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Everything posted by kswiston

  1. That number seems way off given that this thread was reporting a gross in that neigbourhood as of Friday
  2. Why does it have to reach $225M domestic to lock up $700M? Are you expecting less than $20M for the remainder of the overseas run?
  3. The term was originally coined for movies that did huge business like Jaws or Star Wars. Movies that were so popular that people lined up around the block to get into evening shows. The fact that some people use it as a synonym for a big budget movie doesn't change this.
  4. $600M OS is basically the equivalent of $300M domestic. I think that is a pretty high cutoff for what is considered an A-Grade blockbuster. I'd say that $500M overseas is more reasonable.
  5. Iron Man broke 3x just a few months before TDK. Thor 1 and Cap 1 were both over 2.7x, Considering most of the comic movies in recent years have been sequels besides those, I think it is a little premature to be declaring 3x an unreachable goal for future comic films.
  6. Too bad the movie was sort of so so. Also McAvoy's Mr. Tumnus looked like a creeper. My brother used to call him the molester faun.
  7. Still counter-intuitive to click on a link for Dec 2 and get the weekend of Dec 9.
  8. So it did. BOM's links are messed up. Nevermind! EDIT: Still not seeing the comparison though. Catching Fire Dropped 53% in weekend #2. The fact that the percentages line up this weekend could just be coincidence.
  9. Not really seeing the comparison. GOF faced Chronicles of Narnia in its third weekend. A $65M opener in the exact same genre. Catching Fire didn't face any new films this weekend, unless you want to count Out of the Furnace. We'll see where things fall next weekend.
  10. The number we have been waiting for is here: FREE BIRDS: $5.3M Weekend (est) / $48.59M Domestic Total / 3,071 Locations / $1,726 Location Avg.
  11. If Gravity made roughly $9M yesterday, the weekend estimate will be at least $20.5M. No way they let it miss the $200M mark for Monday's papers if it is that close.
  12. If we are talking about people who look younger than they are, Mary-Louise Parker will be 50 next year.
  13. If you want a very rough estimate, divide the Yen total by 100. 1USD ranges from 80-120 yen depending on how strong or weak the dollar is. Right now, the exchange is just under 1 USD = 100 yen. So MU has made around $40M
  14. I don't see how Man of Steel was any less epic than either of those films. It just wasn't as well made/satisfying. The film needed stronger writing and maybe some humor to break up all the seriousness. Not necessarily goofy humor like the Avengers, but even TDK had quite a bit of dark humor from the Joker. Man of Steel was fairly humorless.
  15. I think that just shows that the critical reception on Man of Steel was more mixed than was for World War Z. WWZ got a lot of OK reviews, with fewer gushing/condemning opinions. Man of Steel got more of the extremes.
  16. I can understand the giant Friday bumps, but is there a reason to expect 40-45% jump on Saturday for Man of Steel? I'm looking at jumps on that same weekend during the past 3 years and am not seeing much evidence for it. Not counting a few limited release films, the only 45% jump I see was for Iron Man 2 in 2010, but that was in weekend 8, not weekend 2.
  17. I think you may be focusing more on the 60% drop = bad WOM than the circumstances of this weekend though. Spider-Man 3 had no competition in its second weekend. The #2 film made less than $10M. I'm sure if it was facing major competition, Spider-man 3 would have had a larger drop, but there was nothing else to see that weekend. X-Men First Class had good WOM (reviews were high, IMDB user rating is 7.8, other sites show similar ratings) but still it dropped 56% in its second weekend. First Class was facing one film opening that appealed to a good portion of its demographic (Super 8, opening at $35M). Man of Steel starts this weekend off at a disadvantage. Fathers day boosted the Sunday gross by at least $6M. The second Sunday drop will therefore be larger than it would have been if MoS opened on a regular weekend. Man of Steel also faces at least $100M in competition from the two major openers. WWZ directly plays to the same demographic. Monsters University has some overlap. At the very least, those films will steal some of the third and fourth screens MoS has been playing on in many of the larger venues. A 60% drop with the inflated father's day's totals would be the same as a ~58% drop without them. That's only slightly higher than First Class' drop, and in the face of a lot more competition. I don't think that is a particularly outrageous scenario, especially in light of Wednesday's number.
  18. Fox's EPIC launched w/ $34.2M and an estimated $44M for the 4-day weekend. https://twitter.com/ercboxoffice
  19. What is the record for the most money made by a studio in a single month? Whatever it is, it looks like the record will fall in May 2015 if those release dates hold.
  20. Depends on the reception of the previous film and whether Disney will stick to the Wed/Thurs releases for the franchise.
  21. I'm not sure, but it does have Loki which will give it a clear connection.
  22. Just going by population differences? Multiply by 5 roughly.I'm not sure what the average ticket price in the UK is though.
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