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Posts posted by cax16

  1. Just now, NamakFiskKa said:


    Gunn is a 1 trick pony since Gotg 2014 , you're low key blindsided by hope of reboot.


    He's no Matt Reeves.

    Gunn is literally recycling the same characters from a 2014 EVERYTIME with diminishing returns. 

    But I think "real DC fans" are too busy reading comics to notice that...


    Literally serving y'all MCU Leftovers for a reboot.

    I didn’t want a reboot so I’m not sure how I’m blindsided ? Maybe it’s you who’s blindsided by your dislike for Gunn

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, NamakFiskKa said:

    Alright do people honestly believe Gunn can measure up to the previous creatives, that is just setting up for disappointment.


    If you're an actual fan you would never wanna let someone like Gunn write even a line for Legacy heroes unironically. At this point just let JJ do it lmao

    Ya you’re right, why would I wanna trust someone who’s probably read more comics then I have in my life and understands these characters probably better then most people. And btw I’ve read Superman comics for over 25 years. 

    Bottom line for me is I trust Gunn, if you or others don’t then don’t watch the movies ( even though you will) or just wait to see what comes of his universe before jumping the gun with opinions on stuff. 

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    This is usually true, but there are instances where we see it translate directly and I think this will be one of them. It's more of a thing where a divided fanbase really negates there ability for enthusiasm to catch fire with the casual fan. 

    The fanbase is and will always be divided for DC until something changes, WB hasn’t handled things well.


    That’s what Gunn and Safran and trying to fix. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    I think you're going to be surprised, this seems like a rather large miscalculation. Cant understate the impact of bringing him back after 5 years and then moving on so quickly. The whiplash leaves an enormously bitter taste. 

    Doubt it. The internet is a loud place that’s doesn’t translate to real life. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, excel1 said:


    Read the responses to Gunn's posts. By far the most liked posts are highly highly negative. 


    I am not going off my personal preference here, just calling it as it clearly is. This has been handled exceptionally poorly by WB. As soon as they allowed The Rock and Cavill to run around telling everyone he is back, this became one of the things Gunn isn't allowed to touch. They have now deflate much of the enthusiasm surrounding their initial hire. 

    I agree with you on this part but Cavill isn’t important enough for them to tell Gunn he can’t touch him as Superman. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    This is actually pretty false. The sentiment the media runs with surrounding a film is largely based off the most favored social media reactions, which are highly highly negative for this. General consensus will 100% be that this was "messy", borderline "controversial" move given fan backlash - that will be mentioned in 90% of the media coverage surrounding the next film. 

    I honestly haven’t seen much negativity tbh, maybe you’re searching for it but I’m not. 

    Sure people feel for Cavill and that’s fine, but no one isn’t going to see a new Superman movie if it’s received well just cause there’s no Henry Cavilll. As much as I liked Cavill he’s been attached to divisive movies his whole time playing Superman. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    Honestly, I think this is a disaster from a business sense. A total utter mess. Gunn is getting beyond roasted on social media. What should be highly exciting news is once again pissing off many in actuality. 


    WB is not going to live this down any time soon. WB allowed the Rock and co. to make such a huge deal of this just 2 months ago. It doesn't matter that WB never formally announced it - they let their major star actors say it over and over. The collective industry entirely bought it and were highly enthusiastic about it. 

    I feel bad for whoever is actually cast as Superman next because an enormous, and exceptionally vocal, faction of the fanbase is likely not going to accept them, or do it highly begrudgingly. Even for the more sane, moderate fans, going from the excitement of thinking Cavill is returning to back to the drawing board is a highly negative swing of emotions. 


    It's stunning how poorly this whole debacle has been handled.

    Take a deep breath, no one cares what people are saying on twitter.


    If you’re a real Superman fan you’re gonna see a new Superman movie, people like to be loud and then they’ll be there opening night. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, filmlover said:

    I mostly wonder what's going to happen to all of the finished DC movies next year (all of which were supposed to come out this year at one point aside from Blue Beetle) with the way they are just cleaning house of everyone from the Snyder era these days. Do they just not follow up on sequels to any of them even if they're successful or are they are more or less going to end up being dump jobs now (especially with the money problems WB seems to be having these days)?

    I’m really intrigued to see what Gunn does, he’s good friends with Levi and Mamoa, he loves Cena and Robbie and his cast from tss and peacemaker, there’s supposed to be a new season of peacemaker and a Waller spin off so it will interesting to see what they announce in January.


    I think Blue Beetle can be carried over, apparently it has no cameos or anything. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    Street Fighter Yes GIF

    Finally! The DC reboot I've been wanting for years is finally happening! I do feel pretty sad for Henry though. But he's a rich white man, so he'll be back in pop culture before long.


    So, now that the 2023 DC slate is more or less collateral damage now, should I start an "Aquaman 2 under $600M worldwide" club now? Seriously, who the fuck would want to waste their money on a dead end?

    General Audience has no idea about this stuff tbh, and plenty of people will still watch these movies if they’re good, and maybe not everything or everyone is getting recast and rebooted. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, GOGODanca said:

    Regardless this is a bad look for WBD, don't tell the guy to announce his return and have all your official accounts post about it when you are in the process of hiring new studio heads who may not want him, get your ducks in order first 

    This is 100% right, what a stupid decision that was to have him announce he’s back. Especially if fucking Gunn has been writing a Superman movie for awhile lol. 

    • Like 3
  11. 10 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Shame really, he was a good Superman and I would have liked to see more of him in that role. He had the perfect body and looks. 

    For me Christopher Reeve is of course the best. Cavill is 2nd and Routh is 3rd (he had the looks and bod but felt too low energy for Supes). I have not seen any TV supermans so cant place them (although Tom Welling is bae 😘

    The guy from Superman and Lois is really good, he plays a really wholesome Clark Kent. 

    • Like 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, Macleod said:

    It's interesting to finally hear from her on all this.  But nothing is "cleared up."  


    Fair reminder that *everyone* is playing their own PR game, here, including Jenkins.  She tells a completely different, vague story than everything else we've been hearing.  Sure, DC is in flux.  Sure, there were scheduling problems.  But how come multiple trade journalists went with the narrative that Jenkins was offered to rewrite and walked away?  Are they all misogynists?  Many powerful men working in Hollywood and Fanboys likely still have "issues" with women filmmakers through pre-existing biases.  And WW84's flopping did this debate no favors.  But I'd like to hope that *some* of these journalists are attempting to curb their biases...  


    Gunn also had plenty of opportunities -- since he's not shy in responding to other points over Twitter during the last few weeks -- to deliver a message of support for Jenkins as a woman filmmaker in an industry that still struggles with them, regardless of whether Gunn was planning on directly working with her on Wonder3.  He could have refuted some of the gossip about Jenkins' meetings with Warner Bros. on Wonder3, or at least supported her as a powerful filmmaker in the business...he hasn't.  Other than his own vague "Some of these things are true, some are not so true..." statement.  


    He could have diplomatically said "Patty Jenkins is a wonderful filmmaker and I'd be glad/honored to work with her in the future."  He hasn't.  At least, that's what I would have done...other than just "liking" Gadot's Tweet.  


    When asked whether he "liked" Cavill, he even said "Sure."  He didn't have to respond at all to that matter...but he did.  


    Considering Wonder3 was a project in active development with pre-existing creatives that were well-loved, at least from the first movie, I'd consider the matter more worthy of comment than the Cavill or even Black Adam situations. 


    Somewhere in between all this the truth lies...  


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