain't the same.
  3. Exactly. It didn't stabilize last weekend and it wasn't going to stabilize this weekend. The writing was all on the wall.
  4. Melissa McCarthy as Wonder Woman would have brought in the humor that BvS so desperately needs.
  5. This whole re-release thing needs to stop. Seriously. A 3 hour cut to a movie that people didn't like isn't going to solve anything. In fact it's going to make people run the other way. And what makes this whole situation funny is when this movie first came out there were plenty of us talking about how the movie is getting bad WOM and we were shut down because apparently we were being "trolls" and "haters." The only trolls are WB and Zach Snyder who think rereleasing this thing is going to get it to $1B.
  6. Yea is it too late now to say sorry. Cause I know that I've let you down, is it too late to say sorry now. Im just waiting for Ed to respond with "That its too late to apologize, it's too late. I said it's too late to apologize, its too late."
  7. In what way did it "work?" It clearly didn't work since the legs on this thing are terrible. It made a ton of money in its first weekend because it opened at the same time all over the place and since then it's been free-falling. The movie wasn't risky either. It was a poorly made film with no real direction of where it wanted to go. And the more and more people experience it, the more and more people see the movie for what it is...a poorly made film that had so much potential to be more.
  8. ......so what's your point? Yes I'm aware the movie has made money. So have the Transformers movies. So did Fifty Shades of Gray. Should we all clap our hands and throw a parade because a movie with Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman is going to make $800M? However unlike those movies BvS is in jeporady of making half of its box office in its first weekend. What a monster.
  9. A theatrical release of the directors cut isn't saving this movie and by the time it comes out people won't care to go watch it because there are going to be a ton of other movies they can watch instead.
  10. The sixth sense is a lot like Inception where people had to go back and watch the film so they can pick up on things that they didn't understand the first time they watched it. In both cases people walked out saying that the movies were good so they were more inclined to watch it again to better understand. BvS is a movie that many people didn't like or were indifferent to and therefore won't care to go back and watch it to try to understand anything...mostly because who wants to suffer through a 2.5 hour movie they didn't like/enjoy the first time.
  11. I mean it had no competition last weekend and it dropped 69%. Let's throw the "no competition" thing out the window because we all saw how it performed last weekend with the no competition. If a movie isn't good people aren't going to watch it. They'll go spend their money elsewhere.
  12. Serious question. Do you think this launch to their DC world was actually successful? The negativity from the critics, the mixed WOM and the legs for this movie aren't good. Yes sure it's made money but I wouldn't call this a successful launch into their DC world and it puts a lot of pressure for the JL movie to be really good otherwise the other movies after it are Green Lantern toast.
  13. WB is going to release the director's cut right around the time that Civil War comes out. Sorry that's not going to happen. WB specifically moved back Batman v Superman so it didn't have to go up against CW and now that BvS is free-falling and has negative WOM, they're going to re-release it right when CW comes out? I mean I guess they've done dumber things like let Snyder direct BvS and JL after MoS.
  14. It's already at $260M. There's no way it's only earning another $47M. I understand that it's drop was huge but let's not be ridiculous. I think $334M is reasonable maybe under.
  15. In your original post you stated it was great to see BvS get its production budget in its second weekend at the domestic box office. You never mentioned anything about a global box office.
  16. Technically it didn't get anything back since the theaters take 50%. It needs to make $400M domestic in order for it to truly get back its production budget in terms of the domestic box office.
  17. Yea I know. I wasn't talking about this weekend in terms of it losing screens. That's why in an earlier post I said it needs to earn its money now because in a few weeks it's going to lose IMAX and 3D.
  18. IMAX and 3D screens are going to be taken away for sure. You also have to consider that the movie is 2.5 hours long so even if a theater doesn't completely drop the film, show times will significantly decrease.
  19. I guess once the weekly numbers come in we can have a better understanding of where it's headed but an important thing to remember is that this week not many schools are on Spring Break like they were last week so if the weekly drops are high that may just mean a higher weekend end number hence a lower weekend drop.
  20. I think the drop next weekend will be softer than this weekend. It'll prob end up around $23 or $24M which is roughly a 55% drop. I can't see it dropping another 65-69%. That would be too much and it would be a flop.
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