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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 2 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Reaction to RDJ's announcement in Hall H




     I know some people here are not happy about this casting, and some are the usual Marvel detractors. But reception to this news on Reddit seems to be largely positive. Regardless of the reception though, this is huge news and I am seeing a lot of enthusiasm online. IF the Russo's pull off a successful execution, the movie will be huge. As it is the next 2 Avengers have got a huge shot in the arm due to this news whereas earlier the passion was dwindling. 


    This news and the success of Deadpool & Wolverine will tremendously help the next Avengers movie.

    The goal for these movies is to make money and make fans happy. That’s all that really matters. I don’t love the casting either but I’ll be there on preview night so who cares lol. 

    • Like 2
  2. 45 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Deadpool is fine 


    All the Disney / Fox / Marvel jokes are awful. Didn’t really like the many scenes with “homo behavior” used as punchlines as well. Shawn Levy is a bad director. A lot of the plot is useless, it’s very weirdly structured.

    That said, Ryan is always great in the character, really love Hugh. Their dynamics works very well, and the climax is really fun to watch. Also liked a lot the cartoonish physicals gags and violence, it feels the right tone for a comic book adaptation.

    3/5 for me, fun time at the theater.

    This is a pretty spot on review as to how I felt as well. I know why this is gonna make a lot of money as it’s a crowd pleaser but I don’t have any interest in watching it again. 

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  3. Probably best to leave the Snyder stuff alone before the thread turns to toxic. His fans have plenty of stuff to look forward to at Netflix, there’s no reason to even discuss him and dc anymore. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, WebSurfer said:

    I just finished watching an early screening for the flash here in Virginia.


    I had mixed feelings at first:

    The cgi was rough in many areas, and Ezra’s acting felt more awkward than good to me.


    Though, about halfway into it, and near the end, I grew more invested into where the story was going and how everything was going to come to a conclusion. The payoff to everything was pretty good I’ll admit.

    I don’t want to know anything but did you get the version with post credit scenes? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Dragoncaine said:

    He did say early on that it's one of the greatest superhero movies ever, but then in his top 5 list recently it wasn't there. Maybe top 10 for him? Or maybe just promoting the brand with a good movie, but overhyping. We'll see soon enough!

    Ya this is how I phrased it a few weeks back when discussing what Gunn said, it’s probably in his top 10 or 15 and even if it is at that ranking that’s pretty damn good when I think of my top 15 comic book movies I like. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Menor Reborn said:



    He did say it was at least one of the greatest superhero movies ever made. Though again, I don't really think that should be factored into the actual review. 

    I don’t want to start anything in the thread I just kinda wish people would put out their thoughts without that stuff but i understand it’s all about engagement for most of these people so I get it. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, Menor Reborn said:

    I agree that it shouldn't affect the review, but Gunn has said this I thought?

    He said it’s his favourite movie of the year minus guardians cause he doesn’t rate his own movies like that, and said it was one of the best superhero movies he’s seen. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, ThomasNicole said:

    I mean, Warner social media did quote lots of people saying that and Zaslav said it as well 


    I do think is unfair but we could imagine that more serious critics could’ve talk about this type of marketing in their thoughts for weeks now 

    Zaslav never said that, he said “it’s the best superhero movie he’s ever seen”. You can take that in whatever context you want but it’s obvious he was just trying to pump up the movie. It really doesn’t matter at this point cause it’s already been put out there for a while now so I’d expect it to keep happening. 

  9. Just now, belblazer said:



    Literally no one has ever said this and it's the same people creating this content to use it against the movie. It should have stopped by now.

    Zaslav shouldn’t have ever said anything but not much you can do at this point to stop that train lol. People really dislike Zaslav so I’d expect this to keep coming up. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, Eric 2099 said:

    Well, if you use the Report functionalities, that means at least somebody on the staff will be aware and look into the issue. And if you think that is insufficent for whatever reason, then @ me specifically, or another moderator, and I/they will take care of the problem if they think it's an issue or not.


