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Sleeper Hit (5/10)



  1. 110 OS seems too high, If it gets 50M OS opening weekend, then 100M is the max (IMO it will finish in the zone of 85M)
  2. It's seems well below 200M at this stage...
  3. Are there any major markets left for BB or It's already playing everywhere (but China)?
  4. Or: Snyder fans like me don't care about anything that isn't connected to the Snyderverse. Don't talk like you're representing DC fans as a whole. p.s. Saw the moderation post just now.
  5. She spoke about it today on a TV Interview that was aired in Kan channel: She said WW-3 with Patty was supposed to start shooting this month, but obviously it got cancelled and WB promised her that WW-3 will be developed and will stay in good hands. The interview was shot back in June but aired today before the release of 'Heart Of Stone' movie.
  6. The Flash has really great marks in Asia
  7. This movie has so much in it: laughs, action and sadness 😳 First of all: I lost my Mom 11 years ago and my father 6 months ago, so I guess that's why this movie hit me so hard. I knew it will be very funny and action packed, but I didn't expect to cry so much at the end of it. There's one line there that broke me. (in the past the only movies / TV shows I cried on were The Color Purple, Titanic, The Sixth Sense and Buffy's 'The Body' Ep) Maybe people that had personal loss will connect to this movie on a different level cause they really did a great job about the message this movie delivers. It's now my all time new favourite DCEU movie, for me it was such an amazing experience. My DCEU ranking: 1. The Flash 2. ZSJL 3. WW 4. MoS 5. BvS
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