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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I hate a movie that tries to pass itself off as good by repeatedly pointing at other movies and going, "Hey, aren't these classic movies great? Isn't cinema great? Let's have a character watch an old classic movie and marvel at how great it is! Let's have a character watch a kissing montage composed entirely of scenes from old great classic movies and tear up!" etc., etc. Cinema Paradiso may celebrate cinema for how long it wants to, but that doesn't mean it deserves to be celebrated itself. It's flat, boring, has no interesting characters, inspired storylines or memorable moments of its own, and it cheaply exploits the viewer's sense of nostalgia and love for movies that actually deserve to be loved. What saddens me is how many people actually fall for its tricks.
  2. The only part I don't like is that the girl's name is Autumn. A more ordinary name would have suit both her and the movie better.
  3. In any case, I can't see anything less than 175/450 DOM/WW. And I can see 200+/600+.
  4. Weekend number if it follows Taken 2: $47.267m If it follows 2012: $48.772m If it follows Avatar: $50.458m If it follows Skyfall: $50.767m I only picked big non-summer, non-holiday openers with strong internal IMs. Doesn't look likely that Gravity will take down the record, but it's one of those cases where something unlikely/unexpected might just actually happen. Maybe it soars on Saturday.
  5. All emotion that Nuovo Cinema Paradiso provoked in me was anger at how shallow, banal, shamelessly exploitative and ridiculously sentimental it was. It's rare for me to actually actively hate movies, but boy, I couldn't fucking stand that tripe.
  6. I'd love Redford to win, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ejiofor rides the momentum all the way to that stage. McConaughey's win would be his nomination, and Hanks' win would be his first nomination in 13 years. 1. Ejiofor 2. Redford 3. McConaughey 4. Hanks 5. Whoever is the fifth nominee
  7. I never took it that way. What's he supposed to do, never ask any woman out again? He hasn't fallen head over heels for that girl, he's just attracted to her enough to invite her for a cup of coffee. They may have a future together, they may not, in any case, it's simply the next stage in JGL's life.
  8. Y Tu Mama Tambien is also a fantastic movie. Watched it on Monday for the first time and was floored.
  9. I haven't been this giddy and excited to follow a movie's BO run since... I don't know. Skyfall, perhaps? Certainly nothing earlier this year has come close. Go get that money, Gravity. All of it.
  10. It's amazing how much you can get away with when there's no actual blood and gore involved. Even if what we get to see is still some pretty unsettling shit.
  11. I haven't seen Ruby Sparks, but (500) Days deals with the MPDG trope in a smarter way than it tends to be given credit for - the whole relationship ultimately fails because JGL is seeing Deschanel as an MPDG and is blind to her as an actual person, which the movie openly acknowledges. As told from his POV, the movie might begin as a fantasy (although, since it's told in a non-linear fashion, we know from the opening scenes that eventually something goes very wrong), but it ends with the rose-coloured glasses being taken away from him, which says everything about the creators' intentions right there. Something like "Especially you, Jenny Beckman. Bitch" might seem a bit too much (personally I never really cared about that), but overall the quirkiness is part of the point - Deschanel as the exaggerated perfect dream girl exists in JGL's imagination more than in reality, and it's only natural that the relationship ends fairly quickly and they don't get back together at the end.
  12. I made that mistake just yesterday - saw that Wiki article on Tiangong, except didn't read enough of it to realize it's not finished yet, and then tried to claim Gravity wasn't sci-fi. Felt kinda embarrassed when I saw my mistake. (Still, at least we know for sure that Tiangong as it is in the movie can and will exist in reality; we're just a few years away from it.)
  13. I guess in Futurist's world, the only happy ending for a romcom is the one where the guy and the girl stay together, even when they are, like, completely wrong for each other. It's "edgy" and so totally not happy when they both learn from the experience and move on, separately, to better lives.
  14. DOR's first four films are all more risky, interesting, and ambitious, and his first three are also a lot better, than his last two. It seems like Huckabees' failure really burned him badly if he had to take a 6-year break afterwards and resort to making very Academy- and audience-friendly movies. Nothing too wrong with that - we could always use more smart adult movies that appeal both to the public and to the critics - but it feels like he's compromising (looking at you, third act of SLP) whereas back in the day he could afford not to and come up with some really great stuff. Spanking the Monkey is still the best thing he ever did, and I'm still not entirely sure how something like Three Kings could get made for $75 million and then actually make a lot of that money back domestically.
  15. It's not too expensive for this movie. Trust me. Seriously, if I could only see Gravity in IMAX with a condition that I wouldn't be able to afford to go to the cinema again for the next three months, I'd still go see it without a second thought.
  16. I don't see anything stopping it from being a commercial success, in fact, almost everything is working exclusively in its favor.
  17. Err... dafuq is going on here? In the world I live in, The Matrix blew TPM out of the fucking water in terms of VFX. There's a reason its effects were considered revolutionary and it sweeped the technical Oscars. The difference in quality between the movies only grows as years go by - TPM looks more and more like a cartoon, The Matrix still looks fantastic.
  18. Those four look like near-locks to me. Still unsure about Dern. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he got in, but neither would I if he got kicked out by any of the other five guys you mention.
  19. Been listening to the soundtrack for the past few hours and it's beautiful stuff, especially the final three tracks. Until minutes ago I had no idea who this Steven Price guy was, but apparently he contributed to the Attack the Block soundtrack (which is awesome, like everything else about that movie) and also wrote music for The World's End, which I haven't seen yet. Hey, Academy, how about throwing a nomination this man's way? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLNXBVeuJ-g
  20. I don't see that many people being disappointed by it. Honestly, a multiplier less than 3.5x would be surprising to me.
  21. I wouldn't go that far. It always depends on the movie. A lot of great movies that run for over 2 hours surely wouldn't be as great if you cut 30+ minutes out of them. To say nothing of films like The Godfather and Lawrence of Arabia.
  22. I saw it today and it's virtually perfect at 90 minutes. Cuaron deserves immense credit for not stretching anything out, it's a beautifully economical movie. Add 30, 20 or even 10 minutes, and it won't be as effective as it is.
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