    And speaking of, I have threadbanned both 21C and Willowra for their trolling and conspiratorial nonsense. While 21C's post was reported, it would have been better if you did the action or just tell a moderator the problem, instead of being all "WHY IS NOBODY DOING ANYTHING". We have lives and jobs outside of this forum and we can't be here every waking minute, especially when last weekend we had to deal with another controversial release re: Little Mermaid.

    Thanks for banning a few of them. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    Please explain how that would balloon the budget.


    Do you know the post schedule or are you saying it spent 18 consecutive months with people actually working on post? VFX houses don't work on T&M, they are fixed price bids whether they take 6 months or 24 months. And where did you get the insider information that the movie was pretty much in post the entire 18 months instead of the logical assumption that people worked on it for their parts until done instead of every single day over those 18 months.


    Editing and sound design etc are also fixed fee based on guild contracts unless there's extenuating circumstances for more work than previously decided.


    You can't just say "18 months in post" as justification for any number you want. Please describe how 18 months in post would cause major budgetary overruns. Or are you just parroting something without actually knowing how the movie industry works?

    That’s this whole thread in a nutshell. 

    Everyone is conveniently forgetting how VfX houses have all been so overworked after covid and how many of these movies changed their release dates to accommodate more time for them to do work on their movies.


    Anyways, I’m done responding to those types of posts in here, Twitter and this thread have ruined the lead up to this movie that I was really excited for. I know it sounds juvenile to say that but it’s kinda hard to avoid when here and twitter is basically the two places I frequent the most when I’m online. 

    People can do their gloating when the movie doesn’t make any money or whatever, I’m just gonna watch this and try and enjoy myself. 

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    Sadly it won't cause the DC fanbase is very fractured.
    The biggest mistake was not letting Snyder finish his arc, it will haunt them for years ahead. 
    The new Superman actor will need to deal with a lot of trolls out there.
    I think that Gunn is making a huge mistake as well in casting yet another new Batman instead of waiting for Reeves to 
    finish his Batman stories.

    Nothing against Snyder or his fans as I don’t want to go down that road again but that’s definitely not what’s gonna haunt them lol. 

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Dragoncaine said:

    Regardless of the final quality, I have never seen so many people rooting for a movie to fail in my life. Following The Flash has been so exhausting, and with the amount of vitriol online surrounding every single aspect of this movie, I'm now fully expecting this vitriol to extend to some critics' reviews even if the movie is good.

    Ya this has been a constant as a fan of dc movies over the last decade, granted the company hasn’t done much to help themselves but it is exhausting following certain movies I’ve been excited for, this thread being a perfect example. It’s kinda hard to escape anywhere tbh cause social media is bad as well.

    Oh well, I’m hoping Gunns reboot can change some people’s attitudes towards future dc projects. 

    • Like 4
  14. 4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:
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    No. The after credit scene has apparently been reshot as well, but what I was referring to was the scene that plays before the credits roll. The original ending they shot established that Keaton and Calle are now part of the DCEU, but that’s apparently not what the ending for the finished movie is. I don’t know if you want me to give it away, but people like ViewerAnon have backed this up for what it’s worth. 


    Thanks for clarifying, I remember reading that as well.

    • Like 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, Willowra said:

    ViewerAnon: I’ve heard THE FLASH’s actual budget is closer to $300 million than $200 million. It’s not getting canceled or scrapped to be reshot.


    He deleted this tweet.

    As I said please provide a trade article, you said the trades were working overtime to help WB with their narratives. ViewerAnon is great though, I enjoy following them on Twitter but budgets isn’t normally what I see them tweeting about, more about test screening info. 

    And honestly I’m not even questioning wether VA is right or not about the 280m, I’m just tired of seeing posts from people spouting info without any facts. You said trades in your original post and the trades never said 280m. Maybe that article will come out in a few months also by for now it hasn’t happened. 

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