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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Then you need to discredit any study or science based experiment that samples just 400 to 500 people. Is it a perfect science? Absolutely not. But polls and surveys are used all the time on a similar sample size basis to gauge how the public feels. And that 72% rating on flixster coupled with a 7.4 on IMDb shows that the movie is in the B range for the masses.
  2. I don't know what's worse. The topics in this thread or the fact that Kim Kardashian has graced us with her presence.
  3. Ultron did not drop a lot from TA. It made $100M less and it was essentially the same movie. And again please name a DC film that doesn't have Batman or Superman in it that's been a success. You're making assumptions based on what hasn't even come out yet. DC has yet to establish itself in anything not including Batman. Even SS which is supposed to be DC's answer to GOTG is going to have Batman in it. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw Batman in WW too and every DC movie here on out. For all we know every super hero movie from here on out will bomb. To say DC is on the up and Marvel is on the decline is a false statement with little to no evidence to back it up. For every one DC movie that's been a success I can name 3 Marvel movies. It's no secret that DC has been trying to play catch up and until they can prove otherwise they're still several steps behind Marvel.
  4. The shit in this thread is not worthy of your rant.
  5. I'm genuinely confused on how people can sit here with a straight face and say that DC is on the up and Marvel is on the decline. The last time DC tried putting out a movie that didn't have Batman or Superman in it, it flopped harder than a fish on a deck. Meanwhile as I've already stated Marvel is putting out film after film with critical and commercial success. That includes the X-men made by Fox too. And until DC has a string of films that are as successful as the C-list movies made by Marvel, DC will always be playing second fiddle and trying to catch up.
  6. What numbers? How is DC on the up? How is Marvel on the decline?
  7. Meanwhile, Deadpool, a Marvel character is going to make $360M+ which is about 1.5 more than Batman Begins made and is almost how much Batman Begins made period. Apart from Batman and probably Wonder Woman now DC has zero fire power. Green Lantern was such a bust that they don't even know how to reintroduce the character. Superman needs Batman in his sequel in order for him to remain relevant. Meanwhile Marvel is putting out films with their C-list characters and making bank off of them.
  8. Deadpool slaying all your favs with that 9% drop
  9. Like Deadpool is more an Art Film than BvS. That's how much of an art film BvS is.
  10. We've all watched the film and none of us understand what you're saying.
  11. Oh boy. If BvS is an art film we need to redefine what an art film is. Everything that's been criticized about BvS has to do with the art of the film.
  12. And without 3D...I always like throwing that in there lol
  13. Days of Future Past had China and Deadpool is going to out gross it. No one knows how China is going to react to a movie until it drops. I mean Deadpool is looking at $775-800M by the end of its run. Apocalypse may pass it with China but I'd bet on it not passing it and grossing around $700M.
  14. I've been watching the forums the last couple of days with my popcorn in hand. But I seriously can't at people who freak out anytime anyone mentions anything negative about this film. It's like WB put them on their pay roll to defend Zach Snyder's honor. Like chill. It's just a movie that was very divisive and people are now playing the numbers game. There's no reason to take it personal.
  15. It depends. My area had off today as well as other areas near by but then you have schools in certain cities that weren't off.
  16. If I had a dollar for the amount of times that the sad Affleck emoji was used in this thread, I'd never have to go to work again.
  17. Deadline is reporting a 65% drop which would put it at $58M not $75M.
  18. Their numbers don't add up. 65% decline doesnt equal to $75M but rather $58M. Sometimes I wonder who writes these articles for Deadline.
  19. Many of us have stated as such but have been told that we don't understand and that it's a fantastic start to the universe.
  20. Warner Bros wanted the Monday morning headline that BvS is their biggest opener to date. We all knew that once the Saturday number came in it would probably fall short of $170M.
  21. All that money and yet it still opened less than Star Wars and Avengers Age of Ultron. I don't understand how anyone can say that an opening of $166M is what WB wanted when their marketing and the amount of money put forth screams otherwise. Again $166M is A LOT of money but for Batman v Superman and all the hype around it, it's not all that great. Is it bad? Absolutely not. But it's not eye popping either. Oh and I love how THR didn't adjust the opening to the $166M it actually made.
  22. The media is deciding the narrative for this film. It's almost laughable.
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