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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Okay so you have Mulan, WW84, No Time to Die and BW all coming out within a few months... Where do they fall 1-4 domestically?
  2. Yes it's still #1 and it's not even close. For months the NBA dominated social media discussion with all the trades and free agency moves with popular players and the NFL was barely discussed on social media and talk shows. Fast-forward to the actual games and the NBA ratings are down 20% and the NFL ratings are doing very well. It's another example of why you can't rely on social media metrics. This ties into WW84 because I think you'll see that once the actual movie comes out and it's June and there's little competition, the butts will be in the seats and nobody is going to be concerned about teaser trailers views.
  3. Social media means nearly nothing. NBA for example dwarfs NFL in a lot of areas but it does not correlate to popularity. NBA has a lot of younger viewers that stir discussion. In music there are artists that have millions of followers and can't sell 20,000 albums in a week.
  4. Wonder Woman had no hype.... how quickly we forget. People on here were expecting maybe $75M OW and some thought even less. $100M was the absolute best possible scenario and then it ended up doing a shade over that which everyone thought was a huge win for it. Nobody expected what was to come. Why? Again.. because there was no hype at all. WB was already shifting gears in the DCEU, Snyder appeared to be on the way out, all those stories were out there. In a way, Wonder Woman saved WB and DC and started the run they are on now. Also, what competition is this even going to have? BW is out a month prior and I can tell you right now Fast & Furious 9 has no hype domestically. Sadly, it's a fading franchise here in the states. Mulan, BW and No Time to Die all come out back to back to back well before WW84 is in theaters. Is Top Gun going to set the world on fire?
  5. There's nothing "concerning" about trailer views. Trailer views are spread across the internet on every form of social media but even then I talked to a few people tonight who had seen the trailer for the first time on television. They aired it during I think maybe MNF or something, I also seen it the night before during the special episode on Supergirl. WB is getting it out there and it's only December. This comes out in June, middle of Summer... the only thing that can stop it is if it's not good.
  6. When are some of y'all going to stop underselling WB/DC as a franchise? First, WW84... great trailer, I loved the music and Diana looks awesome. But as for the box office.. Most here said Aquaman was going to do around $600M worldwide and it ended up doing $1.1 billion. Most here said Joker was going to do around $500M-$600M and it's right around $1.05 billion. DC/WB is not some small little franchise just trying to make a buck. It's a juggernaut and if JL wasn't blundered it would have been on par with other team up movies.
  7. There's been a lot of "kids movies"/Disney talk on here lately since the Scorsese comments and people coming out of the woodwork to defend those types of family films pointing to the reason why there aren't more "Irishman" type movies in wide release is because "nobody" wants to see them... Besides the fact that I think The Irishman would have done well, it's not even as easy to just boil it down to four quadrant and "adult.." because there's many other factors at play. I remember when Tarantino had a deal to play The Hateful Eight in L.A. and Disney came to the theater and said no, we want you to play Star Wars through the holiday season and if the theater did not give into the demands then no theaters in the arc chain would be able to play Star Wars.. these are the types of practices that have gone on and made it harder on other types of films.
  8. Attacking people who don't care about Frozen and pointing to how it's four quadrant is a roundabout way of saying adult movies don't belong in theaters.
  9. This is my issue with this discussion. Yes, Frozen can be enjoyed by kids, families and even adults without kids, etc. It can be enjoyed by everyone. However, a movie like Frozen or any Disney property really is not going to touch on a lot of adult issues that children simply cannot comprehend and that's why there is a need for studios that WILL produce that kind of content. People who act like "nobody" wants adult themed films are out to lunch.. there is obviously an appetite for it and Joker was just one example of that this Fall. So please... miss me with this idea that because a movie isn't four quadrant that it shouldn't be made and if you don't think that's what you are saying, that is essentially what you are saying by attacking people who want those types of movies and less Disney.
  10. Just like to point out that when Aquaman did 1.1 billion there were a lot of people on here trying to downplay those numbers also. Don't believe me check the OS thread in this very forum. I wonder why...
  11. Matrix 4 has no shot at a billion. The sequels were mixed reactions at best and it's been far too long now since the original Matrix exploded on the scene. I'm not saying it won't do very well but don't expect it to do crazy numbers. Deadpool 3 we don't know if it'll get made and if it does get made I don't think Disney will go for rated R.
  12. I think it's obvious which ones will be hits and which ones won't be. MCU and likely DC/WB productions will be hits and probably regardless of quality. Anything else is a toss up. None of it will have anything to do with "fatigue".. Some brands are trusted and some characters will always put people in seats. Others have to sell on the idea that the movie is good.
  13. I thought there would be more discussion about Joker crossing the billion mark today. Quite the achievement.
  14. I'm seeing a lot of "most profitable" ever tweets about Joker. Is this really the most profitable CBM? What were the costs on Endgame?
  15. There's a lot of misinformation in here. 1. If you already have HBO through AT&T/DirecTV or HBO NOW, you will get HBO Max at no additional charge. It's also expected that AT&T wireless consumers will get HBO Max if they have unlimited data. HBO isn't going to slash their base at all with this move. 2. HBO will end up making the same type of deals for their overseas base. 3. Netflix realizes how important "background noise" is they have all of the data and see how important Friends was. That's why they bought the streaming rights to Seinfeld. That's just the first of their purchases. They are obviously making a play for more content beyond their originals.
  16. I don't think some people like to factor in how different a landscape for a rated R film is. Most big moneymakers these days are movies that touch on the 13 and under crowd. Kids. No, I'm not saying anything that we don't already know but there are zero kids at Joker. When you remove children you are removing the key demo from the equation. Joker's run even in NA can only be described as outstanding.
  17. I was around for Matrix Reloaded. It was a big story. Joker is doing one billion without China and is headed towards awards season. Joker is still ongoing but between what it's already accomplished and what the future holds, I believe it's bigger than Matrix Reloaded.
  18. Not just that but it's disingenuous to speak on 1 billion dollar gross films and not speak to the fact that China was not involved in this. How many billion dollar movies are there without a China release or a significant portion of the gross coming from China?
  19. It's not 'nonsense' if you can discuss this rationally. Joker is a way bigger story than Matrix Reloaded and everything else you said. I didn't know the Matrix series was part of the "franchise war" thread, we are discussing numbers and profitability is part of that.
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