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Everything posted by Nova

  1. It's going to take them sometime to count all the $$$$ it's going to make this weekend. You have to be patient.
  2. Spectre is going to magically "disappear" from the charts. The job was done. Now it's time to close it out so no one notices anything even more suspicious.
  3. The little train that could. I just want to see Deadpool overthrow that Jesus movie. It would be fantastic especially after some churches were telling people not to go see Deadpool.
  4. Exactly. It's just a movie. And I have no problem. My point was that when other users were using CinemaScore to say that the B rating isn't good for this movie, others claimed that CinemaScore isn't a good measuring tool. But now those same people who said it's not a good measuring tool are using it because teens and young adults gave it an A. Why? Because it fits the narrative that the original commentor wanted. If it wasn't a good measuring tool then, it certainly isn't a good measuring tool to use in this case either.
  5. I wasn't questioning anything. The original poster didn't post any information from deadline and just made a comment. So excuse me if I thought he was making assumptions. How SILLY is it that you keep getting offending when someone makes a negative comment about this film...as if you're getting a single penny to defend its honor. Edit: I'm obsessive with these silly arguments and yet you're the one who initiated the argument.....
  6. You know I'll be the first one to admit that I didn't like the film. I've been very honest about that. However I've never let my personal feelings dictate how this movie was going to do numbers wise. But man some of you guys who love the film need to chill out....so some people didn't like the film, who cares. [mod edit]
  7. But when we were using CinemaScore to say it got a B rating, you guys were up in arms that CinemaScore isn't a good tool. Now it's suddenly a good tool because it fits your narrative.
  8. No. As I'm not a teen but the notion that it's gotten an A rating from all teens and young adults is false. And I teach 9th grade biology right now and half my students loved it while the other half hated it so it's certainly not getting an A-rating from teens and young adults.
  9. Who are these teens and young adults? I'm a young adult and I certainly didn't give it an A rating.
  10. Biggest OW for a movie featuring a jar of a goldish brownish liquid like substance...I think this one is the most impressive. That jar totally stole the show.
  11. It's not the biggest global OW. Try again.
  12. Like I said: Reaching with these "records."
  13. You're reaching with A LOT of those that I'm not even going to bother correcting you. Edit: Actually I will. This is a Superman sequel so it's not Batman's nor Wonder Woman's movie. Since when does Zach Snyder get his own category? Another thing: "outside of summer," yea lets stop reaching for these "records." We aren't talking about Brazil or other countries, we are talking about NA. Star Wars and Jurassic World would beg to differ with the "biggest global OW." I can continue but I figured id leave you something since BvS can't do it itself.
  14. What records? It broke a record. Singular. Not plural.
  15. Haha no it's -62% WITH previews. I think it'll land between -62% and -65%. Based on the numbers he gave me last week for BvS I had it opening at $165M and was a million off so his numbers are the real deal....except for Deadpool. He wasn't prepared for Deadpool at all. Like his theater was a shit show of epic proportions. Then again I don't think most theaters in the country were prepared for Deadpool lol
  16. Right in line where my friend sees his theater at this weekend.
  17. Yea. We both have it at -62% but we were trying to really analyze the numbers. Having said that we could be over analyzing and over estimating and the movie could drop 70%. We won't really know if this is a weekend film or not until the weekend actually happens.
  18. I just spoke to my friend who manages the AMC in my area and he said BvS tickets are down 73% from where they were last week. He thinks it's because less people are pre-ordering tickets for this week and more people plan to walk-in so he expects the drop to be more like 65%. (Note I know how Fandango sales are but this info is for his theater only). To put how this theater does it was down 35% from Tuesday to Wednesday so it was a little worse than the national average. So I'd have the movie drop 62% this weekend based on this.
  19. Someone seriously tried to discredit Heath Ledger's performance in TDK and tried to put BvS on the level of TDK. Okay you BvS homers have officially lost it. Heath Ledger carried TDK, won an Oscar for it and his performance is still talked about. The only thing BvS has going for it is the Razzies it's going to collect next year.
  20. If this film performs exactly the way F7 did Thursday and has a similar weekend, it's not getting to $55M. And then you have a similar drop for its 3rd weekend you're looking at a $20M third weekend which would not be good at all.
  21. That first Wednesday is less than Deadpool's. Let the BvS will be under Deadpool talk commence.
  22. While there were a lot more kids than I expected seeing Deadpool, Deadpool was/has been successful because people have gone to watch it several times and it's WOM has been very good. People are still talking about going to see it because they heard it was good. And this doesn't just go for Deadpool. This goes for any film with great legs. You need to have repeat customers and good WOM.
  23. That should say with a good movie JL can make (much) more than BvS.
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