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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Since the 1st Justice League directed by Whedon, DC has put out Aquaman, Shazam, Joker, WW84, ZSJL and now TSS. Only WW84 had mixed reviews. What do you mean by "creates good will"?
  2. Nah... people want to look at any other reason than what's most logical. Covid is once again dominating the news cycle here 24/7 and this movie is free on HBO Max. Someone like me wants to go see in imax but the regular joe and his family is watching this on HBO. i'm almost certain of that.
  3. They have plenty of covid though and when HBO Max releases something what also happens that day.. 1080p pirating. There's just too factors to expect it to be a big hit.
  4. Does anyone in here know what "free" means? The movie is free to stream in 4k. You are comparing it to movies that aren't.
  5. I'm not even sure BW can be a direct comparison. You have to pay $29.99 for premier access on Disney+ that may have led to more people saying if I have to pay that much then I'll just go to the theaters. TSS is free for those who are already subbed to HBO Max and it's $14.99 if you weren't subbed though you then also get the rest of the library for a month. It's overall a better deal than BW anyway you look at it.
  6. Pretty sure i haven't posted here since the pandemic began but i'm loving what i'm seeing from the early reviews. That said, what is considered a "flop" at the box office in 2021 especially for WB movies that are same day release on HBO Max. We know there are going to be millions of people who watch on HBO Max instead of going to theaters with Delta patrolling the streets.. What should TSS really make under those circumstances?
  7. I wouldn't go that far. Yes, Christmas is the new date but who knows. Obviously they weren't thrilled with the TENET numbers even though there's no telling if they were good or bad given the circumstances. There's no easy answer. They have to get the virus under control and that might take another six months.
  8. The only thing I've heard about Mulan from everyone I know is "$30?! I already PAY for Disney+!!" and I think they have a point. I think $30 when you are already paying for the service is steep even if it is for families.. you only keep it if you have the service so it's cheaper to just buy a 4K Blu Ray and own it forever. But with all that said if the numbers are really good then we will find out soon. I'm not sure what anyone does if the numbers are ehh. If you can't make big money on VOD and you can't make big money in the theaters then what do you do?
  9. First big movie out in 6 months with some markets not participating and a lot of people still not going anywhere and people are in here expecting normalcy? Gotta be trolling lol.. I want to see the numbers too but they ain't gonna be normal. Nothing is normal.
  10. Last time I posted on here was March 18th 😄 I'm interested to know the TENET numbers but I don't know how much we are going to learn from them. Lots of markets aren't open, people are still scared and in many cases rightly so.. I'm glad they are giving it a try because I think someone has to give it a try but it's probably going to have to go to streaming soon unfortunately. Is there anyway we are going to find out the Mulan numbers?
  11. I don't think Disney will announce new dates anytime soon. Nobody knows exactly how long this epidemic will last so saying "we're pushing this back to July" would be a mistake.
  12. That's it. CDC is recommending no gatherings of 50+ people for the next 8 weeks. Every movie will have to be delayed now even the holdouts.
  13. So I guess you didn't see the shift once pro sports leagues suspended their seasons, an athlete was a confirmed case and Tom Hanks? The stock market sure saw a shift... Onward wasn't tracking that well for OW, performed to the tracking and then when it became clear on Wednesday that everything was shutting down it was over..
  14. Onward's OW didn't suffer because of the outbreak. Nobody in the U.S. started taking the outbreak seriously until Wednesday. I don't think it was poised to have a big run regardless.
  15. Disney botching Star Wars as they have is almost as incredible as their Marvel run of success.
  16. So we should still be talking about Solo? How long should it be a topic of conversation? How many times can it be said "it failed to reach expectations" ... the box office run is done. There's no going up or down we know what the finish line is.
  17. Okay, what were the expectations? Everyone knew it wasn't doing over $700M like Suicide Squad. I saw some people saying $500M but even that was unrealistic. I think Shazam or slightly above Shazam numbers is a sound prediction and that's where I had it. So it's definitely underperforming but not even close to something like how Solo underperformed... That's why I think it's getting into "trolling" territory because at the end of the day it's going to finish around $100M-$125M under fair expectations which happens all the time..
  18. It is likely trolling because if it wasn't attached to the "DC" name people wouldn't still be discussing it's run. It's a no brainer. The hot takes of "DC is in trouble" follow.. pretty standard per this forum's discourse.
  19. Both of those look pretty weak.. I'd had been surprised if either broke out.
  20. So WB receives a cut of the deal but has no say in the distribution? Will Sony TV always control it?
  21. Interesting indeed.. this is why I felt it was such a smart play for Netflix to produce their own content because once it's yours you can sell it and resell it again and again.. I'm sure Sony TV probably didn't know back then exactly what they had but now they are in a position (and WB too) where Seinfeld is going to make them millions and millions for the foreseeable future.
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